February 25, 2015

A Little Morning Daydreaming...

This morning I woke up daydreaming about being at a little cabin in the mountains.
I am craving mornings spent bundled up in a cozy blanket on the porch, beanie on, and coffee in hand just taking in the sights and smells. New adventures and a little escape sounds so lovely.

Daydreaming about a few things I am currently loving to get me through the work day...

(Speaking of coffee...) I would've gotten my arse out of bed just a little bit earlier so that I could have dropped by one of my go to hipster coffee places before work. I could use a delicious spice latte and a daily dose of folky emo music to start off my day.

"Hi, I'm Meg, and I believe I am addicted to TV binging."
"Hiiii, Meg."

If nobody dragged me a away from the living room, I could probably become a hermit. There is nothing I want to do more after a loooonnngg [emphasis on long...] than break out my yoga pants, throw my hair in a top bun, and watch the disgustingly addictive Bachelor unfold. Or Scandal... or How to Get Away With Murder, or Real Housewives of [insert any city here], or The Celebrity Apprentice (Yes, I know I am one of the last humans tuned in to that show. And no, I don't feel lame.). And the list doesn't stop there... help!

Over Baby Lips Dr. Rescue lip balm. This stuff is magic in a tube for my dry wintered pucker.

craving //
A fresh spring wardrobe. Don't get me wrong, I love wearing gray, black, and plaid like nobody's business, but this color-loving girl is ready for some pastels, brights, and gem tones! Who's with me?

For some cute tan wedge booties. I originally wanted to buy some cute suede ones for fall/winter, but now that I feel like I missed that boat, I am kind of thinking cute peep toe booties would be so fun for spring/summer.

Green smoothies like they are going out of style. I think I might be a 4-year-old, because I have to sneak veggies into my diet any way possible!

Vicariously through my little sister and she keeps sending me photos of beautiful castles and views from Prague. Have you been there? I am dying to visit her while she studies abroad.

Anything. I've been so wrapped up in 13 hour days at work that I am drained when I get home. But as my schedule slowly evens out to my normal, my little creative soul needs a project. An outlet.

Our little 2 year anniversary staycation! We love our city and can't wait to stay at a cute little local hotel on the Plaza, shop, relax, eat local, and just spend time together. The options are endless!

Anything that my crockpot can magically whip up for dinner. With my super early new work schedule (hello 5 a.m.!), the last thing I want to do is spend time cooking dinner and then cleaning everything up. Send any good ones my way, pretty please!

Anything and everything. I am totally in the mood to shop 'til I drop, but trying desperately to behave myself.

The thought that we may finally be listing our house and buying our very first home together! When we got married I moved into Adam's house, but we are both looking forward to purchasing one we can grow into (nope, not pregnant... thanks for asking!) down the road.

What are you currently loving?

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February 24, 2015

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 1: Finding Your Fitness Sweet Spot

It's been 8 weeks since I made my New Year's resolutions of health and wellness. I don't know about you all, but I didn't just fall off the bandwagon... I willingly jumped it seems. So in an effort to re-motivate myself, and hopefully a few of you along the way, I asked my dear friend Mariah Secrest-Comer to share a healthy living series for us, and so Fit Bod, Fun Life was born!

Mariah is one tough lady! Not only is she an advanced little yogi powerhouse, but she also is a certified personal trainer and owns Elevate Mobile Fitness. Also, I want to invite you all to join me in signing-up for her FREE 14 Days to Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart, where she offers great one-on-one and group motivation to help whip in shape nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle. I did it last month and it really motivated me to be the best version of me, and I felt so encouraged!

You know you are interested in getting re-motivated! She packs 2 weeks of awesome motivation into this program and even has a private Facebook interactive group so you can share and ask questions. Check it out HERE - I know you will love it! So without further adieu...

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 1: 

Finding Your Fitness Sweet Spot

When it comes to staying in shape, I think there’s a piece of every girl that has a “frienemy” relationship with exercise and healthy eating.

Of course we want to have lean legs, tank-top ready shoulder cuts, and the can-do satisfaction of knowing we can bust out 15 strict-form push-ups. Of course we would sign-up for more energy, brighter skin, and increased confidence.  Of course we know we’re better off in a million ways when we’re active and eating well.

The reasons we don’t always take these things—which are ours for the taking, by the way—are equally obvious. The steps to getting healthy don’t always feel FUN. It’s not fun turning down the office birthday cake. It’s not fun to spend an hour or two of your free time on the weekends prepping healthy meals for your busy week. It’s definitely not fun turning off that 5:30 a.m. alarm to go work out before your long day.

It’s similar to saying we all would love to be millionaires, but we don’t all want to do the work required to earn a million dollars. (Gold-diggers aside! Queue my new obsession with classic movies to Marilyn Monroe’s film How To Marry a Millionaire).

The really good news, we’re finding, is that we don’t have to work at it quite as hard as we once thought, in order to have firm bodies and feel great! In fact, science has clued us in to the fact that there is actually a point of diminished returns when it comes to over-training.

Sadly, they haven’t yet told us that eating too much kale and tofu is harmful to our health—but we’ll talk about balancing food choices too later on!

My goal in this weekly series is to help you identify your health-and-fitness “sweet spot”—that beautiful measure where the rewards far outweigh the effort you put into it. This sweet spot looks different for everyone, but we all have one. 

