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June 14, 2010

Bringin' Sexy Back

Result time is here! Do you remember a month-ish ago when I told you about my work's Biggest Loser competition...?

Well, today was weigh in day! Although I did not win the entire jackpot, i am still super proud of myself...

{ GOODBYE 8 lbs! }

It was so much fun and such a good motivator, so we decided to do it again! We have 7 weeks this time, so I have a good chance. No more medical issues and yucky inflammation and retained water as a result.

{ Look out world... I am the biggest loser! }

PS- I went to try out a ZUMBA class tonight, and WOW - It kicked my butt... I LOVE IT! I'm totally hooked and excited now! Bringin' sexy back one cha-cha move at a time!

17 measly pounds to go and counting... HECK YES!


  1. AnonymousJune 15, 2010

    Hey, 8 pounds is 8 pounds! Take it! =)

  2. I have yet to try Zumba but I want to! I started the first day of Insanity and it lived up to the name! Congrats on the 8lb loss! I gave you an award today beautiful!

  3. You go girl! Motivate us all please!
    Just gave you an award on my blog, congrats :-)

  4. Zumba baby! We might have to be wheelchaired into work, I was starting to get sore on the way home! :) Awesome job on the 8lbs girl!!!!

  5. Yay! Congrats on the 8lbs =)

    I am actually thinking about trying a zumba class but I don't work out at all, so I don't know if I'd be able to keep up.

  6. AnonymousJune 15, 2010

    I've lost eight pounds in the past four weeks too:) I am trying so hard to lose 52 pounds!! I'm a new follower and can't wait to see how you do:)

  7. Yeah for Zumba. I discovered it before it was popular and haven't stopped doing it since 2003! Greatest thing ever!

  8. AnonymousJune 15, 2010

    Good luck with Zumba. It's fun but the one class I went to I sprained my ankle and haven't tried it since.

  9. congrats! I hope you win the next one :)

  10. Congrats on the weight loss! Kick BUTT in the next one too!

  11. im trying zumba for the first time next Monday! i think i am going to like it but i dont know it i can fit it in reguarly! i really recommend The Harcombe Diet as a healthy and easy one.x

  12. Woohoo! Nice work! :) Stick with it, girl! You're giving us all motivation! ♥

  13. I just tried Zumba for the first time! It kicked my but too =( going to keep at it though!




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