March 31, 2015

To Chop Or Not To Chop...

Okay, I can't take it any longer. I think I'm ready for a change.
My hair grows so quickly and I grew it back out to almost pre-wedding length, but I am getting the itch for something new and fresh.

Because I get up at 5AM for work, it's so tempting for me to sleep in 30 minutes later, spritz some dry shampoo into my blonde locks, and pretend like having a ponytail is totally chic and acceptable everyday. Well, I'm 28 years old and should probably look a wee bit more professional than whisking my frazzled hair into a pony just because it's long enough.

So I started thinking that a good chop could do the trick. When my hair is short it looks so much fuller, soft, healthy, and dries in 5 minutes flat. It's so easy and you always look put together. I mean, if you can do your hair in under 10 minutes, there is no excuse, right? So here is what I'm thinking at my appointment today...

Sylvie van der Vaart Mid-Length Bob Sylvie van der Vaart styled her platinum blonde hair in a shoulder length bob while sitting as a judge on the show "Das Supertalent".

Score a Googlicious Cut! - The Anti-Joan from #InStyle @gtl_clothing #getthelook

The 31 Most Iconic Haircuts of All Time. I don't like most of these but Sandra bullock's hair is so classy. I love it.

My hair inspiration board on Pinterest is filling up quickly with these cute little stacked bobs. I could go for something flirty, layered, and sleek. And add a little pop of fresh blonde in there too.

What do you think? A fresh spring do?

To chop or not to chop, that is the question...

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March 29, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Welcome to Mingle Monday!
Come link-up, leave a comment (answer the weeky Q!), and hop around. So glad you decided to drop by. Don't forget to visit Life of Meg on Facebook for the latest scoop and a heads up on when Mingle Monday goes live!


 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What haircut or trend would you love to try? **


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March 25, 2015

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 4: Level Up

Welcome back to the Fit Bod, Fun Life series! So glad you decided to drop by for some extra motivation from my go to personal trainer friend, Mariah Secrest-Comer

Just in case you were curious...
Yes, that super toned gorgeous lady below is Mariah! I know, right.
After seeing those muscles I know you're ready for her simple, attainable tips on living a healthier lifestyle. 

One of my favorite things about this series is that she knows many of us are busy working professionals/moms/superwomen, and she reassures us that being a better version of yourself doesn't have to take lots of time, just practicing a few simple steps. We can handle that right?!

Fit Bod, Fun Life Week 4:  Level Up

A huge thank-you to both Meg, as well as those who have been following our 4-part Fit Bod, Fun Life series! (For those of you who want to catch up, I know Meg will be linking back to the first 3 posts for ya!)

To recap our journey together this month, we first talked about the importance of finding your fitness sweet spot. That is, finding that exact activity level, frequency, and duration that gives you the most benefits while taking the least from your busy life.  No one can choose this for you—everyone’s “set point” is different as to what makes them happy, and the only one you need to worry about making happy is beautiful, healthy Y-O-U.

Secondly, we talked about that magical secret ingredient of developing consistency. My favorite, sure-fire way to do this is to start with small increments coupled with relentless regularity. My challenge to you this month was to just move 20 minutes a day. Every. Single. Day. No matter the intensity level. No matter the type of activity. Just move. Even more important than building your physical muscles, by doing this you build the muscle of habit. By easing into it, you also create the positive mental association of well-being that accompanies judgment-free exercise.

On week three, we discussed setting limits around food. This may have come as a breath of fresh air for some of you, as I gave you full permission to savor your favorite foods on a regular, planned basis. I also gave you a peek into my own eating habits—including my indulgences.

So how are we feeling, folks? Is this fit-bod, fun-life thing starting to seem within reach? It should, because it totally is!

Today I want to give you my insider secrets to level up your results, now that you’ve gotten into a groove of regularity and balance.

