February 27, 2014

Goodbye KC, Hello Disney World!

So I've counted down the months and days, and now we're down to hours.
Hubs is finally home from Washington and we're getting the heck out of here for our anniversary trip to Orlando! And more specifically... we're heading to Disney World!

You better believe we're spending the bulk of our time taking in the sites, sounds, cuisine, and magic that Disney World has to offer. In case you want to tune in and virtually visit Disney with me, please find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! I'd love for you to tag along.

With a big snow storm ready to roll into the Kansas City metro area, the Florida sunshine and spending time with Adam couldn't possibly sound better!

We have some special dinners planned, have already watched every Disney World YouTube video imaginable, and I secretly have a goal of meeting Princess Elsa and Princess Anna (from Frozen... duh!). You guys, we're total little kids.

I can hardly believe it's almost been a year married to my favorite guy (March 9th!), and I am looking forward to the celebration. Time to relax and unwind!

Catch you all on the flip side. Here is a little video that is just for funsies...

Sending some Disney love and magic your way!

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February 26, 2014

8 Favorite Beauty Buys

Do you ever feel completely lost when you walk down the beauty aisle?
There are an overwhelming amount of products staring you in the face and who knew there are
4,756 different kind of mascara?

What's a girl to do?

So I always love the annual Allure beauty awards issue that helps point their readers toward the best of the best, tried and tested products to buy. And what's even better? Personal recommendations from family and friends raving about their new favorite finds.

After all, that's what girlfriends are for, right?
So I'm sharing my favorite go to beauty buys with you today, my friends!

1) Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask

If you have acne prone skin or are in need of deep pore cleansing, this mask is for you. I use this mask about 1-2 times a week, especially if my skin needs a little clarity boost. It's easy to apply to your skin, simply let it dry and work it's magic, and rinse off 10-15 minutes later. The second I rinse my face, my skin feels so much cleaner and already is softer to the touch.

2) Aveeno Positively Ageless Night Cream

I bought this two years ago on a whim after reading product reviews and I couldn't be more sold on this night cream! Just within a night or two I could tell a huge difference in the reduction of fine lines, puffiness around my eyes in the morning, and skin texture. My face feels like silky buttahhhh the next morning (I hope you read that in a Paula Dean accent).

3) Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser

This is my dermatologist's favorite product, I kid you not. She said that Cetaphil is the best face cleanser someone could use due to it's gentle cleansing ability that won't irritate the skin. It completely removes my make-up after a long day with no residue. Just fresh, healthy skin.

4) Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse

This was chosen by Allure as one of the best drugstore purchases for foundation, and after trying it recently, I can't get enough. To the touch, the product is so light and fluffy on my finger tips, but it skims over my face like silk with great coverage. I don't understand how a product so airy can have such great coverage with a lightweight feel, but I love it. Definitely try this out!

5) Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Concealer

Oh man, I just picked up this little miracle after my old concealer started looking too cakey once it set. So when I already have dark circles and blemishes, why on earth would I want to add blobs of concealer on top of all of that to point it out? No thank you! But I love this one. You just turn the concealer stick and it pumps product into the sponge tip. Dot it on, blend, and you have flawless coverage. Goodbye dark circles!

6) Revlon Nearly Naked Powder

I have been looking for a pressed powder that doesn't leave me looking like I have fresh baby powder sitting on my face. My goal is not to look like a geisha, but to have a shine-free light look. This powder creates such a smooth flawless finish, and really does make your skin look like your skin is naturally that even. I love how light and airy it feels, and it simply sets my make-up for the day with a silky matte finish.

7) ELF Bronzer and Blush Duo

Okay, this is a major best buy, and half of the reason is the price - $3! If you haven't checked out the ELF line at Target, you definitely need to! They have a really great line of cheap make-up and brushes that ranges from $1 eye shadows to $3 make-up brushes - and they're awesome. This bronzer/blush duo is no exception. Great color combo and it's so nice to have both in one compact. I had a friend go from the most popular NARS blush/bronzer duo (pricey!) to this one because it's that awesome of a buy.

8) CND Stickey Base Coat

If you want your nail polish to stay on twice as long, buy this. My sister had been raving about it ever since  a nail technician told her it was the best nail product, and they were right. Just apply as a base coat and watch in awe as your fresh manicure stays looking fresh without chips. I'm talking a whole 1-2 weeks with a fresh mani!


