July 31, 2012

Proposal Photos Have Arrived!

Many of you fabulous friends have been asking for the proposal pictures that I promised... and this little blonde follows through on her promises!!

In case you missed the amazing way Adam proposed to me, click here for the full story!

{ The Proposal + Celebration }

I was completely shocked! It was super dark (although the photo doesn't show how pitch black it was), so I didn't actually see what my ring looked like until 10 minutes after! We were both so happy, and the proposal itself will always be such a special personal moment between us.

Ahh!! I think I was completely overwhelmed with joy - I get to marry the man of my dreams!

Adam saved a celebration firework for us to light together in front of our family and friends to celebrate such a precious moment!

Yup, love that man.

7 months and counting...

July 30, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop

Ohhh my goodness!
I have been extremely busy and MIA with wedding planning, busy work schedules/meetings, and just with life in general.

But don't worry, Mingle Monday week-long blog hop is here (better late than never... right?)!! ;)


{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Could you find it in your heart to spread the word? Jump on Twitter! Add it to your blog post! Smoke signals? Okay, okay... we're getting carried away, but PLEASE spread the word!
The more people = more potential followers/visitors for you, especially if everyone did it!

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }


** Yes, I know this button link doesn't currently work, but I'm working on it! **


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What is your favorite Olypmpic event or who is your fave athlete? **



I hop your week is off to a much smoother start than mine! Work has been insane today!!
Lots o' love and hugs!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

PPS - HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Sponsorship spots are going fast!!
Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! 

July 25, 2012

Currently Loving

I have to say that life is pretty amazing as of late. These last few weeks have been a blur of amazing things and my heart is overflowing with joy. There are so many wonderful things to smile about, and many great adventures coming up! Eeee!

I was just browsing my gorgeous new planner that my future sister-in-law got me (it's yellow - my fave!), and there are so many fun things coming up! So I figured I just had to share the excitement... right? Right.

{ Currently Loving... }

...my Weight Watchers program. I am a strong believer that everyone needs to find what works for them, and WW definitely clicks with me. I absolutely love the weigh-in accountability, my ever-changing scale, and my awesome WW meeting leader. So happy as I continue on my healthier lifestyle journey that I begun last fall.

...Wedding planning. Did I just say that? I love wedding planning? I have never had an interest in planning my wedding. It sounds stressful, unpleasant, and quite simply... I just want to marry my best friend. Like tomorrow. Anywho, I have been very surprised with how much I am enjoying doing this with Adam, and I know he is a HUGE reason why it's fun instead of stressful and we enjoy doing it together.

...this late summer/fall's plans! We have a few trips and adventures planned to see friends - so excited! We're roadtripping to Madison in 2 weeks and I couldn't be more ready to spend time with my future sister/brother-in-law. They're getting married this November and we can't wait to celebrate!

...my new gym! Thanks to Adam' parents, they were able to add us to their family membership for FREE. Yes, you read that right. This gym is so amazing, beautiful, full of classes and nice equipment, and I actually look forward to going! Did I mention that I've hired a personal trainer? So pumped to be buff!

...that I get to go on a honeymoon vacation somewhere tropical! When I need a break from all things wedding, Adam likes to remind me that we get to choose a vacation destination - bring on the pina coladas!

...my little sister's new blog. She's so adorable, you guys. Do me a favor? Please go stop by and leave her a comment. You would seriously make her whole day, and we've all been in her beginner blogger shoes. right?

...my love comes home late tonight! Adam's been gone on a bunch of business trips lately, so I'm ready to spend time with him tomorrow on a date night before he heads out again over the weekend. I sure miss and love that busy business man. And let's just be real, the fact that he's a total stud just makes me miss him more when he's away. Sappy and gross... I know.



Sooo... what are you currently loving?

Anything fun causing butterflies in your tummy? 

Happy hump day, gal pals... we're almost to Friday!

July 23, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

What an amazing weekend!!
How's everyone doing? Are you surviving your Monday morning so far? Trust me, we're all in the same boat. I was definitely in need of a good cup of coffee this morning to get me going!

My weekend was absolutely amazing... I found my wedding dress!!

