June 29, 2011

Unique Adventuring

Lately I've had the urge to escape...
At first I wasn't really sure where, but I just need to get the heck out of dodge. I want to feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. The rush of exploring a new place. I love that feeling that adventuring brings so very much.

Well, my Daddy called this weekend and wants to plan a little vacacy with the fam + BF + a few friends to the Lake of the Ozarks! I am ridiculously excited and am counting down the days! Unforutnately... I'm still craving more adventure.

It finally occured to me where my new destination should be after watching my favorite movie, (500) Days of Summer. One of my favorite parts is that beautifully filmed scene where Summer and Tom are on the train laughing in the dining car as the sun is setting.

.:: Just thinking about that part gives me butterflies. ::.

So needless to say, BF and I are thinking we need to take a little trip this fall (or spring?)... by train!

Naturally, since fall is my absolute favorite season, I would love to adventure hand-in-hand then.

I can just see us together... grabbing coffee, playing board games, and watching the train pass the gorgeous gold and crimson leaves on the trees. Wouldn't that be such a fun memory?

{ We're thinking Chicago. }

Luckily enough, Chicago is only a 7 hour train ride (and super inexpenive). Adam's sister, Meredith, and her BF live in Madison and would be close enough to meet us in the city for a fun weekend.

We absolutely love spending time with them, and it would be so fun to experience the city together! Oh a girl can dream...

Of course, with a million more family and friend weddings this summer/fall, the dream trip is still in talk. Hopefully we can find some time that would work for all 4 of us! I'm too excited for it to potentially not happen! ;)

BF is probably reading this and shaking his head - haha!
(I tend to get really excited about little ideas.)

Anyway, here is one of my all-time favorite songs paired with (500) Days of Summer. You will catch a glimpse of that gorgeous train scene at the very beginning... *sigh*

I may have to watch the movie tonight...

So tell me, have any of you been on a train adventure? I am dying to hear your stories/advice!

June 27, 2011

Mingle Monday - Want New Followers?!

Welcome back!
Did ya'll have a lovely weekend?! Have any fun adventures? Well my weekend was rather relaxing and super fun. I got brand new gorgeous furniture delivered to my house and now I look like a legit big girl! So fun!

I'm looking forward to the end of this short week already, because I can't wait for my 4th of July weekend cabin getaway trip with BF, his fam, and our friends! YAY!

Can't wait to go visit your blogs and see what's going on - isn't blogging so fun?!

{ Mhhmmm... let's do this! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

May I ask a favor? Please spread the word about Mingle Monday today! I will love you forever!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What are you 4th of July weekend plans?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


I'll be back this afternoon in full posting flair, so that I can share photos of the wedding i was in and misc. adventures! xo

Happy Monday, my dears!!

June 24, 2011

Bring On the Weekend!

It's such a great day, my friends!
Not only is it FRIDAY, but I am in this giggly happy mood. Why you ask? This weekend I am doing nothing.

That's right, after being gone for weekends on end, I am going to do whatever I want this weekend. I'm thinking lots of delicious brunching. I could brunch 24-7.

Well my sweet boyfriend will be MIA, but I am looking forward to so much stinking wonderfulness, girl time, and relaxing!

{ Mmm Hmm... Bring it on! }

+ long walk date with my sweet friend Kate
{and Bella Beast, of course!}
+ girls night IN tonight!
+ homemade pizza, wine, and chick flicks
+ zumba
+ le Peep brunch w/ Karen
+ cleaning (per the usual)
+ sporting KC soccer game

Yes, it's going to be a highly entertaining and relaxing weekend, but more than anything, I can't wait to get my new furniture! My sweet parents have offered to bring them up to KC for me, and it's going to look like Pottery Barn exploded everywhere when I'm finished! ;)


In other news, I can't get enough of...

Her weightloss tips.

THIS web site.

This stinking song makes me dance!

Traveling to any place on this list.

This music video.
{or singing this song super loud with BF!}


Life is good. What are you up to this weekend?