So there you have it. All of these items are my personal favorite beauty choices and aren't product reviews, so you know these are keepers!

So I'm curious... what are your favorite beauty buys?

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PS - Don't forget to link-up and gain new readers ALL WEEK at my Mingle Monday Link-Up!


February 24, 2014

Mingle Monday Link-Up!

Umm... epic fail!
Since hubby is on a business trip, he took the laptop, so I couldn't prepare for today's mingle mingle!

So, sorry for the massive delay in your weekly networking extravaganza! There is lots heading your way this week, so stay tuned!!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** What is your current fashion trend/obsession **

{ I am loving the party nail! }


Hope your week is off to a sassy start!

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February 21, 2014

Weekend Outlook

The sun is shining, my office is quieter than normal, and I am basking in Friday's glow.

I honestly am not sure if I have ever been this ready for a weekend in all of my life. So, so ready to jump into these next 2-3 days with a bang.

On the list...

Friday // 
Meeting up with some girlfriends for a low-key birthday party celebration tonight. The birthday girl loves Jane Austen and anything chocolate, so we are snagging some tasty chocolate cuppies from Smallcakes Cupcakery and watching Austenland (it looks hilarious). Has anyone seen it?

Saturday // 
I am also going to check out the venue I booked for Adam's 30th birthday and get my hair did. Later in the day, I am meeting up with Juju and Pops (my parents) for $1 margs at On the Border. Also, Target has been calling my name, so I am going to see if there is anything I can't live without, especially for our trip to Disney World next week! I desperately want that pink dress (below)! 

Sunday // 
I will be hanging out with my 4th grade rugrats at Sunday School that morning. Other than that, I fully plan on doing a little spring cleaning (wishful thinking?), taking the Beast on a walk, and just enjoying the beautiful weather.


What are you kids up to this weekend?

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February 18, 2014

In Case You Need a Pick-Me-Up

My morning started off by being jolted awake when a staff member's phone call at 6:45 a.m.
And then I was woken up again at 7:30 a.m., which normally isn't a big deal, but you see... I wasn't supposed to go in to work until 11 since I worked late last night. My one peaceful morning to sleep in.

Upon walking into my room, I was greeted with a nice warm puddle of dog urine.
Lovely. Hence, I was unable to go back to sleep.

Not a fantastic start to the day.

And then I work with a lady that is just really, umm... let's go with challenging, to work with on a daily basis. I do my best to try and keep an optimistic attitude and not let her negativity get to me, but this morning's griping and surliness was exceptionally hard to grit my teeth through.

Thank the sweet Lion of Judah, my husband sent me this video to brighten my day, and that it did, folks. If you're day is off to a rocky start, this one's for you. Or if you simply need something to make you giggle, please press play... you can thank me later.

Wishing you a much better than expected kind of day.
After all, nobody should rob your happiness from you.

And in case for some insanely wild reason that didn't work for you, click HERE, and read the product reviews. I about peed my jammer pants last night reading them - ha!

Be blessed, friends...

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February 17, 2014

Mingle Monday Link-Up!

Welcome to Monday, y'all!
I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day full of people you love. And an insane amount of chocolate!

So, did you do anything fun this weekend? Anything to write home about?

We had a very mellow Valentine's Day date at home where we sampled Dean and Deluca sweets and sipped wine. On Saturday we hung out with friends, and Sunday we enjoyed a quiet relaxing day in watching a ridiculous amount of House of Cards.

Are you obsessed with that show too?
Oh my goodness.

Let's get mingling, shall we? So excited you have stopped by!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!

** If someone gave you today off, what would you do with Monday? **


Wishing you a stress-free start to the week!

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February 14, 2014

My Greatest Adventure

Happy Valentine's Day, love bugs!
I hope your day is spent letting your friends and family know just how much you love them, today and everyday.

Well, I have had a fabulous time this week handing out homemade Valentine's to co-workers, family, and friends and spreading some love.

This morning, I have to celebrate my valentine, my greatest adventure.

So, I only thought it would be fitting for some quick little love notes to my favorite redheaded, freckled face, manly, handsome stud muffin.

{I am sure you all are thrilled. But I get a free pass to be mushy today, right?}

Dear Adam Trembley...

1// I love the way the mere mention of obtaining a box of sour patch kids instantly makes your heart sore and mouth water. If you keep eating them by the box full, I am pretty sure this will be you...

