February 28, 2011

Girl Crush: Anne Hathaway

Did any of you catch the 83rd Academy Awards last night? Well I sure did, and one thing's for sure... Anne Hathaway was a gem!! Granted I've loved her ever since The Princess Diaries days, but I think America fell in love with her all over again while she hosted the Oscars.

If you missed it, check out this amazing, absolutely pee-in-your-pants hilarious opening skit...

What I love about her the most is she is a real, genuine, classy lady who isn't afraid of being true to herself. She looked stunning as always, and the way she played off of James Franco was absolutely hilarious. For the first time in years, I actually belly laughed through the entire show. Uhh-freaking-maazing!

I laughed so hard I cried when I saw James Franco in drag. Hilarious!

Last night reaffirmed that Anne is America's sweetheart and one heck of an actress! Now I am extra excited to see her as Catwoman in the "Dark Night Rises" (the next Batman installment), and see where this Oscar triumph takes her.

What did you think of the Oscars...

Did you fall in love with Anne too?


PS- Looking for new followers or fun new blogs? Don't forget that the Mingle Monday blog hop is open until Wednesday at midnight.
Stop by and get your blog some exposure!


Mingle Monday - Join the Party!

Mingle Monday is back!
It's been a long time coming, that's for sure! Unfortunately due to being rather under the weather last week we had to skip a week - *gasp!* - but that just means it's time for a big, happy Monday party, right?

I hope you girlies had such an amazing weekend! Anyone do anything overly fun and ground breaking? I've missed you guys! So happy you're here. :)

{ Let's Mingle! }


Pretty please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today! That would seriously make me smile today :)

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What spring activities are you looking forward to?


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **

Wishing you a sunshiney Monday!

February 25, 2011

Want You Back

Her voice is oh-so-sweet, and I've loved her for years!
That gosh darn Colbie Caillat has me wanting a big ol' hammock on the beach, some mellow tunes, and a giant sangria!

{ Dreamy, eh? }

So why don't you kick back and check out this gem of a song. Gotta love when good tunes roll across your Pandora! :)

{ Take a listen, I promise you will fall in love... }

Cheers to the weekend, dolls!

Absolutely Loving...

Wow! I really have MIA this week - my goodness!
Most of the time I enjoy blogging on my lunch break, but this week I have been a busy working girl over the noon hour.

I apologize for the unintentional neglect and I promise that I've been dying to chit chat with ya'll!

The good news is I am here now with a thorough recap of last weekend {it's about time!}, and a handful of amazing, girly, wonderful super random things I can't get enough of.

Warning: RANDOM.

holy cow.


.:: Weekend Wrap-Up ::.

So I went shopping with mom on Sunday afternoon, scored some great deals, and raided Banana. Loving my newest purchases:

Brown Straw Bow Fedora

Ruffle Trim Gingham Shirt

Over the course of 3 days I finally felt like I enjoyed a relaxing low-key weekend. I was thankful for quality time with fam and friends that I hadn't seen in a while.

I absolutely loved the amazing dusty rose/nude polish I chose for my weekend manicure treat. Every time I look at it I smile and remember how great the weekend was! :)

Oh hello! I can't believe I haven't shared photos yet! Check out my gorgeous little sister... can you believe she is only 17?

Mom and I helped get sister ready for her dance and she looked amazing, don't you think??


.:: Currently OBSESSED with ::.

+ Adele's brand spanking new album {who isn't?}

...watch this asap!

+ No Pudge Fat Free Fudge Brownies
{Diet friendly and seriously AMAZING!}

+ This Hungry Girl Chicken Pot Pie recipe
...healthy, delicious and BF approved!

+ This super sweet Tumblr :)

+ This art that I just ordered for my office

+ My delicious smelling home must-have and recent favorite scent

+ The new Anthropologie wedding dresses

+ BF finally getting back... isn't he a handsome man?

*le sigh*


Anyway, I desperately need to go to bed! It's 1:15 a.m. and I don't know why I'm not in bed?

Hope all is absolutely wonderful and I'll catch ya'll tomorrow after I get my beauty rest.

Sweet Dreams!

February 23, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 2

IAM alive, I promise!
Despite being ridiculously under the weather while visiting my family, and taking Monday off to recover, I have made it out of the yuck unscathed!

So here we are again for a weekly weigh-in! Due to feeling awful, I can honestly say i didn't workout a lick in the last 5 days, so I was decently pleased to see a good loss from just eating well!

{ Total Weight Loss = Exactly 2 lbs! }

.:: So excited!! ::.

I was a little worried that i wouldn't lose much since I was unable to hit it hard at the gym, but this just goes to show eating healthy works! Now eating healthy and getting my rear in gear at the gym, it's going to just fall off, right?

2 lbs. down... 29.2 lbs to go!

I also went on a little Barnes & Noble shopping spree with some awesome Groupons (LOVE those awesome Groupon deals!) I bought, and stocked up on 2 amazing cookbooks! Looking for new recipes? This one and this one are absolutely amazing and the food is to die for! Plus, Weight Watcher points are already calculated for each recipe online - so easy!

