June 24, 2011

Bring On the Weekend!

It's such a great day, my friends!
Not only is it FRIDAY, but I am in this giggly happy mood. Why you ask? This weekend I am doing nothing.

That's right, after being gone for weekends on end, I am going to do whatever I want this weekend. I'm thinking lots of delicious brunching. I could brunch 24-7.

Well my sweet boyfriend will be MIA, but I am looking forward to so much stinking wonderfulness, girl time, and relaxing!

{ Mmm Hmm... Bring it on! }

+ long walk date with my sweet friend Kate
{and Bella Beast, of course!}
+ girls night IN tonight!
+ homemade pizza, wine, and chick flicks
+ zumba
+ le Peep brunch w/ Karen
+ cleaning (per the usual)
+ sporting KC soccer game

Yes, it's going to be a highly entertaining and relaxing weekend, but more than anything, I can't wait to get my new furniture! My sweet parents have offered to bring them up to KC for me, and it's going to look like Pottery Barn exploded everywhere when I'm finished! ;)


In other news, I can't get enough of...

Her weightloss tips.

THIS web site.

This stinking song makes me dance!

Traveling to any place on this list.

This music video.
{or singing this song super loud with BF!}


Life is good. What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Those are my favorite weekends! I have one of those this weekend too. :)

  2. Those really are the best weekends! Even though it's Friday and my birthday's on Sunday, I can't seemed to get excited about anything today. It's such a blah day; hopefully, I'll shake the funk off and enjoy the weekend.

    Hope you have a great one!

  3. It's refreshing to have one of those relaxing weekends. They don't come often for me! I always seem to be running around shopping, doing chores (I hate having to go to the laundramat!) or I have a visitor or am traveling somewhere! I'm home this weekend but have to get up early both days.
    Enjoy your relaxation time! I love zumba too :)

  4. Sounds amazing! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. AnonymousJune 26, 2011

    Your weekend sounds fantastic! And that Brunch looks a.m.a.z.i.n.g. Seriously, I want it now, despite the fact that it's 9.40pm and I haven't stopped eating all day!
    Happy Pottery-Barn-ing! :)


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