January 30, 2013

Getting the Crazy Out...

This freezing cold morning has me off to a slow start...
This week and last weekend has been a little bit of chaos, so I feel the need to get some of my crazy out.

Thank the heavens for blogland...
 (the cheapest therapist)


{ A Few Letters to Life }

Dear Future Hubs...
Can we cut this "future" thing already and just make it official?

I love making your house our future home. Despite 8ish gallons of paint, endless hours of man power, and orderly disarray, I love doing this together. Cannot wait to see the finished result and begin making it feel like ours. You're my fave.

Dear Snow...
You are KILLING me! I mean you are gorgeous to look at from my window, but treking to work for 65 minutes (yes, my commute was 65 min. today) makes for a grumpy girl. Don't worry, the hot cocoa I've been nursing all morning is making your frigid craziness seem manageable.

Dear Wedding...
You drive my crazy. I really want to look forward to our big day, but I am so ready to get past the planning. I know a trillion people who loved the planning and went into a depression post-wedding, but I am definitely not one of those gals.

Hopefully the next 38 days flies by so I can just get to the fun part of dancing the night away as Mrs. Adam Evans. And sun tanning in Antigua. And living in the same house (finally!). *sigh*

Dear Faithful Hair Stylist...
How on EARTH did you manage to turn my locks a brassy orange? ORANGE.

5 weeks before my wedding.

Talk about freak out moment. Luckily you broke it to me gently over the shampoo bowl by saying "oh dear... I'll be right back."

Words nobody wants to hear from their stylist.

So glad you have time open to remedy this intense situation after work. Meanwhile you can find me holed away in my office where nobody can find me.
In a bun. A very ugly, orange bun.

Dear PMS...
(TMI?) What are you doing to me? This emotional roller coaster as of late needs to wrap up STAT! And the bloat + cramps + cravings of PB/Chocolate are not helping my scale efforts. Which leads me to...

Dear Willpower...
Where the heck are you? I mean we're almost a month out from wearing a beautiful fitted wedding dress. Yes, I've come to terms with the fact that I would've liked to be in a different place with my body, and I'm slowly going to get there, but we've got to do what we can with what we have, eh?

We need to step it up a tad, don't you think? No more missed gym sessions and no more junk. Deal?

Dear Stress...
Your not helping Mr. Willpower out much either, ya big hussy.

Dear Blog Bestie...
Your message telling me I've won your giveaway has completely and seriously made my whole day (I never win ANYTHING!). It's made my whole week, in fact. What nice sunshine you always are, Rach! xo

PS - Everyone HAS to Rachel @ Simple Little Joys!!

Dear Buddy...
You are so special that you get two letters today. I don't know how you manage to put up with me despite my cray cray tendencies.

Thanks for the forehead kisses. And long hugs 12+ second hugs.

And for doing so much for our wedding that I feel forever grateful/indebted to you - you're a total rock star. It's a good thing I know I can pay you in chocolate chip cookies and foot rubs, you hottie you.

I love you a million almond joys.

38 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes and 46 seconds...
45... 44... damn!


Feeling a little out of sorts this week, or is it just me?


  1. Oh, you make me laugh!!! I am so glad you won.

    First off, the letter to A melts my heart. Y'all are so sweet. Just love it.

    Second, you'd look gorgeous even if your hair was rainbow!!! No worries, don't stress. It can be fixed :)

    Third, let's kick stress out of the way and let motivation step in! We can do this...wedding day is creeping up on us!

    Keep your chin up, missy!! You can do this. Don't stress over the little things. Life is good :)

  2. Ah my hairdresser did that once but tried to pretend that it wasn't a big deal. Except mine was 4 fire engine red streak about an inch wide. I about passed out and then got really silent. I'm glad your hairdresser broke it to you gently and can fix it!!!!

  3. OMG I cant believe that happened to your hair!! Thats like my worst fear. I'm sure it will look great after its fixed!!

  4. Girlfriend you are not alone in the hating the wedding planning part! I'm so over it & just ready for everything to be done & get to that day! It's hard to find the motivation to get to the gym when you feel like you don't have enough time to get the million other little things done for the wedding, let alone get a workout in! Just remember that you need to put yourself first! Take care of you or you'll end up sick and/or exhausted! "Treat" yourself to the gym! :)

  5. Yeah, my sister, aka Maid of Honor, decided to dye her hair right before the wedding so her brown hair went blonde/orange and she wasn't happy with it but decided it could wait until after the wedding to fix. I wasn't too thrilled but I just let it be and now she looks back and is like, "man my hair really was like that?" I hope they can get you back to your norm fast! :)

  6. You need a hug- and maybe a drink. LOL. I know A TON of girls who hated the planning part of the wedding and just wanted to get to the marriage. I have friends who by the end were all "If we didn't want our friends and family there, we would just elope right now." Hang in there. You're almost the aisle!

  7. You look beautiful even with the hair! At least it's something that can be fixed! Your letters to Adam made me smile-- y'all are adorable. :)

  8. Everything will be ALL right! Just breathe :)

  9. We just got a snow storm here last night so I opted not to go to work today lol. I can't beleive you're getting married so soon! I'm a new follower and def enjoyed reading your blog :)

  10. 38 DAYS eeekkkk so exciting!!! I know how you feel about orange hair! trying to get my hair into a beautiful blond has been a nightmare! hopefully you get it fixed soon but it honestly still looks fab in the photos! Kick your butt and get the willpower back! I promise you will feel amazing!!!! Keep smiling that gorgeous smile!!

  11. Yay, it's so close! And OH PMS. It's been with me for a few days now and it's brutal! I am OBSESSED with the thought of cookie cake. Like literally cannot get it out of my head. :(

  12. ugh, my hair has totally been orange and my hairdresser at the time tried to convince me it looked totally normal. im pretty sure it it looked pink in some lighting. needless to say i found myself a new hairdresser real quick! atleast yours knew something was up and is fixing it :) hope your week gets better, i feel super scattered as well!

  13. i feel incredibly out of sorts this week. I mean, horribly unlike myself. In fact, if I wouldn't have had some blog posts pre-scheduled there wouldn't be one today!
    Hope your stylist can sort out your hair.
    P.S. I didn't like wedding planing either.

    Kristin :)

  14. It'll be here before you know it! And will you post pics once you have the house painted/decorated? I'd love to see it!!


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