January 31, 2013

A Little Pick-Me-Up

Ever have those weeks where you get in a funk?
You know, the ones that no matter how hard you try, you still seem to be at the end of your rope? Those are the weeks where the tiny things that are normally no biggie completely overwhelms you.

At some point you kind of give up on life temporarily...

...and then you sulk.

(and you're totally okay with it.)

That's where I'm at this week. I've let everything pile on to the point where it crushes my spirit, and takes away from my generally happy/always optimistic personality. And then I get to asking, "who is this crazy lady?"

After awhile, the temporary gratification of wallowing fades, and it's in that moment you realize life is too short to be not see the beauty.

That's when you have to choose to be happy...

I read an incredible quote that I fell in love with, and it led me down a more joyful path today. Maybe it will offer you some encouragement too...


“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it,

change your attitude.”

- Maya Angelou


Change your attitude.

My attitude is pretty terrible?
Woah, talk about wake up call.

So I may not be able to fix a given situation, but I can choose how I want to view it. I can decide to let it roll off my back or let it get me down.

Well, I kind of like that idea, although it sounds easier that it is. And I don't think a lot of people like to talk about how choosing joy in any circumstance is hard. Because it takes some courage to do that.

But you know what?

It's totally doable.
We have the strength to power though.

So today, I'm focusing on changing my crappy attitude. I will choose joy today, and it's not easy. But I've made myself a happy list of things that make life great.

{ My Happy }

+  a sweet puppy dog kiss when I woke up
+ light traffic
+ my mom was super thoughtful and made me green smoothie for breakfast
(and organized my WHOLE room yesterday!)
+ minimal e-mails in the work inbox
+ warm coffee
+ date night = watching an animated movie in our sweats
+ parentals took the pups to their haircuts
+ an encouraging "I love you" text from Adam
+ wedding shower this weekend
+ sleeping in and time to workout
+ a realization that at the end of 37 days, no matter what happens,
I get to marry my best friend
+ super bowl party sunday at the almost in-laws
+ antigua is waiting for me
+ pay day is Friday


And you know what I am also so thankful for today?


As I reflect on my humble little blog, I am just blown away by the friendships I've made, and the encouragement I've gotten from my blog friends.

It's incredible that you visit. It's heartwarming to the core that you leave comments and send e-mails because you care.

You truly brighten up my spirits and make life fun.

Thanks for being you.
...and thanks for adding to my happy.

May you find courage and joy for whatever struggles you're facing today, dear friends!

You are loved.

January 30, 2013

Getting the Crazy Out...

This freezing cold morning has me off to a slow start...
This week and last weekend has been a little bit of chaos, so I feel the need to get some of my crazy out.

Thank the heavens for blogland...
 (the cheapest therapist)


{ A Few Letters to Life }

Dear Future Hubs...
Can we cut this "future" thing already and just make it official?

I love making your house our future home. Despite 8ish gallons of paint, endless hours of man power, and orderly disarray, I love doing this together. Cannot wait to see the finished result and begin making it feel like ours. You're my fave.

Dear Snow...
You are KILLING me! I mean you are gorgeous to look at from my window, but treking to work for 65 minutes (yes, my commute was 65 min. today) makes for a grumpy girl. Don't worry, the hot cocoa I've been nursing all morning is making your frigid craziness seem manageable.

Dear Wedding...
You drive my crazy. I really want to look forward to our big day, but I am so ready to get past the planning. I know a trillion people who loved the planning and went into a depression post-wedding, but I am definitely not one of those gals.

Hopefully the next 38 days flies by so I can just get to the fun part of dancing the night away as Mrs. Adam Evans. And sun tanning in Antigua. And living in the same house (finally!). *sigh*

Dear Faithful Hair Stylist...
How on EARTH did you manage to turn my locks a brassy orange? ORANGE.

5 weeks before my wedding.

Talk about freak out moment. Luckily you broke it to me gently over the shampoo bowl by saying "oh dear... I'll be right back."

Words nobody wants to hear from their stylist.

So glad you have time open to remedy this intense situation after work. Meanwhile you can find me holed away in my office where nobody can find me.
In a bun. A very ugly, orange bun.

Dear PMS...
(TMI?) What are you doing to me? This emotional roller coaster as of late needs to wrap up STAT! And the bloat + cramps + cravings of PB/Chocolate are not helping my scale efforts. Which leads me to...

