October 29, 2014

Currently Loving

T-minus 29 hours until we leave for our Washington/Idaho trip!
Holy cow... how on earth am I going to get through the work day? I'm already giddy about getting the heck out of here for a bit.

I. Cannot. Focus.

I am so ready to be spending time with my other half, enjoying the crisp 50 degree fall weather, going on morning hikes, sipping hot cocoa, relaxing at the Coeur d'Alene spa. This vacation will be welcomed with open arms!

Despite my craziness, I thought if I focused on a few things I am currently loving it may get me through in the meantime...

Coeur d'Alene Resort, Coeur d'Alene, ID  So beautiful
{Couer d'Alene Resort via}


To Taylor Swift's 1989 album on repeat. It's incredible and I cannot get enough! I actually met her back in 2007 and she is the nicest person on the face of the planet. Are you geeking out too?

An express mani/pedi lunch appointment is a pre-trip necessity. In the fall I can't get enough of those extra dark nail hues. Hello plum and navy!

For our boys in blue! That's right, the Royals have made it to the final World Series game and it's our time! Who are you cheering for?

looking //
Out the window daydreaming. In 2 days I will be glancing out our hotel window at the gorgeous lake dotted with crimson and gold trees as I'm nestled by the fireplace.

Anything plaid. Vests. Outdoors inspired cozy fall outfits. And I am dying for a pair of chunky ankle booties, but have yet to find some - any recommendations?

A delicious homemade pumpkin chocolate chip muffin. If you are looking for a crowd pleasing recipe, look no further my friends, this is it.

It's hard to find time to watch my favorite shows since we've been watching baseball in our jammers every night! But, have you all seen How To Get Away With Murder. That show is insane and it's placement right after Scandal makes Thursday night my favorite night.

I had a blast making our home cozy for my favorite fall season, but I have been starting to get a little googly eyed thinking about a rustic inspired Christmas tree.

Good thing we are going to my favorite Christmas store in Idaho. Last year I brought home a suitcase full of fluffy white barn owls to decorate with. This year, I am thinking pine cones, owls, feathers, gold, burlap. I am clearly out of control...

I could find a good new book to start over vacation. The last few I read were Gone Girl, Beautiful Ruins, and A Fault in Our Stars. Help!

WAY too many things to do on our trip. I finally had to calm down and realize that I can have some options and I really just want us to do whatever we actually feel like doing every day. Those are the best vacations.

Different tattoo ideas. I want something delicate, beautiful, heartfelt, [small], and meaningful.

Blue everything. Blue Royals tee, blue underoos (TMI?), blue jeans, blue hair tie. This whole city is glowing blue and I love it.

Some awesome prints for our house, or really anything my hipster loving heart comes across... goodness. Good thing my birthday is in 21 days! Cue birthday wishlist post...

The new Disqus commenting system I installed on the blog last week. It's so much easier to stay connected and chat with all of you! :)

Still counting down the days until Christmas... 56!


What are you currently loving this week?

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October 26, 2014

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

Man oh man, where did our weekend go?

Mine was only a day long due to working one of our biggest fundraising events of the year on Saturday. Luckily, I have today off and can enjoy every minute of it. I think I am going to kick it off by sleeping in, grabbing a mocha blender from Scooters, and then just doing whatever I feel like for the rest of the day.

Heaven, right?

I hope each one of you had a long a relaxing weekend! Thanks so much for choosing to stop by and link-up! I hope you will take a second to spread the word about Mingle Monday - the more the merrier! Whether Twitter, Facebook, blog post, or smoke signals, every single effort is very appreciated. I will be retweeting all efforts all day long! :)



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? **
(Mine? 'SIGNS'... I'm a pansy!!)


Wishing you a SPOOKtacular week!

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October 23, 2014

Evans Party of 4!

It looks like the Evans family may be expanding VERY soon...

 ...to 4 to be exact!! 

 That's right, we've had a good year and a half run, but it was time to add to our happy little family and we couldn't be more excited!!

Now before you go about knitting little baby booties, I should probably tell you that I am talking about a FOUR-legged furry baby. That's right, a brand new PUPPY friend for our Bella Beast is in the works!

Did I get you? :)
You're a good sport!

Adam promised me a long time ago that if the Royals ever make it to the World Series, we could get another dog. So here we are approaching World Series game #3 and our boys in blue are still going strong! Can you imagine my excitement?!

In the meantime, I've spent every evening scouring local rescues to find a good pal for Beast! We are looking for a playful yet snuggly pup in the 10-20 pound range, who gets along well with other dogs and is good around small children (hey, some day we will be expanding with little 2-legged  munchkins!).

Wish us luck as we search for our perfect addition, and if you have any great rescue experiences or breed advice, please let me know!

Bring on the puppies!