Not to mention I got some extra inspiration through my bloggy friend Rachel's story on A Blonde Ambition yesterday! Thanks Rach & Leslie! :)

Cheers to success! More Megnificent posts coming soon!

February 21, 2011

Mingle Monday - Raincheck Needed :(

Happy Presidents Day!
This is my first attempt to blog from my Droid phone, so we'll see how well this goes over, it could be interesting. I'm clogging from the comfort of my parents TV room as I sip on hot tea and nurse my potential sinus/ear infection. Blah...

I went home for the long weekend to visit my fam and wound up super sick and miserable. This being said, I am going to give Mingle Monday a raincheck for tomorrow. So stay tuned for Mingle Tuesday (not quite the same roll-off-your-tongue flair, but it works).

Many apologies, but I appreciate your understanding!! Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow germ and tissue free!

Have a great Monday!!

February 18, 2011

So Many Reasons to Smile

My heart is so very happy today!
Despite not feeling well the last few days, I woke up with a huge smile on my face... it's Friday, Mmmm!

So, this little blondie is headed home for a long weekend and I am SO ready! It's my sweet little sister's big homecoming dance and i know she's going to look gorgeous.

Just a cute photo of her last year. The theme was "Under the Sea", so I called her Underwater Barbie for at least a month (I mean doesn't she look like a pretty little mermaid Barbie??)...

{ Isn't she pretty? }

There are so many things on my mind, so naturally I have to share with all of you bloggy friends...


.:: I'm Over ::.

+ Missing my little brother!
{Must see you soon, Kell!}
+ BF being gone on work trips...
I like having him in the same city so all of us can enjoy him!
+ Work, Work, Work!
+ Feeling sick
+ My (undiagnosed} potential auto-immune disease issues

.:: I'm Proud Of ::.

+ Feeling healthy!
+ Working out 4 out of 5 days this week
+ Getting my laundry done

.:: I'm Excited For ::..

+ Chill time w/ my freaking awesome family
+ Manicures with Sissy in the a.m.
+ My long 3-day weekend
I love having a ridiculous amount of PTO Days!
+ Possibly trying out some new WW recipes
Thanks, Rebekah, for the recommendations!! ;)
+ Morning walks with mom + pups
+ Sleeping in
+ FINALLY watching this week's Glee

.:: I Could Go For ::.

+ A giant delicious salad for lunch
+ Girl time with my bestie {see ya tonight, Court!}
+ Umm... wine?
+ A good visit with my Grandpa
+ Mellow time in my PJs
+ Some good laughs
+ A good new romantic comedy - anything in theaters??


What's on your delicious weekend menu?
Are you looking forward to anything special?

I promise to bring some kind of weekend photos back to share with you guys soon! Stay tuned for next week's giveaway too! See ya'll for Mingle Monday {Be there or be square!}

Huggles, Snuggles & Happy Weekend Wishes!

February 17, 2011

7 Tips to a Skinnier You

Greetings from gorgeous, sunny Kansas City!
How's your Thursday going? Everybody doing okay? The good news is the weekend is in sight and it's absolutely beautiful here in the big KC today - hello 68 degrees!

I'm super looking forward to my post-work walk in the park with Bella Beast.

So anyway, as we make our slow decent into March, it's a little surreal to see the upcoming dates on my calendar. Knowing that my best friend's wedding is vast approaching, I've been pretty motivated to whip my bod into shape!

Well, Lord knows I am not the only one with important dates arriving soon! Whether you are also trying to get that more sleek toned little body for your wedding cruise/high school reunion/etc. I thought I would share some helpful diet/exercise tools that have been working great for me!

After all... that's what girlfriends are for, right? I hope you share tips you've learned with me too!


{ Who is motivated for the slim down? }

1) Set Realistic Healthy Goals

Last week I sat down and wrote down my goals on paper. Now I know it's really easy to think that you don't need to write them down, because you generally have them in your head.

But let me tell you... listing your goals on paper and posting them where you can see them everyday is a visual reminder to your commitment.

Every morning when I wake up and walk into my bathroom they are there. They set the tone for the day and I'm determined to reach my goal by the date listed. It makes it way easier to turn down that donut in the break room if you are committed.

2) Schedule Your Exercise Dates

Most of us working big girls know how hard it is to find the time, motivation, and energy for a post-work sweat. I recently joined the gym a few blocks from my downtown office so that I can schedule an hour-long workout during my lunch break.

I went from working out 2 days a week to 5 and it's been easy! I'm shocked! Plus the extra time and energy I gain to finish my day, and my workout is done by 5 p.m. - hello free time!

3) Accountability is Key

Whether it's finding a workout buddy or joining a weight loss group, the accountability can really help keep you on track.

Lucky for me, I signed up for Weight Watchers last week to help me be accountable for a healthier diet (it's working!). SparkPeople is a wonderful free online tool that will help you count calories with a food journal and keep track of exercise.

I also have a wonderful friend, Karen, who just happens to be my co-worker too! We love running together and working out with me over lunch. I also have a handful of good friends who will take evening classes or go on weekend walks with me and the pup!