Dear Willpower...
Where the heck are you? I mean we're almost a month out from wearing a beautiful fitted wedding dress. Yes, I've come to terms with the fact that I would've liked to be in a different place with my body, and I'm slowly going to get there, but we've got to do what we can with what we have, eh?

We need to step it up a tad, don't you think? No more missed gym sessions and no more junk. Deal?

Dear Stress...
Your not helping Mr. Willpower out much either, ya big hussy.

Dear Blog Bestie...
Your message telling me I've won your giveaway has completely and seriously made my whole day (I never win ANYTHING!). It's made my whole week, in fact. What nice sunshine you always are, Rach! xo

PS - Everyone HAS to Rachel @ Simple Little Joys!!

Dear Buddy...
You are so special that you get two letters today. I don't know how you manage to put up with me despite my cray cray tendencies.

Thanks for the forehead kisses. And long hugs 12+ second hugs.

And for doing so much for our wedding that I feel forever grateful/indebted to you - you're a total rock star. It's a good thing I know I can pay you in chocolate chip cookies and foot rubs, you hottie you.

I love you a million almond joys.

38 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes and 46 seconds...
45... 44... damn!


Feeling a little out of sorts this week, or is it just me?

January 28, 2013

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

I sure hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Welcome back to Mingle Monday - I'm so excited you've chosen to stop by and link-up! This is a great place to meet new friends, discover great blogs, and gain lots of new followers. Thanks to all who continually stop by each week!

Just a quick reminder before you link up...

Don't forget that tomorrow is the LAST day to sign-up for the Be My Valentine Gift Swap! If you haven't done a swap before, they are such a blast! Don't miss out on the fun!


A Huge Thank You...

...in advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...
** What are your must have beauty products? ** 


Here are some MUST visit blogs for you!


**Personal blog shout outs/RT on Twitter all Monday to everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send traffic your way!! :)

Have an awesome week, lovelies!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

January 25, 2013

Totally Presh.

Watch this.

You can thank me later.

Friday Confessions

Did you wake up all giddy?
I know I sure did... the weekend has finally arrived! I'm one happy girl just thinking about all the weekend fun ahead.

It's been a busy week, and apparently I thought I needed to get a few things off my chest. Confessional Friday here I come!

I confess that... I was feeling rather sassy in my red LOFT blouse this morning. Just HAD to send out some Friday kisses via Instagram! #selfie #xoxo

I confess that... I was a little too giddy buying paint for the future Evans' household last night (yes, that will be my new last name soon... weird!). You should have seen me practically skipping around Sherwin Williams. What can I say? I've never really been able to paint or decorate my own house like this before! ;)

I confess that... music theater + date night completely makes me happy. The future hubs and I are headed out to enjoy KC Restaurant Week (eat some gourmet grub for cheap!), and after dinner we're taking in Billy Elliott at the fancy new Kauffman Performing Arts Center in downtown KC. We both love us some Broadway.

...and he would probably give me *the look* if he found out I told you he knows almost every song in Wicked. Cute.

{love you, hun!}

I confess that... I had a mini makeup sesh in my office this morning. I spent too much time doing my hair and searching for a cute outfit that I lost track of time. So I grabbed my pink makeup bag and high-tailed it to work. Thank goodness the office is pretty quiet today.

I confess that... my toes tap every time a Justin Bieber song comes on the radio. I can't even help it, but I totally love the Biebs. #tweenproblems

I confess that... I would be totally fine if I never ever in a million trillion years had to write another thank you note. After writing around 40 for our wedding shower, my little hand is pooped! Granted, that's the least we can do to say thank you to such generous family and friends!

I confess that... I have a heated love affair with peanut butter. Yes, seriously. I can't keep the stuff in my house. I have days where I feel so weird because I just CRAVE it. I'm a mad woman, I tell ya!

I confess that... I've overindulged lately. Ever since my bachelorette party, I can't seem to get back on track! Good thing my wedding dress fitting is tomorrow (sarcasm)... thank the sweet Lord for Spanx! #needmoresalad


Here's my weekend agenda...

+ lunch date with a bestie
+ date night w/ Adam

+ wedding dress fitting
+ ceremony music meeting
+ taping/painting the house w/ friends
+ mom/brother's bday party :)

+ teaching 3rd grade girls Sunday School group
+ meeting w/ our wedding DJ
+ more painting
+ evening church
+ r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g

What are you crazy kids up to this weekend?
Doing anything fun?

