January 24, 2013

Dreaming of the Post-Wedding Chop

Ever so often, I daydream about reaching over to my tiny mesh office supply holder, grabbing the orange scissors, and snipping away at my long golden locks. I have days where I absolutely love having long hair, and then I have days where I seriously don't think I can take it any longer.

Have you been in the same boat?

This hasn't just been a thought the popped up during the last few months of wedding planning. Yes, I am well aware of the terribly taboo idea of "New Wife" haircut. And since when did the idea of whacking your hair off after your wedding become such a cliche?

Well either way, for the past year or so I have been pining for a super chic shorter do. I would love to look much more put together, with an easy and sleek style.

In order to have a more full wedding hairstyle, I've bribed myself to keep it long, but come March 10th... it's free game! Adam even jokes about swinging by the salon so I can get my haircut before we catch our honeymoon flight.

Such a clever sassy man...

Sometimes I wanna smack him.
And then probably kiss him. (TMI?)

Anyway, here's what I'm thinking, loves...

Source: marieclaire.com via Meg on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: reese-pics.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: google.com via Meg on Pinterest
Source: google.com via Meg on Pinterest


Did you do the post- wedding chop-chop?

PS - Have you signed-up for the Be My Valentine Gift Swap yet?
Don't miss out on the fun! Sign-up closes Jan. 30.


  1. Ahhh! I've thought about this too! Matt says no... or ask me not to since he loves my long hair. I like the first one best though!!!

  2. Okay... I'm loving the first one, and the Reese look. I've been wanting to chop mine since our wedding day, but the Mr says PLEASE NO every time. So I just keep getting trims and let it go. Since I have thick, thick hair... it's a pain, but if he shaved his head I'd be upset. So I leave mine alone. =)

  3. First one! And I love her outfit! Ha!

  4. I remember being SO ready to cut my hair after the wedding. I was just sick of it. I love all of these!

  5. May 25th can't get here fast enough!! I am dying to chop mine off but for the glorious wedding day I have to have lucious, long locks!! It will all be gone shortly after!

  6. I grew out my hair and chopped it off right after the honeymoon! (And now it's long again...I didn't like getting it cut so often.)

  7. Oh my, with my wedding being in July, I was dying for a haircut after our day. However, then I got afraid of them cutting too much and I waited at least 6 more months before I got the guts for a trim. But I did it and it felt WONDERFUL! :)

  8. I haven't done the post wedding chop but that's not for lack of wanting to. I just haven't been able to schedule it in yet but my long locks are driving me insane lately. I always envisioned my hair long and down for the wedding which is exactly what I got but now it seems to always been in a braid to keep it under control.

  9. i made my hairdresser promise me after my wedding not to do a post wedding chop. i just don't get it, please help me understand the post wedding chop.

  10. Yup!!! I alternate between short and long anyway, and hubs likes it both ways but I think I made it a month after our wedding before chopping it all off. I've just recently decided to grow it long again

  11. I'm not married, but I did just cut almost 10 inches off my hair last month! It was sort of a spontaneous decision, and I'm so happy I did it! I was attached to my long hair in a way, but there was something so liberating about chopping it.

  12. Totally did a post wedding chop! And a post baby chop! LOL!!! Just a few more weeks lady and here comes a fresh new do!

  13. I didn't even realize there was such a thing as the post wedding chop! But, I did it. Donated hair about a month after my wedding. I'll have to do a post on this soon and reference this post. Your anniversary is very close to mine- March 8th.

  14. I love that first cut! I wanted to cut my hair sooo badly right after my wedding, but I had taken so long to grow it out I ended up not being able to part with it!

  15. I REFUSED to do the post wedding chop. But...now over a year of being married and having a newborn baby-I am DONE with my verrry long hair! :)
    I've been itching to chop it off for a while, but couldn't convince myself because I had tried to grow it out for so long for the wedding and it hasn't been this long in years.
    But-this next Wednesday, 10 inches of my hair is going to Locks of Love, and I'm getting my very short hair styled! Woot! :)

  16. I totally fell pray to the post wedding chop -and absolutely regretted it! I've been growing my hair back the last 5 years (slow grower and chemically dependant so lots of breakage), wishing I'd never cut it off in the first place. If you do decide to cut, be conservative, and go for just past the shoulders like the Reese Witherspoon pics. That will be most flattering with your face shape, and you won't be stuck in that dreaded "grow out" length that's neither short nor long enough. It's awfully fun to dream of new styles though!

  17. I've had short hair for YEARS...I mean years. I love it...it's easy. My hubs likes long hair though. After much begging from him I decided to grow it out. Now mind you I had a mohawk at the time so the top layer was longer than the rest of it. It's just now getting even and almost to my collar bones. It has been almost a year. *headdesk* I want to cut it off. So bad.


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