I wish I could show you a photo and describe every single beautiful detail, but that would ruin the surprise of it, wouldn't it? Just know that it is classin, timeless, form-fitting, and I feel fabulous in it!! :)

Anywho, I'm glad you're joining me today - the mor the merrier! This is a place for you to get the word out about your fabulous blog and meet some new blog friends along the way!

{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Could you find it in your heart to spread the word? Jump on Twitter! Add it to your blog post! Smoke signals? Okay, okay... we're getting carried away, but PLEASE spread the word!
The more people = more potential followers/visitors for you, especially if everyone did it!

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What's your favorite healthy meal? Please leave the recipe URL, so I can try it! ;) **



I know I was a little MIA last week, but I have many fun things headed your way this week!!
Wishing you a Magic [Mike?] Monday & stay tuned!!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

PPS - HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Sponsorship spots are going fast!!
Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! 

July 17, 2012

World's Best Dinner + Recipe Tool

Calling all cooks! Calling all cooks!
It's official... I have found the BEST healthy menu planner and recipes. Oh, so you're super interested to know what's up? That's what I thought.

Let me tell you where to begin...

1) Drop by this website.

2) It only 20 quick seconds to take the My Plate, My Way eating personality quiz!

3) Discover your unique eating personality and get amazing healthy recipes geared specifically for YOU!


My Eating Personality?


"You take pride in the way you look and it shows. The food choices you make not only help you manage your weight, but they can also help you feel good about yourself. While your current diet is on the healthy side, you seek improvement and satisfaction in your healthy eating habits. People with your personality type often go out of their way to select healthy food and enjoy trying new foods."


They hit the nail on the head right there!! I am always out to find an extremely delicious and healthy new recipe, so lean lover I am!

So, you can imagine my excitement when they listed several delicious-sounding, healthy beef recipes! The Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak recipe totally caught my eye... yum!

I had never personally cooked flank steak before, but I know it's very lean and always tasty. This girl was ready for a challenge, but it actually took minutes to prepare and a few minutes to cook. Now, that's my kind of meal!

{ Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak }


Beef flank steak (about 1-1/2 pounds)
Salt & pepper

Balsamic Marinade:
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon-style mustard
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon sugar



1)  Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl. Place beef steak and marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn steak to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasionally.

2)  Remove steak from marinade; discard marinade. Place steak on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 11 to 16 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 16 to 21 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally.

3) Season steak with salt and pepper, as desired. Carve steak crosswise into thin slices.


The overall verdict? Adam and I were floored! Yes, I will be making this again ASAP! And leftovers tomorrow will be great - can't wait to make a healthy steak wrap or salad!

Definitely stop by My Plate, My Way and take the quiz! Get ready for some delicious, tried-and-true recipes!

Bon Appetit!

July 16, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Happy Monday morning to you, lovelies!
I hope each one of you had a relaxing, wonderful weekend that felt long and was exactly what you needed! We had some of our best friends in town for the weekend, so we had a blast running around with them for the last few days. I was very thankful of some mellow TV time to relax and unwind last night before the work week started.

Weekend = Success!

I am beyond THRILLED that you decided to stop by! Mingle Monday blog hop is a fast and easy link up that you all seem to enjoy, so of course I'm going to keep it going!

This is a place for you to get the word out about your fabulous blog and meet some new blog friends along the way!

{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Could you find it in your heart to spread the word? Jump on Twitter! Add it to your blog post! Smoke signals? Okay, okay... we're getting carried away, but PLEASE spread the word!
The more people = more potential followers/visitors for you, especially if everyone did it!

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** If you won $1,000, what would you spend it on? **



Looking forward to hopping around to your blogs and saying hi! Have I told you lately that you guys are great? Well you are! Thanks for being here!
Have a fantabulous week & stay tuned!!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

PPS - HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Sponsorship spots are going fast!!
Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! 

July 13, 2012

Confessional Friday

Friday the 13th? Oh my 'lanta!
You know what that means, right? Absolutely anything can go today. I got to the office and there are only a few people here and it's quiet. Quiet. Happy Friday the 13th indeed!

