You know, the ones that no matter how hard you try, you still seem to be at the end of your rope? Those are the weeks where the tiny things that are normally no biggie completely overwhelms you.
At some point you kind of give up on life temporarily...
...and then you sulk.
(and you're totally okay with it.)
That's where I'm at this week. I've let everything pile on to the point where it crushes my spirit, and takes away from my generally happy/always optimistic personality. And then I get to asking, "who is this crazy lady?"
After awhile, the temporary gratification of wallowing fades, and it's in that moment you realize life is too short to be not see the beauty.
That's when you have to choose to be happy...
I read an incredible quote that I fell in love with, and it led me down a more joyful path today. Maybe it will offer you some encouragement too...
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it,
change your attitude.”
- Maya Angelou
Change your attitude.
My attitude is pretty terrible?
Woah, talk about wake up call.
So I may not be able to fix a given situation, but I can choose how I want to view it. I can decide to let it roll off my back or let it get me down.
Well, I kind of like that idea, although it sounds easier that it is. And I don't think a lot of people like to talk about how choosing joy in any circumstance is hard. Because it takes some courage to do that.
But you know what?
It's totally doable.
We have the strength to power though.
So today, I'm focusing on changing my crappy attitude. I will choose joy today, and it's not easy. But I've made myself a happy list of things that make life great.
{ My Happy }
+ a sweet puppy dog kiss when I woke up
+ light traffic
+ my mom was super thoughtful and made me green smoothie for breakfast
(and organized my WHOLE room yesterday!)
+ minimal e-mails in the work inbox
+ warm coffee
+ date night = watching an animated movie in our sweats
+ parentals took the pups to their haircuts
+ parentals took the pups to their haircuts
+ an encouraging "I love you" text from Adam
+ wedding shower this weekend
+ sleeping in and time to workout
+ a realization that at the end of 37 days, no matter what happens,
I get to marry my best friend
+ super bowl party sunday at the almost in-laws
+ antigua is waiting for me
+ pay day is Friday
As I reflect on my humble little blog, I am just blown away by the friendships I've made, and the encouragement I've gotten from my blog friends.
It's incredible that you visit. It's heartwarming to the core that you leave comments and send e-mails because you care.
You truly brighten up my spirits and make life fun.
Thanks for being you.
...and thanks for adding to my happy.
May you find courage and joy for whatever struggles you're facing today, dear friends!
You are loved.