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May 21, 2010

Sweet Weekend Wishes

Time to get out of this city and mini vacation it up for a bit! I couldn't be more excited to be headed to Wichita with BF for the weekend to celebrate our dear friend's birthday...

{ Happy Birthday, Matt! }

roadtrip + time w/ family + great conversation + madam & mourt
memory making + b-day party + zoo visit + settlers of catan
sunday brunching + yummy food + lots of smiles

Weekend Bliss.

{ ...can't wait! }

Wishing you a yummy weekend!


  1. AnonymousMay 21, 2010

    have fun!
    and i love that picture :P

  2. those look so yummy! :)

  3. Those look awesome!! I want some :D

  4. Those look so good! I hope you have a nice time; I love a good road trip!

    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog.

  5. Jealous, sounds like you are going to have so much fun!

  6. Sounds like fun!! Have a great time :)

  7. I just found your cute blog on 20 something bloggers...are you a Jersey Girl too?

    PS. stop by and follow :)


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