"Hellllooooo from the other siiiiiiddddeeeee!"
After getting through two fasciotomy surgeries in September and December to fix my chronic exertional compartment syndrome in both legs, I am slowly on the mend.
Emphasis on the slowly.
Emphasis on the slowly.
Happy to be back in blog land, a place I love so much, and hear from all of you! It's been weird taking quite a break, but I very much needed to focus on my health and healing... and watching all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. *insert that monkey emoji with it's hands over it's face here*
I've spent my days doing some wildly exciting things, including but not limited to...
+ counting how many squirrels I saw on our deck
+ taking an embarrassing amount of photos of our dog
+ pinning all the things I can possibly pin on Pinterest
+ crushing Hallmark Christmas movies
+ painting my nails a different color every few days
+ playing 4,298 games of Farkle
+ giving Adam a play-by-play of how many cars were at our neighbor's house
+ reading home safety tip articles, freaking out, and then purchasing $200 worth of fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide alarms, and deadbolts (I may or may not have gotten in trouble for this one! Hahaha...)
I've spent my days doing some wildly exciting things, including but not limited to...
+ counting how many squirrels I saw on our deck
+ taking an embarrassing amount of photos of our dog
+ pinning all the things I can possibly pin on Pinterest
+ crushing Hallmark Christmas movies
+ painting my nails a different color every few days
+ playing 4,298 games of Farkle
+ giving Adam a play-by-play of how many cars were at our neighbor's house
+ reading home safety tip articles, freaking out, and then purchasing $200 worth of fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide alarms, and deadbolts (I may or may not have gotten in trouble for this one! Hahaha...)
(read: someone get me out of my freaking house!)

As hard as it was to recover from one surgery and start rehab, and the turn around and do the other leg, I couldn't possibly have asked for a better support system.
First of all, my husband Adam has been my rock through this whole thing. From getting up throughout the night with me to make sure I was up on my pain meds, to the very sexy tasks of helping me bathe or get around in the restroom (#marriage - ha!), he reminds me that his unwavering friendship and love carry us through the toughest of times. Adam is by far the greatest blessing I have ever been given and I'm so thankful for him.
Second of all, my family and friends have been incredible. From my sweet friend Sarah organizing not one but TWO meal trains for us, to the wonderful people cooking/delivering meals to our home during the busiest time of the year. We even had friends traveling in Europe right now who sent us a delivered meal while they were gone! Both of our families have made it very easy to spend Christmas at their houses and were constantly checking on me to see if they could make me more comfortable when not in the comfort of my own home. Everyone has been so selfless and it's incredibly touching.
Lastly, my co-workers, boss, and staff are amazing. It's not very easy to have someone away from work for more than 4 weeks, and many have been asked to fill in and take extra tasks in my absence. Not only have they been so supportive, but they've also checked in with me and have made things as easy as possible when I've been back in between surgeries.
And thanks to you all for even clicking on this humble little post and being interested in my recovery, even though my blogging has been intermittent at best these past 6 months. I am so excited to catch up, share, and connect!
Overall, I am so thankful to have found the source of my pain from the last 2 years and have a solution. I am ready to work really hard in physical therapy, even though it is really hard and uncomfortable most of the time, but I am antsy to be able to exercise again. How exciting to think about the first time I will get to go on a run (which I love!) for the first time in years, lose the weight I've gained, and feel more like myself.
Cheers to good healing and new beginnings!