2//  I love that you know everything there is to know about craft beer, and you're my favorite sommelier. Next adventure? We should totally create a beer paired dinner. Yup.

3//  I love that you know how to squash a stressful day by simply hugging me. You're magic.

4//  I love that you know my love language and make up for my complete lack in domesticity. Folded fresh laundry absolutely equals love.

5//  I love that my knees buckle at the sound of you chatting with Bella Beast as she sits on your lap, inches from your face. You two are cute, and let's just venture to say I am going to be a completely sappy mess when we have littles a few years from now.

6// I love that when I'm out of town I can guarantee that you haven't turned on a single light in the house, have watched copious amounts of Sportscenter in the dark, and have lived off of whatever you have magically discovered at the bottom of our refrigerator. You're so resourceful and hilarious.

You are far more than I ever dreamed of and you know how to love me so well. You are selfless, caring, a great provider, respected, loved, hilarious, my best friend, and my greatest adventure.

Love you, buddy.


In case you missed it this week...

Wishing you day full of love and joy!

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February 13, 2014

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

A big thanks to all of you who entered my Cozy Couture headwrap giveaway!
While the giveaway was going on, I decided that I would make it extra sweet by picking TWO winners.

So... drum roll please!

The winners are...

Shemp DeYoung
Samantha from Long Distance Love

** I have e-mailed both of you to get your mailing addresses! **

So, thanks so much for participating everybody! For more details on my handmade headwraps you can visit my Cozy Couture Etsy shop!

Also, I want to do a quick survey with all of your fashionably on point people. If you were to buy a Cozy Couture headwrap, what would be your top 1-2 color?

I may or may not send one to a lucky commenter just because I feel like spreading a little extra love...

Hello motivation.

Thanks all!

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February 12, 2014

Currently Obsessed

Okay, a show of hands...
who thinks this is the world's longest week? I swear, Monday and Tuesday have been a hot mess and I am so ready for Friday to finally roll on in.

Ever have those products/snacks/songs.etc. songs that you come across and then you can't seem to get away from it? That thing that you have discovered and want to shout how great it is from the rooftops?

I'm there.
Lately I have a handful of things that I just want everyone to love as much as I do. Then we can sit around all day sipping lattes and gabbing about how much we love our weird obsession non-stop.

I know, I know... I could possibly be the only one who does this, but here's the list...

// Current Obsessions //

1) EOS Lip Balm

Okay, I can almost guarantee that I am the last person on planet earth to have hopped on board the EOS train, but omg, I can't get enough of this lip balm. It keeps my lips soft and moisturized from our harsh Kansas City winter. And have I mentioned how delicious they taste? Bella Beast has already eaten at least two of these...

2) Katy Perry's Prism Album

I would just like to hurry up and meet Katy Perry so we can be best friends already. Love this chick and her music simply makes me happy. There is always a Katy song on my workout playlists. But if you haven't listened to her new album, go grab a copy ASAP - it's incredible all the way through. Currently trying to find tickets to her sold out KC concert in August...

3) Our Bedroom Revamp

Everyday when I get home and walk in our room, it instantly relaxes me. I love the progress I've made on it so far, and I can't wait to finish this project!

All day everyday, these are delish and make my inner hippie smile. Not to mention they are made with only 3-4 all natural ingredients each. Current faves include Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte, Banana Bread, Blueberry Muffin, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Mmm...

5) Beyonce's "XO"

Download this song, press play, rinse and repeat. Be's got it going on! I think Adam is tired of hearing this (and my gorgeous voice) echoing through our home on repeat for hours.

6) This Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

Found this little gem on one of my favorite sites and you would never believe it's healthy! Whole grain, low sugar, deliciousness. Try it out!

7) 2014 Olympics

I have been exhausted every morning this week, and all fingers point blame to Sochi. You guys, it's incredible watching these world class athletes. I love all of them, but I can't peel my eyes away from slopestyle snowboarding and half pipe events - those guys and gals are incredible! Maybe I need to reevaluate my life goals? Haha!

// So friends, what's your latest obsession? //

PS - Don't forget to check out my Cozy Couture Headwrap giveaway! It closes at midnight tonight and I am giving away TWO headwraps!! Don't miss out!