PS - Keep up with me all weekend via Twitter and Instagram!

January 24, 2013

Dreaming of the Post-Wedding Chop

Ever so often, I daydream about reaching over to my tiny mesh office supply holder, grabbing the orange scissors, and snipping away at my long golden locks. I have days where I absolutely love having long hair, and then I have days where I seriously don't think I can take it any longer.

Have you been in the same boat?

This hasn't just been a thought the popped up during the last few months of wedding planning. Yes, I am well aware of the terribly taboo idea of "New Wife" haircut. And since when did the idea of whacking your hair off after your wedding become such a cliche?

Well either way, for the past year or so I have been pining for a super chic shorter do. I would love to look much more put together, with an easy and sleek style.

In order to have a more full wedding hairstyle, I've bribed myself to keep it long, but come March 10th... it's free game! Adam even jokes about swinging by the salon so I can get my haircut before we catch our honeymoon flight.

Such a clever sassy man...

Sometimes I wanna smack him.
And then probably kiss him. (TMI?)

Anyway, here's what I'm thinking, loves...

Source: marieclaire.com via Meg on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: reese-pics.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: google.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: google.com via Meg on Pinterest


Did you do the post- wedding chop-chop?

PS - Have you signed-up for the Be My Valentine Gift Swap yet?
Don't miss out on the fun! Sign-up closes Jan. 30.

January 23, 2013

Be My Valentine - Gift Swap!

It's that time again!
With Valentine's Day looming only a few weeks away, I thought we could kick off the love season with a sweet little gift swap!

After the past year of organizing seasonal swaps, and getting a great response, I would love to invite you to participate in this one. It's super fun and easy!

And who doesn't love fun nail polish, cute accessories, magazines, and more showing up in your mail?!

That's what I thought! ;)


.:: About Be My Valentine ::.
Sign-up, get matched w/ a buddy, shop for a valentine care package, and swap via mail!

1) Interested? Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to be eligible.

2) Leave a comment below that includes your first name and e-mail address.

3) Also in your comment leave at least 5-10 "favorites" of yours.

Example: Meg's Faves

- Candy/Snacks:
Dark chocolate anything, Clif or Luna Bars, healthy snacks

- Magazines:
InStyle, Cooking Light, Glamour, Real Simple, Martha Stewart, US, People

- Colors:
YELLOW!, green, pink

- Hobbies:
Baking, cooking, working out, dancing, crocheting

- Girly things:
Nail polish, lip gloss, lip balm, home decor, face masks

4) I will send your buddy's e-mail address to you via your provided e-mail address. You then can exchange mailing address information once you're in contact.

5) Shop for your valentine goodies {price max: $15-20} and send your buddy's valentine by February 6th.

Sign-up closes Tuesday, January 31st @ Noon (CST)!


.:: Pretty Please ::.

Spread the word about the [Life of Meg] Be My Valentine Gift Swap! We want as many people as possible to join us in spreading the love! The picture above or the button below is for your use in a post or on your sidebar. Please add a link directly to this blog post so that your friends can easily join us in the fun!


So who's totally excited?!

I know I am! I already have a vision of the super cute valentine gift that I want to buy/send to the buddy I get matched up with! Valentine's Day isn't just for significant others... My prayer is that the Be My Valentine blog gift swap helps spread love to anyone and everyone!

Lots o' Love!

January 22, 2013

Wedding Shower In Photos

Ever since my first wedding shower a few weeks ago...
I've been dying to get the photos taken back from my dear friend Megan. She recently got a fancy new camera and so graciously decided to test it out at the party. Love her.

The CD of photos arrived this weekend, so I'm excited to share with you.

Let me paint a picture of how creative and wonderful the hostesses were. Everything was completely decked out in gorgeous decorations.

The dainty lemon poppy seed muffins were showcased on the prettiest yellow glass cake stands (must find some!), and the photos they requested of Adam and I were displayed in the most creative ways. They even gave us the frames after the party! What a nice surprise - they're so gorgeous!

Not a detail was left unnoticed, and I felt so blessed that my mom's best friends wanted to throw me a shower.

And everyone was incredibly generous. We got a beautiful group gift of our china and place settings (shown in photos below) as well as so many other nice gifts.

We are so blessed and so grateful.

