April 1, 2014

TV Addicts, Help!

"Hi, my name is Meg, and I'm addicted to good TV."
"Hiiii, Meg."

{So glad I finally got that off my chest.}

I wish I could say it wasn't true, but I would be full of fluff.
Hubs and I have managed to put on our jammers and binge watch our way through some of the best TV seasons known to man, and now we've reached a wall, which is where you come in to play.

Our insanely gross list is as follows...

Breaking Bad
Friday Night Lights
Girls (me)
Orange Is The New Black (me)
Downton Abbey (me)
Walking Dead (A)
Justified (A)
Sons of Anarchy (A)
Modern Family
Park & Rec
The Office
New Girl
House of Cards
Mad Men (me)

// Where the heck do we go from here? //

While I wait for you replies, 
I'll be searching for a TV Addicts Anonymous group to attend...

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PS - Don't miss out on the WEEK-LONG "Mingle Monday" link-up! Get some exposure for your blog HERE!

PPS - Don't forget to check out my awesome giveaway! Deadline is Thursday!



  1. How I Met your Mother and King of Queens!

  2. cougar town -- seriously. it's one of the funniest shows (and not at all about a middle age woman prowling after young guys-- well the first three episodes but after that it's hilarious!) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. and the mindy project!!!!

  4. When you find that group let me know- my list is soo long! I usually end up spending the majority of Sunday just catching up on the week. I got the add the ABC dramas to that list too- Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Nashville, Resurrection. And I'm so excited for the second season of Orange is the New Black!!

  5. Lost! Hands down the best series. I've been wanting to rewatch the whole thing for a while. The Mindy Project is up there, too. Oh, and Community! And I echo what Rebekah said--Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Nashville. Really good stuff--from a fellow TV addict:)

  6. Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Supernaturla, Sherlock, Firefly (only one season!), Vampire Diaries, Prison Break.... need any more? lol

  7. The Wire. It takes a couple episodes to get into, but I think its the best show of all time!

  8. The Wire. It takes a couple episodes to get into, but I think its the best show of all time!


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