...I do too.
Usually I borrow hubby's laptop at home to blog in the evenings, but he has that with him on business this week. Other times I use my work computer during my lunch break for a little creative posting time, but lately I've been working through lunch to catch up from being gone!
So, trust me, I totally feel like a failure, but I will be a blogging fool this weekend and will have tons of posts next week guaranteed. Thanks for sticking with me!
In other news, the weekend outlook is bright...
Looking forward to...
+ living in my yoga pants
+ a quiet Friday night at home
+ renting Catching Fire and Dallas Buyers Club
+ Saturday morning Zumba
+ my hubby coming back from Spokane
+ enjoying our clean house
Excited for these little adventures...
+ doing some DIY projects for Adam's 30th bday
+ cooking some new seasonal recipes
+ making more of the delicious honey roasted peanut butter I'm obsessed with
(recipe coming soon)
Thankful for these simple things this past week...
+ family time
+ walking dates with friends and pups
+ sunshine and spring weather
+ relaxation time and organization
// What things are you thankful for this week? //

I like your weekend plans! Hanging out in yoga pants and watching movies sounds lovely!