Sooo my hairstylist, who I happen to really like, recently increased her prices. At first I didn't think it was going to be a problem - perhaps a $5 - $10 fluctuation - but woah nelly was I wrong!!

She is now charging $95 for a partial colorweave (aka: highlight/foil) and $150 for a full!
Absolutely ridiculous!
I typically get my hair done every 5-6 weeks, so this insane pricing is not going to work. My only problem is that I finally found a stylist I love. I kind of think it might be time to do a little shopping for a new, equally lovable stylist, don't you think?
I know we all live in different parts of the country (so there is a price adjustment by city/avg income), but how much are you paying for yo' weave?
Frazzled in KC...

I'm not sure what colour weaving is... but for foiling here (is that the same?) $150 is considered a good deal!
ReplyDeleteThat is expensive, and about what I pay. I, however, learned to highlight my own hair in-between professional colorings. I went to Sally's and got a highlighting cap and L'Oreal Cremelights. The lady's at Sally's can help you. I can get away with going to the salon about every 4 months or so now (mostly to get low-lights weaved in to break up the blonde and fix the highlights). My natural hair color is a light ash brown and I've currently got all over light blonde highlights. It is so worth it to learn to do it yourself, even if it is tasking, a little risky, and very time-consuming. At least I have control of what I want!
ReplyDeletemy girl isn't that much, it cost me 80 last time I went in and she lightened my hair more (I'm bleach blonde) and trimmed my hair and new extensions. And I'm in socal. The problem is everyone that goes to hair school is already thinking of how soon they can raise theyre prices and be super successful. Youtube hair tutorials so you can do your own hair every other month so that way your stylist just has to make minor adjustments and cuts
ReplyDeleteOk, I have gone to many hair places over the years. Some small, some big, some full service spas and some were super nice and super expensive. When I was in high school I got a lot of heavy blonde in my hair. It was nothing for me {i mean, my mom} to drop 120-150 on my hair and that was with a discount cause my mom always has a friend that does hair. that was also my whole head too and i had long hair. I started using a neighbor for awhile and she charged me like $60 and eventually 75 {for partial}. I now use a small but nice salon near my house and I live in a more rural community outside of the burbs so let me tell ya, there isn't a lot of choice. I loooove my hair stylist too and she recently went up $10 from $65 to $75 for partial {which covers most of my hair anyways cause it's shoulder length}. good luck... I get mine done every 6 weeks and I understand how it drains ya.
ReplyDeleteMy future sister-in-law is amazing and charges almost exactly what yours is now charging...But only reason I can "afford" to go to her is because I get a family discount! *But* I think my SIL's work is worth the prices so if you think your stylist is worth it, I'd save up for it and maybe stretch out the time inbetween your visits a little!
ReplyDeletefound you from 2osb and I m really looking forward to reading most of your blog!
ReplyDeleteI actually just wrote about something similar on my blog last night -
ReplyDeleteI pay just $150 for a bleach & tone plus a deep conditioning treatment every 4-5 weeks. Its a little on the expensive side because I live on the Eastside in Seattle. My stylist is totally worth her weight in gold though.
for highlights all over my hair i pay $85. i usually give mine a tip though, so it ends up being $100 with the tip. i only get my hair done every 3 or 4 months or so though, so the price doesn't hit me as hard. maybe try to stretch it out an extra month?
ReplyDeleteYIKES! have you thought of asking friends whose hair you really like where they go?
ReplyDeleteWhen I moved to a new city, I started going to Regency Beauty Institute. The stylists ARE students, but they're supervised the entire time. They won't put color in your hair without consulting with a professional first! I've been really pleased with the results. A full foil costs $45-$60 (depending on the number of colors you use). I recommend checking out some beauty schools around you...if you don't like it, it won't be a huge waste of money!
ReplyDeleteI pay $6 for the box at WalMart. I usually darken my hair once every other month (but I've decided that this month I'm going LIGHT BROWN! eeek) and I do my friend's hair once a month (she's a light blonde) straight out of a box and it looks fab. It's definitely a treat to go to a professional, but maybe you can do it less often and use an at home in between!
ReplyDeleteI can get a full highlight and a cut & out the door with a tip for under $175
ReplyDeleteI pay $90 for a full-head two-color weave and cut. I get mine done every 6-7 weeks. I hadn't thought about it too much until I was teaching my daughter about budgeting and I filled in the "salon" visits. I groaned. I would have to stop coloring my hair if she raised her rates to $150.
ReplyDeleteStef at
Well, I live in SF, so those prices don't sound bad at all to me. :) I love my hair stylist and have been seeing her for 6 years, so she gives me deals. But still I pay at least $150 for full highlights (she charges me $65 for a hair cut/trim, which I think is a discounted price but still expensive, I think).
ReplyDeleteThen again, I literally get my hair colored twice a year.
Hope you find a solution soon!
I pay $145 to get my hair done which includes highlights to the top and the added red color on the bottom and the cut. I don't mind spending the cash because I know it's always going to turn out the way I want it and that's totally worth the price
ReplyDeleteI don't go crazy with my hair..just usually need a good cut to re-shape the do. I was going to a GREAT girl who only charge me $25 for a wash/cut/style. And I always walked out feeling like a million bucks!
ReplyDeleteThen she went and got married and moved away to KY. My heart was broken. I still haven't found a good enough replacement..truthfully, I'm not sure I ever will.
Your post just made me appreciate my colorist/stylist a little bit more. I pay $115 for a cut & full foil highlights. $115 includes the tip!
ReplyDeleteMy hairdresser trims my hair and colors my hair (all over) or just my roots and I only pay $120! So, your girl is getting kinda pricey! Sorry girl :( around.....WAY TOO MUCH!"
ReplyDeleteHowever, what do I know. I am currently sitting her with a "Clem Kiddle-Hopper hairdo (probably way before your time - Red Skelton). Also, I only get my hair done just before Christmas and just before summer. kt
I charge $125 for a partial highlight and cut ($90 phl, $35 cut) and $160 for full highlight and cut ($125 fhl, $35 cut) and my prices are low to average for salons in my area (SF Bay area). I haven't changed my prices in over 2 years, but many stylists do regularly because their experience and time become more valuable (to them) as they go along in their careers.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to continue seeing your stylist, I suggest stretching your appointments out to 8-10 weeks, and have her weave in some fine strands of your natural color, or a darker low light, to break up your blonde and make the out growth less noticeable in between appointments.
I do not suggest highlighting your own hair. I have fixed more than my share of at home oopsies that lead the client to my chair in desperate need of help.