June 20, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Mornin' girlies!
Did ya'll have a great weekend? Any fun stories? I am pretty excited to hop around and visit your blogs today - hopefully I will get to read your weekend stories then! :)

Well, I am finally back from my dear friend Court's wedding - phew! It was a long, semi-stressful week, but the wedding was gorgeous, the bride was glowing, and afterward BF and I were still able to enjoy the weekend.

We took it easy on Saturday spending plenty of time with our friends and my family, and it was great being with my Daddy on Father's Day.

For those of you asking about how he's doing during this last chemo rest week - he's doing really well! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your e-mails, thoughts and prayers!

{ Let's get this PARTY started!! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

May I ask a favor? If you could pass the Mingle Monday love on in one of your posts today that would put me on cloud 9! Let's invite some more fabulous friends to get their Mingle on!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question... In honor of bestie's upcoming nuptuals...

** What is the beauty product you swear by?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Now go show today who's boss!!


PS - Do you have an Etsy shop or need to advertise?
You're in luck! I am currently offering 20% off my current (already low!) advertising rates!

Take advantage of this special! Interested? E-mail me at megnificentlife{at}gmail{dot}com!


June 15, 2011

Let Wedding Pallooza Begin!

Hey there, dolls!
Having a decent week so far? The good news is it's more than half way over... yeah buddy! Well although this is Wednesday for all, today is my Friday. After work I am jetting off to my best friend's wedding with BF, and hanging with my family tonight...

{ pretty excited! }

This is a pretty special wedding for us to be a part of. My bestie and Adam's cousin were actually the ones that introduced us almost 2 years ago, so they have a very special place in our hearts.

I have so much to do before we head out tonight! Luckily I have most things packed, but I am a little anxious/antsy about my FIRST spray tan ever...

Has anyone spray tanned before? Advice? tips?
I don't want to look like this:

Anyway, onto the fun stuff...

I'm pretty excited about wearing my new gorgeous Banana Republic dress (the photo doesn't do it justice!), bright pink cardy, and chunky gray beaded necklace to the rehearsal tomorrow night...

Paint my nails this gorgeous romantic shade...

...and get my bridesmaid do for the wedding. I love this Carrie Underwood soft updo, don't you?


Looking forward to a great weekend!! If you have any spray tanning tips/bridesmaid advice please pass it along! ;)

What are you up to this weekend, loves?

PS - Do you have an Etsy shop or need to advertise?
You're in luck! I am currently accepting a limited number of sponsors and offer extremely low/affordable rates! E-mail me at megnificentlife [at] gmail [dot] com if you are interested! Hurry - spots fill up fast!

PPS - Don't forget to drop by the Mingle Monday Blog Hop... open 'til Friday! Get your name out there, girls! ;)

June 13, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!!

Welcome back!
I hope all of you sassy ladies had a fabulous weekend! I had a great time relaxing by the pool and spending time with my friends!

This work week is going to be a crazy 3 days! One of my besties is getting married on Friday, so bridesmaid duties call! I'm attempting to get my first spray tan also... any advice???

Anyway, I missed you and I know my blog posts have been slacking, but I promise I'm back in action now! Get excited!

{ Let's MINGLE, shall we?! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

May I ask a favor? If you could pass the Mingle Monday love on in one of your posts today that would put me on cloud 9! Let's invite some more fabulous friends to get their Mingle on!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question... In honor of bestie's upcoming nuptuals...

** What is your favorite part of a wedding?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until FRIDAY at midnight (CST) **

PS - Do you have an Etsy shop or need to advertise?
You're in luck! I am currently accepting a limited number of sponsors and offer extremely low/affordable rates! E-mail me at megnificentlife [at] gmail [dot] com if you are interested! Hurry - spots fill up fast!

Hugs n Kisses!

June 9, 2011

Life is Good

Ahhh!!! I've missed ya'll so much!
First off, let me get this out there so you know why i have been a little MIA. My Daddy was diagnosed with throat cancer a few weeks back and this week is his first chemo week. Needless to say I have been distracted, but everything is going well! He's such a superhero!

Despite these crazy little bumps in the road. Life is too sweet not to focus on the good things. So, let's catch up shall we? Here's what makes me heart so happy and I've been dying to share...

