February 23, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 2

IAM alive, I promise!
Despite being ridiculously under the weather while visiting my family, and taking Monday off to recover, I have made it out of the yuck unscathed!

So here we are again for a weekly weigh-in! Due to feeling awful, I can honestly say i didn't workout a lick in the last 5 days, so I was decently pleased to see a good loss from just eating well!

{ Total Weight Loss = Exactly 2 lbs! }

.:: So excited!! ::.

I was a little worried that i wouldn't lose much since I was unable to hit it hard at the gym, but this just goes to show eating healthy works! Now eating healthy and getting my rear in gear at the gym, it's going to just fall off, right?

2 lbs. down... 29.2 lbs to go!

I also went on a little Barnes & Noble shopping spree with some awesome Groupons (LOVE those awesome Groupon deals!) I bought, and stocked up on 2 amazing cookbooks! Looking for new recipes? This one and this one are absolutely amazing and the food is to die for! Plus, Weight Watcher points are already calculated for each recipe online - so easy!

Not to mention I got some extra inspiration through my bloggy friend Rachel's story on A Blonde Ambition yesterday! Thanks Rach & Leslie! :)

Cheers to success! More Megnificent posts coming soon!


  1. that is awesome success. I read rachel's story again yesterday too- she's so inspiring!!

  2. Keep it up! Yes, what we eat determines how much we loose. One time when I allowed my weight to get out of control I went on Jenny Craig.
    All I did is eat her food (no exercise other than the daily work of a normal teacher and home maker) and I lost 22 pounds in 4 months. Imagine what I would have lost had I exercised too! kt

  3. You are awesome! I'm glad you're feeling better! I'll have to look into those books! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. congrats on your loss! so glad youre feeling better. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

  5. WOO YOU GO GIRLFRIEND! Two pounds is amazing! Don't you just love seeing those little numbers change on the scale? I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work....you know where to come if you need any encouragement :) I'm here for you honey! Thanks for the shout-out, I can always count on you to make me feel loved :)

  6. Congrats on the two pounds!! :)

  7. Congrats on another 2 pound loss! :-)

  8. you go, girl! don't you love it when you need to take time off exercising and still lose?

    I'm proud of you!

  9. Congrats girl - keep up the good work! I stopped by to share a fun giveaway I'm doing. Delightful Designs is giving away free blog button and blog banner designs on my blog!! Check it out and spread the word xo



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