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October 19, 2014

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

To make up for last week's Mingle Monday rain check (thanks for the vacation grace!), I decided to post our week long link-up extra early! I am super excited to see who all stops by today and meet some new blog friends myself. Nothing is better than stumbling across a new blog that you can't stop reading, right?!

Anyway, I hope you all had an incredible weekend! I went to the ballet with my sister, spent all of Saturday with my hubby on a day date, and Sunday getting some much needed relaxation and refocusing (more details from the weekend coming soon!). Life is good, my friends.



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What was your best ever Halloween costume? **


May your week be easy, and if it gets crazy may the wine be plentiful! ;)

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October 17, 2014

5 Things

I can hardly contain myself as I sit here counting down the minutes until the clock reaches 5 p.m.
It was a short week for me, but those always tend to seem so long after you've been on vacation. This weekend is chalked full of some exciting new adventures and old favorites.

Here's a few thoughts for the anticipated fun...

1// The doctor always prescribes BabyCakes as the answer for long, dwindling Friday afternoons. You better believed I nabbed that carrot cake cupcake the second my co-workers were able to pry the container from my hands. ;)

2// When the Kansas City Ballet announced their 2014-2015 season my jaw almost hit the floor. The first performance of the year is Alice in Wonderland. My sister and I can't wait for a sushi + cocktail happy hour and then off the the Kauffman Center to witness the athleticism and crazy fun costumes first hand. 

I started dancing at age three and I love every single dance medium. So to get to see a professional ballet creatively interpret such a beloved classic will be a real treat. I don't think I slept a wink last night... I am so excited!

3 // So apparently I have been the worst roommate ever lately. Adam said that the last two nights I have been a total crazy, thrashing about and rolling myself up in all of the covers (sorry bud!). 

And then he said last night I woke him up in my sleep (is that possible?) to ask him what he was dreaming about. He told me about some cray cray dream about a bonfire and throwing chairs into. The next thing he knows is that I mumbled a bunch of weird incoherent things before rolling over and then I didn't move the rest of the night. 

I recollect nothing. 
(tell me I'm not alone!)

// This is the first weekend in about a month that is completely open for us to spend time together. We decided that a day date to the Louisburg Cider Mill sounded perfect. 

It's our little tradition where we dunk our cider donuts in their freshly made hot cinnamon apple cider. After our apple overload, we do a little moseying through the gift shop and of course have to people watch while we pass the pumpkin patch. I. Can't. Wait.

5 // I just wanted to say thank for sticking with me lately. It's easy to come down on yourself as a blogger when you aren't posting 5-7 times a week, but I am glad you stick with me! 

Now that I have plenty of time after my first big craft show, family vacay, etc. I have lots of great things planned. Thanks for your patience and every single one of your comments. They really do make my whole day!

What fun weekend adventures await you?

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October 15, 2014

Today's Letters

I've been blissfully caught up in fall shenanigans while on vacation with the fam this weekend.
We slept in way too late, didn't wear a drop of make-up, ate pumpkin pancakes (should've worn stretchier pants!), and had the best getaway ever.

Life is good, and I am basking in the glow today, so I figured a few little love notes were in order...

Dear Hubster //
After a year and a half of marriage, you are always finding new ways to speak my love language. Today that came in the form of helping me get the Royals game to [illegally] stream live on my work lappy. What will you amaze me with next?

Dear Ozarks //
Your version of Fall knocked the wind out of me. Just driving through windy back roads, I loved every last crimson and gold leaf on your ever-so-bushy trees.

Dear Beast //
The way you gallop toward us at top speeds after we haven't seen you all weekend makes me feel like a little kid on Christmas morning.

Dear City of Kansas City //
I love the way we have come alive in the last few weeks. Blue flags hanging from every business. High fiving complete strangers. Lighting up the entire downtown cityscape blue. It's been 29 years since the Royals have made the World Series, and deep down in my bones I think today's the day! #takethecrown

Dear Tennies //
I hope you're ready for a heavy workout, because I am pretty sure I ate a pound of Sara's famous puppy chow this weekend. Today I am worried that my jeans' button might ricochet and take out my old lady co-worker with the vigor of a champagne cork, so it's time...

Dear Adam (who always deserves two letters) //
I am surprised that you are still willing to bless me with goodbye forehead kisses every morning. Despite that I am able to sleep in longer than you, steal the covers by wrapping up like a quilt burrito, and mumble things about a 10 page paper being due (what?), you teach me that love is unconditional and yours is always readily given.

//  Life is all about the little things, my friends. //
What's one thing you're thankful for today?

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October 13, 2014

Mingle Monday Raincheck!

No Mingle Monday this week - I'm on the way back from an awesome lake weekend! :)

Catch you all tomorrow! 