Well, once again I'm linking up with Leslie's weekly Confessional Friday: Link-Up over at A Blonde Ambition... you know you need to confess too! ;)

1) I confess that... I have slept on my couch the last 3 nights. Yup, 3.
I washed my bed linens earlier in the week and decided to indulge my laziness by letting them sit ON my bed without putting them on yet. Oh my. Tides will be a'changin' tonight, but it's been so wonderful allowing myself to be a tad bit lazy this week.

2) I confess that... I am totally loving this wedding planning thing. I seriously dreaded the idea of ever planning, but I do have the world's best planner/fiance helping out so much! Last night he said, "I've found the church, venue, and catering already... why don't you help me out here!" as he was teasing and tickling me. What a jokester...

3) I confess that... I can't wait to have some quality girl time this weekend! My best friends from home are coming up with their husbands, so we're having a girly coffee/shopping date while the boys golf. So blessed by my best friends, and my heart is so happy when they're near. Can't wait to take couples vacays once Adam and I are married! Come on March 9th!!

{ Adam and I with Sarah on her wedding day }

{ With Court on her big day }

4) I confess that... I walked out of Zumba last night. Usually, my Zumba instructor (and owner of the studio) teaches on Tuesday/Thursday, but he had a sub last night. Now, I am not the type to walk out of a movie or give up, but the class was so low-impact that I thought I would get a better workout at the gym. And I did! Perhaps I will be calling to confirm no subs before attending a class from now on!

5) I confess that... I am back on the Weight Watchers band wagon! The program works so well for me and I really enjoy and respond to accountability and quality nutrition counseling. I had my first meeting on Wednesday, and I feel great!

Can't wait to weigh in next week and slowly get back down to my normal weight after my weight gain last year (steroid treatments for 3 months for my FM)! It feels good to continue on my healthy lifestyle change, and do something to keep me on the road to a better me!
6) I confess that... I am both excited and a little terrified to go wedding dress shopping next weekend. I have an irrational fear that I won't find anything flattering and pretty, even though I know my perfect dress is out there.

Also crossing my fingers that they can tailor it well 7-8 months from now if I keep slowly losing weight like I have been over the last few months!


So glad I got those confessions off my chest... phew!

I can't say this enough... THANK YOU for all of your wonderful, beyond sweet congratulations messages on our engagement. It was so fun to see all of your shared excitement on Twitter, blog comments, and e-mails. Love to each one of you!
Welp, wishing you a lovely weekend! Stay tuned for the Mingle Monday blog hop right here next week!

Have a glitter and ice cream filled weekend! Oh, puppy dogs too! Lots of puppy dogs.



PS - Want to gain new followers?! Need some blog exposure?

Click HERE to visit my weekly Mingle Monday blog hop! Open all week long! :)


PPS - Need extremely budget-friendly advertising options for your blog or small business?

Get some exposure and traffic by becoming a Life of Meg sponsor! Sponsorships start at $10... not too shabby! Check it out - it only takes a minute to get your spot!


July 12, 2012

Save the Date: Wedding Venue Sneak Peek

Alrighty... it's official!
As of yesterday, we secured our wedding date and our beautiful first choice venue!! Both Adam and I couldn't be more relieved or excited to have that much done so quickly!!

So, I will officially be a married lady on March 9th, 2013! Ahhh!

Because I'm so excited, I figured I could give you all a sneak peek of our venue. The Hawthorne House reminds me of a beautiful southern estate with a white picket fence all the way around several acres lush acres. No matter what time of year it is, all the photos are stunning!

We will be getting married at the adorable picturesque chapel on the estate, and then hop over the adorable bridge to our plantation style house reception.

I am in love with the white wrap around porch, hanging plants, the light and airy Emerson Room (where the reception will be held), and the cute little gazebo in the front of the big lawn!

Take a look at a few weddings that have been done there...

So I have a few questions for all your engaged or married ladies out there. After we have found our venue, these questions still remain...

+ how did you choose a quality photographer/florist/DJ/cake?
+ did you meet/interview a bunch of them?
+ what about wedding make-up and hairstylist?

Any help or advice would greatly be appreciated! I love having such great blog friends who constantly offer encouragement and sound tips, so thank you in advance!!

July 10, 2012

Meet the Ladies

Happy Tuesday, my blog friends!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to introduce you to a handful of special ladies... my fabulous, beautiful, amazing sponsors!!

