Alrighty friends, I'm back!
Thanks for all your sweet messages wondering where I was. I thoroughly enjoyed my time off for Christmas, and it was a much needed break from being so plugged in!
Did everyone have a good holiday? Did Santa come visit you?
Well, I had an awesome Christmas with my family. Adam and I drove down to Wichita to enjoy time before the holidays together at my parents house. He left right before Christmas Eve to head back to KC with his family.
If you were wondering if I was a good girl this year... well I was! I was absolutely shocked to have received this beauty from Santa...

This is something I definitely didn't ask for, but was very appreciated! I feel like such a big girl, especially because I've only had the same ancient TV that I got when I was in 7th grade.
Seriously. My shiny new addition is currently sitting on the world's smallest beat-up wicker table. It's GOT to go! Now all I want to do is go furniture shopping for a cool table for my pretty TV to sit on. This is my current inspiration...

I would love an over-sized table/console that can not only house my TV but pretty decor too! Naturally, I'm in love with all things Crate & Barrel/Pottery Barn, but that may be a little too pricey. There are a few local shops having good sales this week...
Anybody have any other suggestions?!