October 9, 2014

Stitching + Brews: A Night With Hey Paul Studios

{photo by Kari of This Too}

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to the increasingly popular Eat Drink Stitch monthly happy hour. This fantastic event is hosted by the ever-so-warm and lovely Kristen Shuler from Hey Paul Studios. She is such a talented embroidery artist (check out her work!) who had a dream of unifying crafters by inviting them out for a fun, mellow evening of stitching and sipping.

Each month, the Eat Drink Stitch happy hour changes locations and features all new stitching designs, food, and drinks in a fun local setting. The inaugural event that was held at Westport Flea Market was a raging success, leaving the 2nd event at Big Rip Brewing Company to sell out in no time!

As soon as Kristen extended the invite to me, I knew I had to call my crafty, fabulous friend Kari to join me. We drank delicious Big Rip brews (get the little tasters - it was fun to try several different kinds!), purchased adorable stitch kits that Kristen put together, picked out a cute pattern, stopped by the complimentary thread bar to pick out colors, and went to town! 
{photo by Kari of This Too}

All in all it was a great night. I made some new friends, had a ton of fun, and already can't wait to go to the next happy hour! Stay tuned - you can sign up to get on the notification list HERE.

In case you would like to attend an Eat Drink Stitch event and can't make the happy hours, check out Hey Paul Embroidery 101 Workshop. This is part of the brand new Eat Drink Stitch coffee house series (I cannot wait - this is right up my alley!).

Here is a little more from Kristen herself:

"This event is a bit different from the Hey Paul happy hours that you may have attended. While just as fun, this is a fully guided (and caffeinated) embroidery workshop for beginner level stitchers. 

 During this 2 hour course, you will learn all about the basic tools of hand embroidery, three basic stitches, discuss pattern making techniques, and methods for mounting your work for display. You will also receive a subscription to my online newsletter that is packed full of tips, tricks, and tutorials. Coffee and delicious snacks are available for purchase during this workshop. Seating is extremely limited." 

 If you are interested in attending, tickets can be purchased HERE.
 I hope to see you there!

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October 6, 2014

Mingle Monday Blog Link-Up!

So sorry for the crazy tardiness of this little weekly link-up!
Oh man, this morning started off with quite a bang (I've already had 4 meetings before lunch), and with our house being remodeled today I haven't been home to schedule posts!

So sorry! Thanks for sticking with me.
A little grace on a Monday is so welcomed and I am so glad you stopped by! Have fun mingling, my friends!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What home projects are on your to do list? **

(Ours is brand new flooring for the whole house today - bye bye 70's shag carpet!)


Keep some Monday booty, y'all!

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October 3, 2014

First Friday + Weekend Outlook

Despite staying up past an ungodly hour and sitting on pins and needles to see if the Royals were going to pull of their win last night, I still managed to roll out of bed early.

After all, it is First Friday weekend and I have places to go and treasures to find. I met my friend Karen over in the Westside for a little morning pick-me-up at neighborhood gem, Little Freshie.

Once we got our caffeine and a honey bee (try them - yum!), we hopped across the bridge and dove into the Warehouse Weekend boutiques head first. 

I saw a sneak peek of some gorgeous handcrafted pumpkins made out of vintage chenille bed spreads on Restoration Emporium's Facebook page, so I knew I needed to snatch those up before work and beat the afternoon rush. I also picked up a wooden stump pedestal, mercury glass pumpkins from Bella Patina, and a super cute Happy Halloween banner for our mantel. 

Of course, after all the early morning shopping, we were in need of a pick me up: Ibis Bakery's Toast (with a capital 'T'). Cranberry walnut bread topped with almond butter, organic honey, and a sprinkle of sea salt (aka: heaven!). 

The owners, Chris and Kate, are the nicest people on the planet, so if you are local to KC you should stop in for the grand opening of their Ibis Bakery retail shop next Tuesday in Lenexa! 

Wear stretchy pants.
(you're welcome...)

Here's what's up the rest of the weekend...

+ getting ready for my first Cozy Couture Handmade craft show (eek!)
+ having a Royals watch party tonight with the fam
+ dropping by Christopher Elbow for a First Friday tradition w/ my SIL 
+ project goodbye-ugly-70's-carpet
+ spending my whole weekend windows down and fall candles lit
+ sunday school with my 2nd grade babes
+ heading to the next game in the Royals series 
(there is a lot of baseball this weekend...)

// What are your weekend adventures? //

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October 2, 2014

Gratitude Lately

Lately I am thankful for wet puppy noses and floppy ears...

For trying new things with adventurous friends who completely make your day...

For the reminder that life's best things come in small packages...

For gorgeous morning views that make you feel alive in the city you fell in love with...

For Tuesday girls nights full of cocktails, great food, and the biggest belly aches from 
laughing too hard...

...and the gorgeous fall sunsets that set the mood perfectly.


Here's to gratitude and how it makes life fuller, and the smallest things more than enough.

  //  What are you thankful for today? //

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