Mine lies on the gung-ho-but-not-psycho end of the spectrum. (That’s a technical term, I’m sure.) In other words, I like the rewards of exercising 5 or 6 days a week and eating lots of veggies (and even tofu) most meals of the week. This type of effort usually scores me a tummy that doesn’t bulge in weird places, the dress size I like, and--much more importantly--enough energy and mental refreshment to not turn into a nut job from stress.

But it also allows me the wiggle room to go out for Mexican or order pizza once every week or two, and a glass of wine at night (but not 3 or 4). It allows me to dial down my effort to a moderate hike or gentle cardio session for a few days if I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed or tired. Could I do these things if I were training for a bikini competition and 12-pack abs? Honestly, no. So, for me, I know that competitions and looking like a bodybuilder are not part of my plan. At least not now.

I like my balance. It works for me now, and it’s worked for me for several years. Not having to re-purchase your wardrobe every time you gain or lose weight is an added bonus of this lifestyle sweet spot!

So here’s your homework this week: Find YOUR sweet spot. 
Make a list of what you want from your fitness plan, and another list of what you are (and aren’t!) willing to sacrifice to get those things. And of course, share them with the rest of us!!

Hint: you’re more likely to find staying power if you include some things that aren’t related to what you look like—for more on this, read my guest post on Meg’s blog from the fall: 5 Reasons to Workout This Week (that have nothing to do with weight...)

You don’t have to put all the pieces together at once, or totally makeover your life in one fell swoop—in fact, you probably shouldn’t. But do begin thinking about what efforts will give you the biggest payoff. After all, if you had a million dollars but had zero time to enjoy it, it wouldn’t be worth it, right? But if you can work just a little harder and a little smarter, you may find that you get to enjoy new options that make your life a LOT MORE FUN!


Stay tuned for week 2 of Fit Bod, Fun Life series!

In the meanwhile, definitely join me on signing up for Mariah's free 14 Days to Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart, and we can get back on track together!

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February 22, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up

I am not quite sure how the weekend seems to slip through my fingers so quickly!
It's never quite long enough is it?

Well my weekend was wonderful. I slept in, brunched, coffee sipped, and spent my whole Sunday at Go Blog Social's weekend workshop. So thankful to have been surrounded by women who inspire me to be the best version of myself!  

If you are one of my new GBS friends that I met on Sunday - welcome to Life of Meg! I hope you link up for networking and come by later this week for lots of fun including a little fitness inspiration, lots of photos, a little spring shopping, and so much more! 

Don't forget to follow Life of Meg on Facebook . I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** Have you ever been to a blog conference? If so, favorite part? **


Wishing you peace, love, and some chill hipster music on this Monday morning!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy

February 16, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

You guys.
Last week was hands down the craziest most draining work week of my life. 13 hour days starting becoming the regular, as did fast food, falling asleep in my work clothes, and no time for blogging.

And yet you still decided to drop by today, and that alone makes my heart happy. Despite my very low post frequency the past few weeks while starting my new role, I have so much goodness for you this week!! I am SO excited... back to being me & blogging about what I love. And on that note, thanks for being YOU. Enjoy!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** How did you celebrate Valentine's Day? **


Hoping your Monday starts off with a delicious latte!
(I'm already 2 in...)

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February 8, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Thanks so much for dropping by!

How was your weekend? Was it all hustle and bustle, or did you basically live in your yoga pants and eat Skinny Pop while glued to whatever bad movie was on TV? 

Oh wait... sorry. That was me. 
Yours truly was/is under the weather at the worst possible time (hello insanely crazy work week!), hence why I need your help with this week's question. Happy mingling and thanks in advance for your advice!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What is your go to remedy when you're feeling sick? **


This is your Monday... be brave!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy

February 4, 2015

And The Giveaway Winner Is...

And now for the moment you all have been waiting for...

One lucky person was drawn at random via Rafflecopter to win the Hallmark Giveaway Can I get a drum roll, please? And the winner is...

Julie Michael! 

 Congrats, lady! I will e-mail you about how to claim your prize.

To all of the other participants - thanks all for entering! You will have to drop by your local Hallmark Customization Studio to check out their awesome line of unique gifts! 

Shop 'til you drop!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy

February 2, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up + Giveaway!

Happy Monday!

Anyone else recovering from a weekend blues hangover? Yup, me too. I could have definitely used one more day off to relax, but I can't complain too much - it was a great weekend! We spent time with lots of friends, went to a dear friend's 30th b-day party, spent time with family, and sent off my sissy for a 4+ month adventure to Prague

Just for a reminder, you only have one more day to enter my awesome $50 gift card giveaway... more details at the bottom of this post (yes a little teaser!)...



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? **
{I LOVED this commercial so much!}


So like I said, only one more day to enter to win an awesome $50 gift card to Hallmark! Definitely go drop by to enter the giveaway and see their latest line - I love it!

May your week be calm, organized, fun, and inspired!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy

February 1, 2015


I can't get enough of this powerful commercial that took Super Bowl audiences by storm. So thankful for powerful positive messages that are shattering gender stereotypes, and inspiring women everywhere to be the best they can be.

Watch the extended commercial here - it's worth the extra 2 minutes! 
Honorable mentions go to the super cute Budweiser puppy in 2nd place, and Coca-Cola for their anti-bullying Make it Happy spot. 

And can I get an "Amen!" for the lack of overly sexy classless commercials this year *cough cough GoDaddy cough cough*? So refreshing!

What were your favorite Super Bowl ads?

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