July 30, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop

Ohhh my goodness!
I have been extremely busy and MIA with wedding planning, busy work schedules/meetings, and just with life in general.

But don't worry, Mingle Monday week-long blog hop is here (better late than never... right?)!! ;)


{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Could you find it in your heart to spread the word? Jump on Twitter! Add it to your blog post! Smoke signals? Okay, okay... we're getting carried away, but PLEASE spread the word!
The more people = more potential followers/visitors for you, especially if everyone did it!

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }


** Yes, I know this button link doesn't currently work, but I'm working on it! **


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What is your favorite Olypmpic event or who is your fave athlete? **



I hop your week is off to a much smoother start than mine! Work has been insane today!!
Lots o' love and hugs!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

PPS - HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Sponsorship spots are going fast!!
Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, or small business at a really great low price (starts at $10/month), please check out my sponsor page! 


  1. I love anything synchronized and I have started a list of male olympians on my facebook that I've started calling Team Sexy Pants. It will be a blog post asap! lol

  2. I don't really get into the Olympics, which makes me feel like a bad American! My favorite event is sitting on the couch reading while my husband watches the Olympics!

  3. My favourite event is pairs ice skating. Wait, that's in the winter Olympics isn't it?!


  4. My faves are swimming, diving, and gymnastics. How bummed was Jordyn Wieber when she barely missed qualifying for all-around?! Poor girl!

  5. I'm crazy in love with Ryan Lochte! Be still my beating heart!

  6. I'm just not a summer Olympics person. Don't know why! I agree that my favorite sport is sitting on the couch, watching Dexter, and reading tweets about what's happening on the olympics :)

  7. Gymnastics, hands down!

  8. My favorite is diving! But we don't have cable/antenna/anything of the sort, so this year we won't be watching anything!

  9. I don't do sports..... :( I guess, I like the Williams sisters because I used to watch tennis as a kiddo :)

  10. I love gymnastics and diving! They are so athletic and strong.


  11. synchronized diving & women's gymnastics!!

  12. Hi gorgeous girl!!! Our favourite olympic sports are running, swimming and gymnastics!!! Go Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! :-)))))) GO USA too xx

  13. swimming...we have a friend in it!

  14. Hey there! Happy Monday! I think my favorite events are gymnastics and track...such good motivation to work out!

  15. Love beach volleyball!! But also love gymnastics for sure! Hope wedding plans are going well and you are enjoying planning the party of your life! :)

  16. I am TOTALLY loving diving and gymnastics, which is ALL I did Sunday evening...I can't get enough of it! And I'm missing you, ma'am! SO happy I finally had Internet for a second so I could link up with you!!!!!

  17. Diving and gymnastics! I wish I could do both :)

  18. I'm a gymnastics fan!

  19. I can't seem to stop watching them! The women's gymnastics is my favourite sport, swimming is second.

  20. I absolutely love, love sports - especially Olympic games. My favorite sports are track&field (sprint distances, long jump, high jump, ...), equestrian, biking....... archery is pretty neat too. And I absolutely LOVE triathlon.

  21. I didn't think I'd be into it but I loved watching the Rowing today, and boxing is pretty interesting too :) It's all pretty cool to watch, they are so talented!!

  22. I must say love the gymnastics!! I'm losing sleep staying up all night to watch!!!


I absolutely LOVE hearing from you guys! I read every single comment and always try to get back to each of you!
In order to do that, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

How to enable your e-mail - BLOGGER ACCOUNTS:
To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a checkmark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE.

Thanks for reading! You all are hands down the BEST! xo