1) I'm in love.

- Yes, I know I have been dating BF for almost 2 years, but I fall a little more in love everyday... *sigh* I feel so blessed to have someone love me so unconditionally, despite my craziness and emotional breakdowns. I couldn't be more thankful to have someone hold my hand through life's hard times, and celebrate the good ones.

2) Brother is HERE!

- My little broski moved to the big KC yesterday so that he could hang with his sister (or work his first awesome big boy job?!)! Couldn't be more excited to have one of my very favorite people doing life with me here in the big city!

{Sibling Love - Christmas 2010}

3) Livestrong Sporting Park opens tonight!
- I've grown up a complete soccer fanatic, so I was definitely all in when BF, Brother, and a close friend decided that we should get season tickets. The brand new multi-million dollar stadium opens tonight and we can't wait to enjoy tailgating and the first game!

4) This weekend = R-e-l-a-x-a-t-i-o-n!

- Although I am working one of our fundraising events on Friday, I'm looking for a mini date night afterwards. BF is leaving for bachelor weekend, so it will be fun to catch up before he heads out! Saturday is a community volunteering project, followed by some pool time, and Sunday is a girl date with my sweet friend Erin! Bring it on.

5) My Dad = Superhero

- Seriously, this man is awesome. It's the last day of chemo this week and now he gets to rest and recover! Hang in there, Daddio! You're doing SO great! :)

5) Despite the curve balls, life is so so good.

- I'm very thankful to have such supportive friends and family! I've received gorgeous surprise bouquets of flowers just letting me know people are thinking of me and praying for my sweet Daddy. The heart of life is good, so I have to keep striving towards optimism!

Here's my little life theme song. If I was in a movie, I would want this to be the culminating movie moment movie song. Completely love it.

.:: Missed you to pieces! ::.

Tell me what's going on with you? Excited about life?

June 1, 2011

The Sunshine Project

Happy June, lovelies!!
I know it's been quite awhile since I posted last (shame on me!). It was a combo of enjoying my 4 day vacation combined with a need to be re-inspired. But don't you worry, after a refreshing few days off I feel very motivated and deeply inspired to start a new project.

I've been thinking about this for about a month now, and watching a heart-changing documentary ("The Human Experience"), I believe it's finally time to make this dream/goal a reality:


Over the next 30 days, I am on a mission to make a positive change on the world one random act of kindness at a time. I've realized that life is not about me, and it's far too short to be inwardly focused.

Keep in mind that this project in no way is meant to glorify me. I want this to be a meaningful project that may possibly inspire others to spread some sunshine.

I have no set agenda or plan of what to do each day, I simply want to have my eyes and ears open for little ways I can spread cheer. Not only is this a personal mission to spread happiness and love to people that may need it most, but I have a big feeling that it will change me too.

{ Join me! }


Day 1: Cup o' Joy

I woke up this morning extremely happy. I knew today was the first day of my little project and I couldn't wait to get started!

Now those that know me best realize that most mornings I am on "Meg time" - ie: I'm running late. Not this morning, my friends. I was up and ready to go extra early so that I could begin my first day of The Sunshine Project.

My very sweet friend, Lindsey, sent me a wonderful Starbucks gift card last week in an encouraging and cheery note. She may not have known it at the time, but it made my week. Which is when my first idea hit. Starbucks!

My plan was to run through the Starbucks drive-thru on my way downtown, and pick-up the tab of the person behind me. As soon as I ordered my coffee light frappucino I just started giggling. Seriously.

I pulled up to the window and I'm not sure if I was nervous or excited, but as soon as the barista opened the drive-thru window I blurted out something about "HI! Here's my card... person behind me..." *giggle*

Good grief. Could I be any more spastic?

He looked at me and kind of smiled as he ran my card. Then he handed me my drink and with a very genuine smile he looked me in the eyes and sincerely wished me a great day. How thoughtful.

I never saw that person behind me, but I hope they were surprised and excited. In fact, I hope they turn around and do something nice for someone else today.

My heart is full of joy already, so I can't wait to see what's to come!


Join me in spreading that sunshine!