4) Plan Ahead

If I know that I have an evening meeting or will be traveling, I like to keep healthy snacks on hand. Whether it's fruit or protein bars, when snacks are easy to grab and readily accessible, it makes it easier to turn down the junk food temptations.

5) Ask for Help

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. Whether I am in a fitness class or running with a gal pal, I treasure any tips I can get on exercise technique and tips!

I recently joined the gym a block away from work and with my gym membership I get 3 free consultations with a trainer. Today was my first session and it was SO helpful! I am more motivated than ever now!

Don't have a gym/trainer? Sign-up for a fitness based magazine subscription. I personally love getting SELF Magazine every month! Between the easy-to-follow work-outs and healthy {delicious!} recipes, it helps renew my motivation!

6) Glam It Up!

Whether you buy yourself some cute pink running shoes or new colored sports bras, remember that health is worth your investment. If buying new cute workout outfits gets you to the gym, go for it!

My current gym obsession: GAP Gym Bag

7) Try Something New

I have loved trying new classes and workouts. Switching tings up gets me excited and motivated. So, try out that spin class or start going on evening walks with a friend. Having something to look forward to will definitely spice it up.


So there you have it, my friends! i know the whole thought of working out and eating right can be a little overwhelming, but if I can do it I know YOU can do it too! I promise it gets much easier the more it becomes a habit!

Please share your success and tips with me!!

{ What keeps you motivated? }

February 16, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 1

Hey there friends!
Well, today is my very first Weekly Weigh-In since jumping on the Weight Watchers train last week. I was pretty excited to jump on the scale this morning, because I've been doing a pretty good job - hurray!

Despite eating out 3 times this last weekend, and having absolutely whatever I wanted during my romantic Valentine's fancy dinner with BF, I did better than I thought!

{ Total Weight Loss = 2.8 lbs! }

.:: I'll take it!! ::.

I honestly thought I would stay the same considering at least 2-3 days I didn't watch what I ate all the time... little treats definitely slipped in.

Not to mention my mommy sent me some delicious heart-shaped Valentine's cookies, and I loved every yummy bite of the gooey chocolate spoon cake BF and I shared during our date!

Despite the not so perfect eating habits, I did workout hard all week! That my folks is what saved my rear with all the extra goodies! 2.8 down... 31.2 lbs to go!

Moral of the story? If I can make great food choices and workout this week, it's going to be epic next weigh-in! Stay tuned for my 10 Tips to Get Skinny coming this afternoon/tomorrow! Off to the gym for my lunch hour! :)

Thanks for all the encouragement last week!!


PS- Interested in joining Weight Watchers? There is NO ENROLLMENT FEE right now, so you're only paying the cheap weekly dues!

PPS- Even better? Click HERE to get 25% off your first month of dues... that's only $7/week to get your weight loss started!! :)


February 14, 2011

Mingle Monday: Valentine's Edition!

Welcome to Mingle Monday!
So glad you could join me on one of my favorite days of the year... Valentine's Day! I am a firm believer that Valentine's Day is for anyone and everyone. It's all about showing love to all the wonderful people in your life.

So anyway, I hope you're here to help me crush the negativiity and spread the love!

{ Let's Mingle! }

Whether you are a Mingle vetran or a wonderful newbie, let me personally welcome you to Mingle Monday, my weekly hosted blog hop. I couldn't be more happy that you stopped by to hang out on this fabulous Monday morning!

Who's excited to Mingle it up? Let's get YOUR blog growing!


Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. I can't tell you how much it MAKES MY DAY when I see posts with the Mingle Monday button in it... you guys are seriously the BEST!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...

** What loved ones are you thankful for? **


What are your Valentine's Day plans?**


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **


Happy Love Day!

February 10, 2011

Puppies, Picnics and Happiness

See that cute furry puppy?
Yup that one! I'm convinced she is the cutest most lovable little monster in all the world. My alarm went off at 7 a.m. and after about 5 snoozes, I rolled over to find myself nose to nose with a little furry body.

Bella Beast was all snuggled up under the covers and her head was resting on the pillow next to me...

{ Not a bad way to start my day! Too Cute! }

Welp, my friends, we're one day away from weekend freedom and I couldn't be more ready! Besides being greeted by an adorable fur ball on the pillow next to me, I woke up with lots of random thoughts and excitement...


.:: I'm Looking Forward To ::.

+ my afternoon workout
+ enjoying my cleaned up apartment
+ sending Valentine's cards
+ this weekend's amazing lovey plans
+ warmer weather on the horizon!
+ date night tonight w/ my handsome devil of a BF
{ indoor picnic complete with games and yummy s'mores! }

.:: Listening To ::.

+ Missy Higgins
+ Adele
+ Norah Jones
+ A Fine Frenzy
+ "Wonderwall" cover
by Straight No Chaser... Mmm!

.:: I'm Loving ::.

+ my Bible Study girls
+ my commitment to Weight Watchers
+ American Idol auditions - hahahaha!
+ how working out makes me feel STRONG!
+ my Valentine's date outfit and chosen pretty updo
+ Martha Stewart's Valentine's Day
craft ideas, menu plans, and yummy treats!


What makes you smile today, my friends?