What may bug some people about starting slow and steady, instead of hot and heavy, is that they want results, like, YESTERDAY! But that impatience is also what will ultimately derail us from the sustained effort it takes to achieve lasting success.

So be proud of yourself. You’ve stayed the course. You’ve trusted the process. And only now are you ready to kick it into high gear! All you have to do is incorporate these things into your regimen now to achieve that hot bod and can-do attitude that comes with a little bit of hustle!

  • Level Up Tip #1: Put Some Muscle Into It

Up until now, we haven’t been too concerned with what type of activity we do. But now it’s time, if you haven’t already, to get serious about strength training. Exercises that use your muscles to overcome resistance are important for strengthening bones, creating sexy curves, and—maybe a surprise to you—skyrocketing your metabolism!

P.S. If you’re not into the gym weight room, I’m in the process of creating some more strength-training resources specifically for you! Want in? Just sign up HERE or click the button at the end of the post, and you’ll be the first to hear when they roll out later this spring!

  • Level Up Tip #2: Try Time-Blocking Your Carbs

This is my own super-duper insider tip--pulling from concepts like intermittent fasting, hormone optimization, and what we know about circadian rhythms, as well as personal experience. Don’t shy away from whole-grain, complex carbs (such as whole-grain breads, crackers, grains, etc.), but try restricting them a block of time between noon to 7 p.m. This gives your insulin levels a chance to even out overnight, dipping into fat stores for energy, and reducing that “I just ate breakfast but now I’m even hungrier” feeling. 

It also reduces any risk of late-night binge snacking, which kicks into high gear right before bedtime and creates a vicious carb-loading cycle if you consume carbohydrates after about 7 p.m. Instead, try toasting a small handful of nuts in a skillet with some coconut oil and sea salt for your evening snack, and whip up a batch of Chia Pudding (add some protein powder instead of the sweetener) to have ready for your carb-free breakfast the next morning.

  • Level Up Tip #3: Strategize Your Intensity Level

You probably already know that not every workout should be exactly the same, if you want to get better and change your body. But neither should your intensity level. If you max-out your effort every time, you’ll risk over-training as well as psychological burnout (tending to make it easier to skip a day, and the next, and so on). But if you hardly ever break a sweat, you won’t reap the full endorphin high of having to go into recovery mode, and your scale probably won’t budge either. 

Here’s what I suggest: Pick 2 days a week of all-out effort. These days can be shorter, but higher intensity - like 20 to 30 minutes of heavy lifting or interval training. Add one or two moderate-effort, medium-length days - maybe 40 minutes on the elliptical at a steady Level 5 for example - and pick another day (probably a weekend) to do a long, gentle repetitive activity. Hiking is my favorite! This will ensure that you’re both physically and emotionally well-balanced in your exercise regime, and that you’re squeezing out the most results.

P.S. - I’ll be offering some strength-training resources later this spring for busy professionals who hate the gym. Want in? Sign-up HERE and you’ll be the first to know when the new goodies are rolled out!)

My parting Fit Bod, Fun Life wisdom for you is this: Always have a back-up plan.

If you can’t get to your full workout, it’s ALWAYS okay to temporarily go back to your easy 20 minutes of activity as a placeholder for your daily routine.

Exercise is not a zero-sum game. Any exercise is a net gain—instantly boosting your cognitive performance, coping abilities, libido, appetite control, work productivity, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, relationship skills, complexion, and mood. And long workout or short, I’ll take those benefits ANY day! 

Thanks, everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the Fit Bod, Fun Life series!

Your Trainer,

Well that last post wraps up the series! A big thank you to Mariah for the new motivation! 
Looking for more great healthy living tips and inspiration? Jump on over to Mariah's business website/blog - Elevate Mobile Fitness

And if you are looking for a coach walk you through the next two weeks of starting an exercise program, you can now join her FREE 14 Days to Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart anytime for instant access! I've done this program with her help and had awesome results and motivation. Click HERE to sign up!

