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June 15, 2011

Let Wedding Pallooza Begin!

Hey there, dolls!
Having a decent week so far? The good news is it's more than half way over... yeah buddy! Well although this is Wednesday for all, today is my Friday. After work I am jetting off to my best friend's wedding with BF, and hanging with my family tonight...

{ pretty excited! }

This is a pretty special wedding for us to be a part of. My bestie and Adam's cousin were actually the ones that introduced us almost 2 years ago, so they have a very special place in our hearts.

I have so much to do before we head out tonight! Luckily I have most things packed, but I am a little anxious/antsy about my FIRST spray tan ever...

Has anyone spray tanned before? Advice? tips?
I don't want to look like this:

Anyway, onto the fun stuff...

I'm pretty excited about wearing my new gorgeous Banana Republic dress (the photo doesn't do it justice!), bright pink cardy, and chunky gray beaded necklace to the rehearsal tomorrow night...

Paint my nails this gorgeous romantic shade...

...and get my bridesmaid do for the wedding. I love this Carrie Underwood soft updo, don't you?


Looking forward to a great weekend!! If you have any spray tanning tips/bridesmaid advice please pass it along! ;)

What are you up to this weekend, loves?

PS - Do you have an Etsy shop or need to advertise?
You're in luck! I am currently accepting a limited number of sponsors and offer extremely low/affordable rates! E-mail me at megnificentlife [at] gmail [dot] com if you are interested! Hurry - spots fill up fast!

PPS - Don't forget to drop by the Mingle Monday Blog Hop... open 'til Friday! Get your name out there, girls! ;)


  1. Spray tan advice.. I love spray tans and get one about once a week! It depends on your skin type, but you can do one of two kinds: versa spa or mystic. I go for versa spa because it doesn't turn me orange... Mystic has allegedly improved their technology (but I haven't tried it out yet).

    Also, go with the lightest shade they have the first time.. be sure to ask them all their tips and tricks (I could probably write a novel..) but most importantly put the barrier lotion on as they ask you to. I also recommend getting the "prep" layer before hand.

    I am flying out tonight to be in a wedding this weekend as well - got my spray tan last night to prepare :) Love the hair do too! I am going with something similar.. although I have a lot less (finer) hair to work with!

  2. I just got BACK from a beautiful wedding (I rocked my north of the country tan though, so I can't help you!), and it was so much fun to join that wedding party.

    I'm loving the Carrie Hair!

  3. Hope you have a great time!
    I usually go Versa Spa in the medium tone - you can do clear or tinted. I would recommend clear. Also, if they have a lotion of some kind to rub on your palms and bottom of your feet- DO IT.
    All in all I'm fan- it just takes a few times to really get the hang of it!
    Happy Wednesday!

  4. Love the dress, nail polish and the hair do :)

    Have fun at the wedding.

  5. lovee that pretty dress! have a fantastic time :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  6. AnonymousJune 15, 2011

    i love the dress, and carrie's hair is so great!!! and probably pretty easy to do on anyone!

  7. I've done spray tans a few times, but it's always been airbrush, not from a booth. It's a little unnerving to have someone spray you as you stand there in your skivvies, but you get over it.

    It's good that you're doing it on Wednesday. I got mine done Thursday both times for a Saturday wedding and I thought I looked too dark. Make sure you exfoliate! I had a patch of dry skin on my arm and the spray didn't take, so it looked blotchy. And wear LOOSE clothing!

    I'm sure you'll look fabulous!

  8. Well you've gotten lots of comments on the spray tan and maybe you've already had it done. I've had mystic twice and both times i found the colour really unnatural on me. And I found areas that I missed toweling off and had drip marks. Classy, eh?

    But I do love that updo!

  9. Yes! I did a spray tan the first time last month and I am hooked. Follow the other commenters advice; exfoliate and shave before you go and you should be golden. And take the advice the tanning staff gives--they should know! But enjoy being brown in a healthy way :) Totally worth it! That nail color is so sweet..I realize that's an odd thing to say about a color, but that's the first thing I thought.

    Enjoy your wedding weekend!

  10. I mystic tan once a week. I love it, but it takes a few times to get it right. I only do a level 1 and it's not too orangey. Use lots and lots of barrier cream on your hands and feet. And get a spray tan in a can to touch up the next day.

    I was my sisters MOH over the weekend. I hope you enjoy the wedding as much as I did. I love the updo and the nail polish!!!

    (P.S. I'm a new follower!)

  11. I just got that nail polish color today! So pretty!

  12. AnonymousJune 20, 2011

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and I truly hope you will have a blessed week!


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