Lately I'm thankful for secnic walks to the mailbox.

For front door surprises that turn into morning chirping a nest full of feathers.

For weekends spent with this handsome devil and how much our pup loves her daddy.

For cabin weekends full of sunsets and time spent around the table with the ones we love most.
For quiet patio mornings and tasty smoothie bowls.
And good books that makes me thankful to do life with my tribe.
For a thoughtful bestie who creates amazing mail days.

For finding hidden gems tucked into the deepest corner of Home Depot that make my porch happy.

For sister dates, cheersing and wine of the month club.

For a beast that is 10% bark and 90% cuddles.

And good books that makes me thankful to do life with my tribe.
Here's to gratitude and how it makes life fuller, and the smallest things more than enough. As always, thanks for the inspiration, Today's Letters!
// What are you thankful for today? //

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