For more of the Fit Bod, Fun Life series, check out:

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Morning Surprise - Blogger Feature on Go Blog Social

Whew, what a morning! After waking up this morning approximately 3 minutes before I normally leave for work, and scrambling to get my biz together, my morning was quickly turned around with such a nice surprise.

The lovely ladies at Go Blog Social selected me to do a blogger feature on, which is so very humbling! Go check it out for a little behind the scenes of Life of Meg, why I blog, blogging advice, and what inspires me daily.

A BIG thank you to the GBS team for making me feel WAY cooler than I actually am, and to the many of YOU for the super sweet shout outs on the Life of Meg Facebook page and GBS!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 
Day = made.

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March 24, 2015

Gratitude Lately

Lately I'm thankful for pretty latte art and good conversations on a rainy day.

For fancy Houston country club weddings with this piece of eye candy (and free champagne!).

For rustic tables and swirly coffee breaks (and non-judgment for my coffee obsession + additional coffee photo).

For cozy nights in jammers getting my tushy schooled at backgammon.
(he cheats.)

For surprise bottles of wine that appear on the kitchen counter and for our little birdy wedding cake toppers that remind us of our favorite day.

For superhero spousal patience while I pop in to my favorite sweet shop to indulge in the pretty {overly girly!} window display.

For the fun experience of my first blowout, complete with pink champagne, my favorite gals, and big Texas hair. And I'm talking big...

For my incredible friends that I am so lucky to have met through a local blogging group, and how they inspire me daily.

For this little sock-stealing snuggle monster.


Here's to gratitude and how it makes life fuller, and the smallest things more than enough. As always, thanks for the inspiration, Today's Letters!

  //  What are you thankful for today? //

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March 23, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-up!

Good Morning from KC!

I've got my green tea on hand and I'm popping cough drops like they're going out of style, but I am here and trying my hardest to function. I've been out sick since last Wednesday (I'm sure you noticed my lack of posts!) and stayed in bed through Saturday because I was a wee bit miserable. My average amount of sleep per day had to be pushing 15 hours, but I'm hopefully on the mend!

I hope your weekend was lovely - thanks for dropping by! Please hop on over to follow Life of Meg on Facebook, I would love to keep up with you on a daily basis! I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones, along with lots of other fun tidbits!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!

** What is your go to home remedy when you're sick? **


Wishing you an easy breezy week!

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March 17, 2015

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 3: Setting Limits Around Food

Top o' the mornin' to ya!
Happy St. Patrick's Day, lads and lassies!

If you're just now tuning in to the Fit Bod, Fun Life series, don't you worry! My healthy living guru friend, Mariah Secrest-Comer has some great real life inspiration for you today that is simple, forgiving, and attainable. This series has been such a breath of fresh air and motivation, and I hope it encourages you to be a healthier you! Today is exactly the message I need to hear and it even comes with a healthy eating lunch guide - win win!

Luckily for you, Mariah  is a certified personal trainer and a healthy living enthusiast. She definitely practices what she preaches! This girl will get you moving and eating healthier in a way that is uplifting and not overwhelming, so here is her challenge for us this week...

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Fit Bod, Fun Life SeriesWeek 3: 

Setting Limits Around Food

Last night for dinner I had a veggie burger with the works (including an extra side of cheese sauce), green chili chipotle fries, and a couple pours of a great red wine.  

Okay, if you’re waiting for me to say, “Pysch!”, well, I’m sorry to disappoint. I really did! And if you’re wondering why I’m not hiding in a corner trying to keep you from finding out—then that’s exactly what I want to talk to you about today. Even more than exercise habits, food choices are almost instantly classified into categories that carry an almost moral connotation to them. Think about the way we describe food choices:

“No dessert. I’m trying to be good with that upcoming event around the corner."

“I was bad last night, so it’s a salad today for me.”  

“This chocolate cake is sinfully delicious.”

