February 22, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up

I am not quite sure how the weekend seems to slip through my fingers so quickly!
It's never quite long enough is it?

Well my weekend was wonderful. I slept in, brunched, coffee sipped, and spent my whole Sunday at Go Blog Social's weekend workshop. So thankful to have been surrounded by women who inspire me to be the best version of myself!  

If you are one of my new GBS friends that I met on Sunday - welcome to Life of Meg! I hope you link up for networking and come by later this week for lots of fun including a little fitness inspiration, lots of photos, a little spring shopping, and so much more! 

Don't forget to follow Life of Meg on Facebook . I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** Have you ever been to a blog conference? If so, favorite part? **


Wishing you peace, love, and some chill hipster music on this Monday morning!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy


  1. I've actually never been to a blog conference but I've thought about it! There haven't been any near me since I'm in such a small town but I'll probably use it as an excuse to travel someday :) Have a great Monday! xoxo

  2. I went to BlogHer the other year and it was so fun! kinda overwhelming but fun to meet other bloggers, listen to speakers and stock up on freebies! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I went to a blog meet up, not a conference. It was fun meeting a bunch of bloggers that I'd read before and some that I hadn't!

  4. I've never been to a blog conference but would like to attend the Edel one. Thanks for hosting.

  5. I've never been to a blog conference. It seems there are so many different conferences I'm not sure which would be most beneficial. Any ideas?

  6. i am looking forward to my first blog conference this summer - fingers crossed. I so enjoyed all the photos from last year's Southern Blog Society conference I immediately joined the society and am looking forward to when the announce the details of this year's conference!

  7. iris popescuFebruary 23, 2015

    I've always wanted to go but they were always during school days so I was like ahhhh! So maybe if they make it during another time I would definitely go check it out!

  8. I went to the Healthy Living Summit a couple of years ago and I loved it. I met some super cool ladies and it helped get me even more excited about blogging. I'd like to go to more meet-ups or conferences soon, though. My blog is no longer centered around health and wellness, so I thought it'd be fun to go to a different one!

  9. I had the best time with you yesterday! Thanks for always making me laugh :)

    26 and Not Counting

  10. I've never been to a blog conference but would love to try one out sometime!

  11. I have never been to a blog conference, but I"m pretty sure I would love it! I just found your blog! Thanks for hosting the link up!

  12. Brianne BraccoFebruary 23, 2015

    I have never been to a blog conference but it is one of my goals for this year! The Bloom conference is close to where I live and I am really contemplating on going. :)

  13. I haven't been to a blog conference, but I really want to this year!

  14. I've never been to any sort of blogging conference....still a newbie...but would totally love to!

  15. No, but I want to! Do you have any resources you suggest for knowing when blog events come to my town? I DID see that this week is Go Start week in Phoenix--a whole week dedicated to entrepreneurs and their start-ups. Will have to check that out!

  16. I never have, but I want to!

  17. Im actually looking into conferences here in Europe, Not as many to choose from but if I get to travel to a cool new city I dont mind! (hehe) - Dee Garone with www.deegaronephotography.com

  18. I have attended a blog meetup but never to a conference. It was a fun meeting with like minded bloggers. Thanks for the linkup

  19. DanetteDillonFebruary 23, 2015

    I haven't been to a blog conference, but I hope to attend my first this September. Fingers Crossed!

  20. Yes, I loved it! I can't wait to go to another one. :)

  21. I've been to three GBS conferences. My favorite part is being able to chat with other bloggers... people who understand standing on a chair to get a perfect photo of something and other blogger quirks....

    It was so great to spend the day with you, let's do it again very soon!


  22. dielikediscoFebruary 24, 2015

    Nope, I haven't been to any yet. There haven't really been any around here since I started blogging again but I'm hoping to make it to one this summer.

  23. I haven't been to a conference but I have been thinking about it. But there are just so many to choose from!


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