There are each so very sweet, great writers and have a lot to share with you! In order to give you a glimpse of what they're all about, I put together a little meet and greet below! Go tell these gals hello... I promise you'll make their day!

{ The Ladies }

Miss Rachel @ Simple Little Joys

"Welcome to my little corner of the Internet, {simple.little.joys}! This is where I talk about nothing and everything all at the same time...stop by and say hello! I'm a nurse living in the best small town ever, Oxford, MS. You'll see a few DIY and recipe posts here and there, a little bit of my weight loss journey, and a lot of day to day life! I'd love to have you come visit and stay a while."

Miss Rachel (what a popular name! :) @ Life in the Moment

"I'm Rachel from Life in the Moment. I'm a 28 year old Wisconsin native living in the wilds of Arizona. My blog is just that, my life in the moment. I blog about a whole mess of things! Teaching is my love and passion, I'm a sucker for funny kid stories. Around these parts, expect to find: fashion, food (mostly veggies), DIY, my friends and family, funny stories, youtube videos,excessive use of exclamation points, and Jesus! Stop by for a little bit of this and that and experience a moment in my life."

Miss Katie @ aKonthego

"My blog is all about the life my husband and I lead. We have moved around from Minnesota to Louisiana to New Mexico and back to Minnesota. In that time we have also been traveling a lot. All of our moves and travels have taught us many lessons including how to live life to the fullest every day. I write about tips and tricks for living a full life given the circumstances any person is in. People should stop by aKonthego for inspiration and ideas. They'll get inspired to grab their own life by the horns and take control. The biggest message I like to convey is that no matter who you are or what life you are currently leading it is always possible to get what you want out of that life. It's always possible to live more fully and to have YOUR definition of a full life."

Miss Keely @ Hairbows and Butter

"Hair Bows and Butter is a fun blog that features recipes and Inspiration. If you are looking for some great desserts you should definitely be stopping by. There's a new cupcake recipe every Tuesday! I share with you some of my favorite music, pictures that inspire me and recipes that I have created/adapted to my liking. If you're looking for a good time and if you're a fan of all things delicious, pretty and inspiring then you should definitely swing by!"

"Hello! I'm Carina, crafty mama to three little rascals, lover of all things vintage, a foodie, and unashamedly addicted to iced coffee. I love to talk about pretty much everything - thrifting, adoption, adventure, good food, and faith. My hope for my blog is that it is a place of encouragement, fun and a few good laughs. I also host a weekly link up called {thankful} - come join us!"



Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! Spots open now and going fast!

Also, don't miss out on the week long Mingle Monday blog hop! Find great new blogs, gain followers, and get yourself some exposure!

July 9, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Well, my goodness! I have been away for far too long!!
I can't even begin to tell each one of you how much I appreciate your kind wishes, comments, e-mails, and tweets over this past week's amazing engagement! It truly feels like such a fairytale.

We are definitely floating on cloud 9! Since I had last week off, we've already had time to pick our venue and date! I can't wait for this spring... details coming later this week!! Missed out on the amazing proposal story? Here it is!

And I am flattered beyond belief to have a handful of new, amazing followers! Thank you all so much for stopping by Life of Meg!

Please introduce yourself - I'd love to personally say hello! :)


{ Time to Mingle! }

Pretty Pretty Please...

Could you find it in your heart to spread the word? Jump on Twitter! Add it to your blog post! Smoke signals? Okay, okay... we're getting carried away, but PLEASE spread the word!
The more people = more potential followers/visitors for you, especially if everyone did it!

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What is an original wedding idea that you saw and fell in love with
at another person's wedding? **



Can't wait to catch up with all of you after being MIA for a week! Hope you're doing well!

Also, if you are interested in advertising your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! I have some spots left for July - so let's get you some exposure!

Wishing you a beyond lovely work week!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

July 3, 2012

Meg's Getting Married!!!

That's right! This little blondie is getting hitched!!
Adam completely surprised me by proposing on Saturday evening in the world's most amazing way - under the stars and fireworks! So romantic and perfect. I apologize for no Mingle Monday yesterday, and to delay the story for all of you who found out via Twitter on Sunday - I have been soaking in every minute since then!