“It’s so bad, but it’s so good!”

But at its core, food is morally neutral. We have to eat to sustain life. Food has the capacity to bring immense pleasure. And believe it or not, the reason food brings pleasure is actually a pretty sophisticated process designed to help us stay healthy. (For more on this, check out my post "Why You’re Wired for Stress Eating”.

And here’s the real deal: 
People who have entirely black-and-white views of food tend to struggle the most with poor food choices over time.

Now, OBVIOUSLY what we put into our body has a tremendous impact on not only our weight and body composition, but also on a huge range of health factors (including disease risk, mood, complexion, liver function, toxicity, metabolism, hormone regulation, etc.)

I’ve found the best approach to long-term weight-loss results—as well as having a positive, healthy body image—is to put limits around unhealthy food. But the very word “limit” implies that there is some presence of something.
Aim to limit unhealthy foods, not eliminate them.

Here are a couple practical tips for helping you create limits so that you enjoy a healthy relationship with food—one that’s hallmarked by confidence rather than deprivation on the one hand, or powerlessness on the other:

  • Rate Your Cravings: We want to avoid mindless eating, but it’s silly to deny that sometimes we prefer, say, the taste of gooey Brie to the taste of raw carrots.  If you’re presented with a food that’s not a Perfect 10 in the nutrition department, ask yourself, “How much do I really want this?” If it’s your favorite food ever, maybe it’s worth it. But if you’re eating cookies just because they’re there, there’s no reason to waste the calories on something that doesn’t bring that much pleasure.

  • Wait 15 Minutes: This trick works especially well for me when it comes to wanting seconds of something—even a healthy food—because portion control can make or break our weight-loss efforts. It takes about 15 minutes for your brain to register that it’s full after eating. Similarly, the brain can be tricked into craving food when your body is actually thirsty, or stressed, or sad. Ask yourself to wait 15 minutes, and then reevaluate if you’re either still hungry or still really craving that particular thing. Nine times out of 10, you’ll have moved on. But if you’re still obsessed…go for it!

  • Set Incremental Goals: When working one-on-one with a client’s nutrition plan, I encourage him or her to set specific goals and then to stagger the implementation of those goals. If you try to change an entire decade’s worth of eating habits on a Tuesday, you’ll probably last until about Friday and then give up. Set yourself up for the momentum of success by laying out the changes you want to make, and then scheduling those changes out over time. Give each goal a date of implementation—for example, “This week I’m going to drop down to two sodas a day, and then next week I’ll drop to one.”

  • Plan For Indulgences: I am not telling you never to have another fro-yo again in your life. That wouldn’t be very fun, and you’d get discouraged and give up anyway. But what I want is for you to be in control of your choices, so that eating something unhealthy doesn’t carry guilt or the feeling of a slip-up. The best way I know to do this is to set certain parameters in which it’s okay for you to eat foods with less nutritional content. For me, this is a standing weekly “anything goes” meal like last night’s fantastic feast at Zinburger. But you can create different scenarios that work for you, like “If I follow my training program this week for that 5K, I can get that Starbucks Frappuccino after work on Friday.”

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When you’re making food choices, the goal is to maximize your pleasure while minimizing any detrimental health risks. Don’t waste your calories on cheap junk that doesn’t satisfy you.

DO recognize that weight-loss is a slow journey—yes, you can starve yourself and lose 5 pounds this week, but we want you to be fit and happy FOREVER. This is the formula that has worked for me over the past decade, and I can’t wait for you to put it to the test!

To help you get started on eating intentionally, I’d love to invite you to download my free Healthier Workday Lunch Guide...

Click HERE to download Lunch Guide


In case you missed the other AWESOME installments of Fit Bod, Fun Life...

