Needless to say I am signing up tomorrow.
A super friendly, trustworthy co-worker of mine will be keeping track of each person's weight. All participants have to weigh in every Tuesday morning one-on-one with her. At the end of the competition, the person with the highest percentage of weight loss wins the loot!
My motivation: I have a teeny weeny blue bridesmaid dress to wiggle into in t-minus 18 days [...and this sucker is tight]! I figured the worst thing that could happen is I lose the competition and kiss $50 goodbye. BUT the very best thing(s) that could happen is/are WAY better:
1) I could [finally] get down to my healthier goal weight
2) Feel freaking fantastic in my dress
3) Gain back my self-confidence
4) Earn office bragging rights
5) Win $600!!!!
The office Biggest Loser competition is 4 weeks long and I plan on keeping you posted! Your encouragement and accountability mean a lot to me and I'm excited to get back to my healthier, full of confidence self!!

...What would you do with $600?
Wish me luck!

How exciting! Go win it, girl!!