July 20, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Happy Monday, everyone?
I am trying to chug down some coffee as quickly as I can this morning. We had some wild thunderstorms last night so I woke up to a clap of thunder and a jilted puppy in my bed at 3AM. This girl is s-l-e-e-p-y!

Thanks so much for dropping by - excited to play catch up with you!
How was your weekend? Did anyone celebrate National Ice Cream Day yesterday? We celebrated with homemade ice cream sandwiches, and that recipe will be debuting later this week!

One more thing - I'd love to connect with you on the go! Are you on Instagram? I hope you will keep up with me on the go @life_of_meg - it's my favorite social media and I love connecting and sharing!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) Share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or give a social media shout out.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below:
** If you were given the opportunity to have a personaal chef, gardener, maid, or personal assistant for the next year, which would you choose and why? **


In Case You Missed It...
+ Seattle & Portland - Any Recommendations?
+ Gratitude Lately
+ 5 Hacks for Healthy Meals at Home
+ Currently Loving
+ Chipotle Fans Rejoice!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovinInstagramTwitterFacebookPinterestEtsy


  1. Oh boy do I feel your pain--those thunderstorms were LOUD last night and my dog was a mess. Jona, who's almost 2, slept through the whole thing thank goodness. But the rest of the house was up!
    I made homemade ice cream for National Ice Cream Day, but it wasn't ready to eat yesterday... so I'll be celebrating a day late, ha!
    Oh, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a maid. That would be wonderful. :)

  2. I was too busy this weekend to celebrate National Ice Cream day [six soccer games in the heat, yowza], but I'll be celebrating tonight for sure. I can't wait for your recipe :)!

    Hmmm, I would say personal chef from your list, but I would rather have a personal masseuse if possible. That or a PT since I'm so sports active. Now, where is that money tree?

  3. I celebrated by having ice cream for dinner! :) Looking forward to seeing that recipe - I will take any excuse to eat more ice cream!

  4. Maid for sure! Omg! I cannot keep up between a messy baby girl and all the dog hair!

  5. Personal chef!! Without a doubt!

  6. Man, I think I would want the maid!

  7. Personal Chef!! Cooking takes so much time and it would be great to come home to dinner ready :)

  8. Brianne BraccoJuly 20, 2015

    Definitely a maid! I despise cleaning. I actually asked my husband last year if he would combine all my gifts into one big one and get me a house cleaner for a whole year....he just laughed at my extremem laziness lol.

  9. Could I have a maid/gardener? That would be fantastic!

  10. Kristy BoxbergerJuly 20, 2015

    Professional organizer!

  11. hm, can i have a personal trainer? or maybe nanny so i can go workout on my own?? i just had a baby and coming back from #3 has been tough!!

  12. I can't move in with you, unfortunately, but I do have a free 2-week personal training jumpstart if you'd like. ;-)

  13. Whoa great question!! I'm torn between a maid and a personal assistant. Either one would free me up more to do the things that are most in my skill set. How about a personal assistant, because then I'll be more efficient at work and then maybe able to afford that maid too. ;-) Haha, I'm taking this way too seriously.

  14. Thanks for another week hosting. I celebrate just about every other day with ice cream, so I'm good here. I follow you on instagram already and I too love it. I'm a groupie on it and beginning to become the stalker!!! LOL! I love finding new pictures and love when people get into their comments.

  15. Hands down personal assistant! If I had someone to keep my schedule, run carpool and grocery shop for me I would have so much more time to be present with my family!


I absolutely LOVE hearing from you guys! I read every single comment and always try to get back to each of you!
In order to do that, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

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To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a checkmark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE.

Thanks for reading! You all are hands down the BEST! xo