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March 15, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Happy Monday, friends!
Congrats, despite weekend shenanigans, you survived and made it back just in time for some mingling. I'm ready to slowly play blog catch-up as I have been a little MIA with general life festivities as of late. Can't wait to share lots of great posts with you this week including a delicious recipe, a giveaway, and the Fit Bod, Fun Life series continues!

Please hop on over to follow Life of Meg on Facebook, I would love to interact with you on a daily basis! I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones, and also love sharing some behind the scenes exclusives (whatever that means...)! ;)



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What is the best think you cook/bake? **


Have a great week and don't forget to break out your green tomorrow!

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March 9, 2015

A Letter to My Hubs On Our Anniversary

Oh what a happy day it is!

2 years ago I married the man of my dreams and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wake up thankful for the blessing of his unconditional love. 

Don't get me wrong, we have been through so many ups and downs together in the last 6 years. We've learned (and keep learning) how much work marriage is, but rich is the reward and I wouldn't want to work at it with anyone else. 

It's funny to think about how much I thought I knew/loved him back then, but each year just keeps getting better. My love for Adam only continues to grow deeper, and what adventures we have lying ahead!

Dear Adam Trembley,

Thank you for teaching me that...

+ happily ever after is a choice

+ it's okay to eat cold pizza for breakfast
+ some of life's greatest joys are the simple things
+ no matter how many days (weeks?) we leave clothes in the dryer, they can always be re-fluffed for the 3rd time without judgment
+ grace will always be given even if I've had to apologize four times before noon
+ your primary love languages are sour patch kids and scalp massages 
+ any day is redeemable, it just takes the willpower to turn it around
+ hugs (and good beer) cure any bad day
+ some days are just meant for staying in our jammers and sipping coffee with the windows open
+ when we dream together anything is possible
+ cinnamon toast crunch is totally acceptable as a complete meal
+ there is always beauty in imperfection, you just have to find it.

So thankful for you and for how you love me so well, today and everyday.
Love you. This truly is happily ever after!

Happy Anniversary, my love.

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March 8, 2015

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Oh my goodness, why can't it be the weekend every day?
The weather this weekend in Kansas City was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and you could see people on every corner walking their dogs and having picnics. It was the perfect weekend for our anniversary staycation (more on that soon!), I would gladly add more days to it if I could! 

How here we are basking in the weekend glow. Thank goodness you dropped by... doing a little blog hopping makes Monday a little less bleak and more fun, don't you think? Thanks for being here! Also... don't forget to follow Life of Meg on Facebook . I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones!

And in case you're in the mood for mushy gushiness... a letter to my hubs on our anniversary (love you, boo!).



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What are you most looking forward to this spring? **


Wishing you a smooth as buttah week!

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March 6, 2015

Weekend Celebrations

Happy stinkin' weekend, party people.
I cannot even begin to tell you how jazzed I am that it's time for a break. We've spent multiple weekends out of town or busy to the max, so this weekend is all ours.

 I have my weekend jams on high and I can't get enough of this...

 So, believe it or not, it's been 2 years since my crazy handsome redheaded husband and I got married! So this weekend we are going to do a super fun staycation enjoying the city we love so much. Here's what's on the agenda...

+ grabbing a great cup of joe at a cute local spot
+ walking around the plaza
+ cocktails on the patio at Gram & Dun
+ breakfast in bed
+ seeing a cheap movie matinee
+ walking through the Nelson Atkin Museum lawn
+ taking in the sunshine and this gorgeous weather 

Can't wait! What are you crazy kids up to?

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March 3, 2015

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 2: Developing Consistency

Good Morning, friends!
Who is ready to be inspired today?

In case you didn't catch the first post of the Fit Bod, Fun Life series, let me introduce you to my amazing healthy living guru friend, Mariah Secrest-Comer. She is a certified personal trainer, has a busy lifestyle, and still finds time to care for herself. She quite simply loves encouraging people to be their best self, so I knew you would love hearing from her!