Our super cute Kate Spade china.

The shower was set-up beautifully!

 Besties since elementary school.

Gorgeous personal touches.

Me and my sissy!

Loving on my little cousin Devyn and Auntie Sheryl.

The generous hostesses, mom & me!


Wasn't my first bridal shower so stunning? I am still blown away by how crafty, unique and fancy everything was! I had the best time, and I am still working on finishing up the thank yous (that's how generous everyone was!).

And a very special thank you to my dear friend, Megan, for taking such lovely photos.

You've given me the gift of reliving beautiful, special memories, and I appreciate it so much!

Weren't her photos gorgeous, y'all?

She's been tossing around the dream of opening her own photography business, and I think she'd be so great at it! That lady is one crafty, artsy gal.
Welp, I hoped you enjoyed the little sneak peek from my shower! Much more to come this week - stay tuned!

PS - Have you linked up for my week-long blog hop?
If not, you'd better check it out and gain some new followers! So many great blogs to discover!

January 21, 2013

{Belated} Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

The day sure got away from me...
Sorry I'm so late to post Mingle Monday, but very happy you still want to link up!

I've been in the doctor's office and resting. I've come down with some kind of weird viral infection that simply makes me sounds like a man. Or a teenage boy going through puberty.


Anywho, super glad you're here and I hope you will pass on the word!

A Huge Thank You...

...in advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...
** What do you do to make yourself feel better on a sick day? ** 


Here are some MUST visit blogs for you!


Starting at a mere $8 for a whole month of exposure, grab your sponsorship spot today!
With more than 30,000 original page hits a month, and 1,000+ hits per post, this is a great opportunity for you to gain traffic and followers!

Coming up this week...

+ hopefully I'll get my bridal shower photos back
+ pre-wedding beauty regimine
+ life lately
+ bachelorette party recap
+ so much more!

**Personal blog shout outs/RT on Twitter all Monday to everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send traffic your way!! :)

May your week be full of sunshine and puppy dogs!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

January 16, 2013

Future Home Sweet Home

With the wedding looming in the not so distant future (almost a month and a half out, people!), we are slowly getting ready to turn Adam's house into our home.

He has had some amazing roommates/friends over the last few years, and as they move out of Adam's house in the next few weeks, we're excited for their new adventures and ours!

I can't believe that his home will be "our home", and it's just now beginning to sink in.

While I live with my parents before the wedding, we're beginning to transform the house into a contemporary, personal, and cozy oasis. To have many of our projects done by the wedding, it will be a nice retreat after we return from our honeymoon trip and adjust to living with each other.

So weird.

So thankful for such a hard working man who has provided SO much for us. He even told me that he had waited to paint a long time ago when he bought the house, because he knew one day we'd be making this our home together.

Love that man!

Our home (which is so bizarre to say) was built in the 1970's, has 4 bedrooms, a wonderful living room area to entertain, and a nice big kitchen. Although the space is incredible, there are some features that aren't so lovely.

i.e. a wood paneled living room!

Yup, painting the paneling, lightening up the room, and adding out own style is project #1. Even painting sample colors over the wood gave the room a whole new look. I'm so excited!

Here is some cozy living room inspiration that we love...

Source: tracizeller.com via Meg on Pinterest

Also, I am thrilled to update the kitchen, especially since I love cooking. Adam has done extensive work gutting the bathrooms and kitchen, and it's just ready for a fresh coat of paint and modern twists.

We're planning to remove the 1970's architectural detailing, paint the cabinets white, the walls a deep shade of rich gray, and swap out the cabinet hardware. The result? A fresh and inviting space that relaxes and inspires creativity.

One of my favorite parts of the kitchen is the bay window that lets in tons of light. I can't wait to see the final look. We love these spaces...

Source: bhg.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: bhg.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: bhg.com via Meg on Pinterest

Eventually, we'll get to painting the hallways a warm color, and all of the doors and trim pieces white. So fresh! Lots of cute projects that we like too to make it more personal.

We're excited to also paint the master bedroom so that it feel relaxing and calm. A soothing sage green with our brown Crate and Barrel bedding would be great! Can't get enough of these rooms...

Source: google.co.nz via Meg on Pinterest
Source: houzz.com via Meg on Pinterest



Excited to share real life before and after photos in Feb/March! Have you redone a home before? How did you find your inspiration?

Let me know if you have any tips or great advice!