Wait a second, let me back-up a step. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting my little furry monster, let me introduce you...

This is Bella Louise "Beast" Porter!
She is 16 pounds of puppy fury, leaving not a day without a new and exciting beastly adventure!
Anyways, back to the dog park! On Monday, it was a balmy 75 degrees here in the metro, so I decided it would be a perfect day to take Bella on a run to the dog park. Let me just tell you, I think she knows when it's coming. As soon as I laced up my running shoes she was literally jumping 3 1/2 feet in the air (this puppy has freakishly long legs). I latched her green polka dot leash on and we were off!
I love running with her, because there is no way she will let me stop - HELLO WORKOUT! Upon arriving at the doggie park, we were greeted by the most amazing thing. Right past the entrance gate, on top of the picnic table read "WELCOME" spelled out in brightly colored dog treats. HOW CUTE! And if that wasn't enough, there were extra dog treats sprinkled all over the entrance way!

Beast almost didn't know what to do with herself - hahaha! -she ran around trying to carry as many treats as possible in her mouth without dropping them. I don't blame her!
I mean imagine if you walked into your favorite store and they had tables of fresh cupcakes scattered around with a sign saying, "Help yourself - Have a happy day!" It was absolutely adorable. To the wonderful anonymous treat fairy, thank you for making my puppy's day!
Let me just say that every time we go to the dog park, Bella feels obligated to personally greet each dog and owner with sloppy kisses before she can begin to terrorize the place. She may be a tiny little dog, but she is definitely not afraid of any dog. She walked right up to a big gray Great Dane who met her nose for nose when he scooped his head down to meet her smooches. So cute!
We were only there for maybe 30 minutes when all of a sudden, the largest, shaggiest dog I have ever seen in my life bounded through the dog park gate. This thing looked like a ginormous Muppet whose "run" was more like frolicking and flouncing about. It was SO funny... and now I WANT one (surprised?)!
Of course, Bella had to make this "puppy" feel welcome and went right up to it, sat down in front of him and stared. For minutes. You could definitely tell she was trying to figure out what in the heck it was!

(I tried to find accurate pictures of how HUGE this dog was - Bella only came up to it's first leg joint... this dog was a good 28x bigger!)
They played with each other and all of the other dogs for 20 minutes or so, and then I decided to take the Beast home. The second we walked in the door she drank a bowl and a half of water - "Mom! Hello! Refill please!" - before collapsing on the sofa... for the rest of the night.
To find the dog parks closest to you click here! Trust me, you won't regret it...
...doggie heaven for sure!

Hello! Stopping in from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party. Your dog is absolutely adorable! And what a nice surprise to have treats sprinkled at the entrance to the dog park. SCORE!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Charlotte! So happy that you stopped by my humble blog :) Well thank you so much for the sweet comment - please come back for a visit again soon!