I've asked her to create a series of attainable easy healthy living goals for working women on the go (aka: US!), so she is back with this awesome week 2 installment of Fit Bod, Fun Life. I love this week's challenge - I definitely think I can do this! 

Fit Bod, Fun Life Series Week 2: 

Developing Consistency

Did you ever think the phrase, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” was a little strange? Who the heck wants to eat an elephant? Why would they? Is this elephant related to the “elephant in the room”? Should we be calling PETA?

I digress (already). I actually started to Google the phrase’s origins, but that won’t help for today’s purposes.

Last week in the Fit Bod, Fun Life series, we talked about Finding Your Fitness Sweet Spot. If you want to be successful in sustaining a fit life, you have to be super clear about what you want, why you want it, and how much you are and aren’t willing to give up for it.

Did you do your homework and write those things out? If not, you can take a quick break from reading to just share in a comment below—that will count!

The next step in acquiring a shiny new fitness lifestyle should be a bit of a relief. 
There are so many promises out there. So many workout theories, programs, classes, videos, studios, gyms, books, apps, fitness trackers, workout logs, memberships, trainers, gadgets, pills, supplements, powders, shakes, equipment—all claiming to have the ultimate secret.

I’m going to tell you my ultimate secret right from the get-go, for free, and it’s SUPER SIMPLE. Really.

Just start moving 20 minutes a day.

That’s it. Trust me. If you’re not already moving your body in a way that elevates your breathing and heart rate for 20 minutes a day, just do it. Every. Single. Day. It doesn’t have to kill you, or make you miserable. It would be better, in fact, if it didn’t.

It would be fantastic if you actually enjoy what you’re doing—walking your dogs, or splashing in a pool, or cruising to your playlist on an elliptical machine, or shaking it at a dance party, or riding your bike, or trying out a new class, or trying some of the home-based exercises from fitness magazines like Self and Shape.

Print off a paper calendar for the month, write in “Move 20 Minutes" every single day, and do whatever it takes this month to cross each day off with a big red 'X'. Until you’re moving consistently for 20 minutes a day, this is all you need to worry about. No, strolling leisurely isn’t going to turn you into a supermodel overnight, but here’s the thing:

The best workout in the world means nothing if you don’t do it consistently.

And the reason that most of us start new workout programs and fail to stick with it, is because the new habit is too different from what we’re accustomed to (either too hard, or too time-consuming, or too competitive, or too tricky to schedule, etc.).

But anyone can move 20 minutes a day—even if it’s doing squats while you brush your teeth, jumping jacks while you wait for your coffee to brew, and push-ups while your breakfast is in the microwave.

Here’s the other thing to keep in mind…for the first month, focus on how you feel, not on how you look.

Yes, I know you want to lose 10 pounds. I know you want to be swimsuit-ready. I know you want to walk in the office in your pencil skirt or wrap dress and hear people say, “Dang, girl, you’ve been working out haven’t you?”

And you will. But not until you’re consistent. We can—and will—add the results-oriented swaps later. We’ll start to talk interval training, muscle overloading, carbohydrate-blocking. But a lot of that will start to happen naturally (fancy terms aside). As you’re consistent with your movement, your body will start to adapt and crave more of a challenge. You’ll naturally want to push it a little longer, or a little harder.

Most importantly, you’ll have developed a positive association of exercise, which will keep you hooked for years to come. And to make it even easier and more fun, why not let me personally guide you through the first two weeks? Creating accountability around those fundamental building-blocks of consistency is what my free program 14 Days toFit is all about.

Some of you have already signed up—yay!—but if you haven’t, you can do it right now by clicking on the button below. Because we do this together, we are already a couple days into it, but you’ll catch up in no time! Just shoot me an email at after you sign up, and I’ll forward you the first couple days’ worth of material!

Thanks so much, Meg, for inviting me into your space.
Have a fit, fun week everyone - see you next week!

Free 14 Days to Fit Lifestyle Jumpstart!

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