Want to see the world's prettiest ring?

 Here it is... what a dream!!

{ Magnified pic of the engagement ring + wedding band that my sister took. }

{ The next morning after Adam proposed - so sparkly! }


{ Our Engagement Story }

It all began by sharing in our 4th of July tradition by going to his family's cabin overlooking a beautiful pond with family and friends. A small group of us go up and stay the whole weekend, but on Saturday evening they always invite extended family and nearby friends to come up for an evening. Lots of great cooking out, conversations, and fireworks over the pond.

We spent Saturday during the day hanging out and setting up for the big party. Adam told me that there were two surprise guests coming, but wouldn't told me who it was. Around 4 p.m. I see my best friend, Lo, and her fiance Brian walking up the driveway, and my heart almost lept out of my chest. I ran out of the cabin and practically tackled her while tears streamed down my face. Lo lives in Oklahoma City, we met way back in college, and I cherish every time I get to see her. Living in two different cities is hard, but we've remained besties throughout the years and miles. Best surprise ever.

Adam later told me he was worried about Lo's arrival giving me a hint that something odd was going on, but I just thought he wanted to plan a sweet surprise for me. It's very much like Adam to plan such a touching thing, so never in my wildest dreams did I have a clue what was to come.

Our family and friends began to arrive around dinner time and we all had a blast hanging out. My parents and sister drove up from Wichita, Adam's extended family arrived, and the majority of our close friends were there. It was the best time! Due to setting up for the party, I really didn't see Adam much in the afternoon since we were all busy. He was helping give people directions, and driving out to find any friends or fam that were lost along the way.

Around 10:30 p.m. we all set up chairs on the deck and got cozied in for the big firework show, led by our favorite pyromaniac friends. I told Adam I saved him a seat, but he asked me to go over to where he was for a second, as he said:

"It's been a really long a busy day and I've missed seeing you. I could use a more quiet place where we can watch the fireworks from... I just kind of need a break."

Yes, I know what you're all thinking... HELLO red flag. Yup, still had no idea.

So we began walking down the stairs and around the pond under the stars, as we arrived at the red bench on the edge of the water. Along the way, we passed Adam's sister and her fiance sitting by the pond, so I was still thinking nothing of it. Little did I know... they were our sneaky photographers!

As we talked about our day and caught up, we watched the fireworks exploding over the water. We talked for quite some time until the guys yelled out that it was the last firework finale - minutes of fireworks exploding back to back. Here's how it all went down (I have goosebumps still!)...

Adam: I love you.

Meg: I love you too!

Adam: No... I love you. These last 3 years have been the most amazing 3 years of my life, and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you.

** Slides off the bench and onto his knee in front of me. We're both crying, and this is when I realize he is proposing to me! **

Adam: Megan Porter, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?

Meg: YES!!!!

At this point I jumped up to give Adam the world's biggest hug and kiss as he says, "Crap! I just dropped the ring!" - haha!

He felt around, opened the box, and slipped that gorgeous ring onto my finger. I couldn't see it since we were in the dark under the stars, but I said... "Well, it sure feels beautiful!" ...and we both laughed!

We couldn't contain our joy as Adam's sister, Meredith, and her fiance ran over and were the first to tackle us in the biggest hugs. We ran all the way back to the deck where all of the sudden 40 of our closest friends and family started yelling and cheering. The hugs and congrats were all so wonderful and heartfelt.

And then someone asked me what my ring looked like... I had no idea!
I screamed out loud as soon as I saw it... "This is my RING?! AHHH!!!"

I love it. It's more than I could have ever dreamed about or hoped for. That man knows me so well, and I feel so spoiled and blessed!! We're getting married!!!


So here we are now!

I will have many more photos to share when I get them from our friends and fam, but in the meanwhile, we couldn't feel more blessed and loved by everyone. I can't believe I get to marry the man of my dreams, my very best friend, and he pulled of the world's most romantic and sweet proposal. Still in shock when I look at my finger!!

As you can imagine, these last few days have been wonderful and overwhelming, but as of right now, we are looking forward to any early spring wedding... yeehaw!

Love to all of you. Thank you SO much for sharing in our joy!