July 27, 2014

Mingle Monday Blog Link-up

Hurray! Thanks for swinging by le blog to link-up for some networking!
Every single week there are some incredible bloggers that you are bound to discover. Your on your way to new great reads and more loyal readers!

I hope your weekend was incredibly relaxing and full of the people who make your heart full. \I spent my weekend with eleven of my closest girlfriends at the family cabin. We sat on the dock and dipper our toes in the pond, went on long walks, and played way too many crazy games. Those girls sure wore me out! ;)

On to mingling!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What new hobby or skill would you like to learn? **
(I would pick sewing or canning... old school!)


Still proud to say that 100% of advertisement sponsorship proceeds go to my charity of choice, the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge. There are dozens and dozens of Hope Lodges across the country that give cancer patients a free place to stay while out of town for cancer treatment - such a cool place! 

With just $10, you can get a month long ad and know that it is going to help real cancer patients and their families. So please join me in my fundraising effort by becoming a sponsor HERE!


Cheers to an easy and surprisingly smooth week!

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Follow along here:  BlogLovinInstagramTwitterFacebookPinterest


  1. i would LOVE to learn how to play the piano...it's on my bucket list! thanks for hosting the linkup!

  2. Mac and I are currently learning to bowl properly!

  3. I'd like to actually learn how to can too. It would help save money and food!

  4. I wish I knew how to bowl like the ones I see at the alley who get it squarely in the pins. Now that would be a great goal!

  5. My hobby of choice right now would be paddle boarding. I have never been!

  6. Calligraphy! I just took a class and now I cant stop scribbling everywhere!

  7. This past weekend we saw the movie `Transformers`
    It was really good, lots of action :)

  8. Gosh, new hobby. I think I want to learn how to knit but I don't think I could sit still long enough. I think it'd be great if I could garden and not kill everything I touch.

  9. i would love to learn how to use our paparazzi camera!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. I really want to learn how to macrame or weave. Seems like it's the latest trend right now:)

  11. Hmmm... I think I do most of the things I would like. I would like to IMPROVE my skills on some of my hobbies - like knitting. No.. wait! I take it back - I would like to learn photography!

  12. I really would love to start learning to sew...I didn't realize how much of a cherished skill that is...pants that need to be hemmed here...ripped dog toys there...maybe even ultimately making a dress or something.

  13. Learning calligraphy is on my list of things to do this year! Sounds like you had a great weekend :) Happy Monday!

    26 and Not Counting

  14. I would love to learn to sew one day!

  15. I used to scrapbook alot, but that got expensive! I'd love to learn to surf or start snorkling.

  16. I wanna learn to surf!

  17. Oh my. I SO want to know how to play a musical instrument... WELL. Not plunking and plinking, but sit-around-a-campfire-and-casually-whip-out-an-instrument-and-watch-people-sit-in-stunned-silence well.

  18. I really want to improve my sewing skills, also some cooking skills too!

  19. I would love to know how to sew so I can make dresses for my little lady or for costumes!

  20. I really want to learn how to sew, so I can shorten my own pants! It would save me so much money! Thanks for hosting this link-up, it's my first time :)

  21. I have wanted to learn to speak Spanish fluently, great skill to have,personally and professionally!

  22. I want to learn to speak German fluently! I'd love to chat with my German grandmother entirely in German!


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In order to do that, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

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Thanks for reading! You all are hands down the BEST! xo