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February 10, 2014

Mingle Monday + Cozy Couture Giveaway

Hey party people!
How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

We had an awesome time celebrating our friend Lauren at her Olympic themed birthday party Friday, hung out with our family and had a nice dinner party Saturday, and then hit off our Sunday with a little bit of Jesus, The Might Ducks, and relaxing by the fire.

Loved it.

By the way, make sure you scroll down to the bottom after you link-up - I have a BIG giveaway for you and I think you'll love it!

So there it is in a nutshell - let's get mingling!



 ** Only 3 easy rules - that's all I ask! **

1) Link-up your blog below.

2) You must share a link to Mingle Monday on your post or the Mingle Monday photo.
3) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below and have FUN!
** How do you show love on Valentine's Day? **


PLUS, don't miss out on my Cozy Couture Headwrap GIVEAWAY! I am now going to announce 2 WINNERS this Thursday!! Check it out here to win!

Make it a great week, dolls!

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February 7, 2014

Olympic Weekend + Cozy Couture Giveaway!

Happy Friday, y'all! Congrats, we made it through the week.
But I don't have anything to complain about with having Monday off and two snow days, but yesterday was a doozy (ha!).

So excited to be home for a weekend for the first time in a long time, and it's full of fun plans!

Friday //
We are heading to our dear friend Lauren's awesome Olympic themed birthday bash tonight! Everyone is dressing up in their best creative Olympic costumes, she made a bracket to host her own "Olympic Games" (darts, shuffleboard, etc.), and Moscow Mules are the drink of the evening. Isn't she clever?

Saturday // 
I am planning on getting a nice little a.m. workout in, and then sipping my coffee while enjoying you of the delicious whole grain low sugar banana bread mini loaves I made last night (Thanks, SkinnyTaste!). Maybe I should finally take down  our Christmas tree (judge away, my friends, I probably deserve public shaming)!

Hubs and I are thrilled to spend the afternoon with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law who will be visiting from Boston, and we are pumper for a Fab Four reunion. I foresee lots of games, hot tub time, and catching up on life.

Sunday //
I can't wait to see my little 4th grade girly girls while teaching Sunday School. They are a huge blessing and I'm thankful for their innocent hearts and cute little personalities. The rest of the day will probably be spent over at my in-laws just relaxing and loving life.

...it should be a great weekend!


And in honor of the Olympic Winter Games (and the copious amount of snow days this week), I am thrilled to giveaway one of my handmade Cozy Couture headwraps to a lucky one of you! I thought a pretty red one would be fitting as you cheer on our Team USA.

Check out the Rafflecopter below to enter! The grand prize winner will be announced next Thursday, and there are several ways you can gain points every single day drastically increasing your odds.

Can't wait to create this special headwrap for one of you! For more on Cozy Couture Headwraps, please check out my Etsy shop!

Good luck and GO USA!

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February 6, 2014

Mood Board: Master Bedroom Revamp

As many of you saw via Instagram, I have been working on a few home projects as of late.
Before I moved in to what is now our house, we did a lot of work on the common spaces on the main level (painting wood paneling is a pain in the tushy!), and renovated our entire kitchen last summer.

After thinking about it for a while, I wanted to finally make cosmetic changes to the spaces we use everyday - our mast bathroom and bedroom. I knocked out the mast bathroom project in one night, and finished painting our bedroom this week, and it's amazing what paint can do!

Now, I am dreaming of furnishings and how to finish the space off to deliver a serene spa like feel.
Of course I turned to Polyvore to tinker around a bit and this is what I came up with...

Master Bedroom - Spa Decor

I chose a soothing coastal blue to soften the space, and would love some airy sheer panels, rustic finishes, and just the right touch of sparkle to jazz things up. What do you think? Here were a few of my inspirations on my bedroom revamp Pinterest board...

What do you think?

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February 5, 2014

Gratitude + Life Lately in Photos

Oh my goodness, I swear I'm alive...
It feels like I've been running in a million directions between being in Minneapolis for 5 days, Wichita this past weekend, and then we've had a massive snow storm, but I'm finally home and back at it!

So, despite being a little preoccupied, I have lots to catch you up on and such a thankful heart today.

Dear Minnesota //
Even though the weather was insanely cold with a -35 degree windchill, I had the best time. Thankful for Baby Norah smiles, spontaneous trips to the MOA, chats with my cousin, and endless lazy mornings in our jammers with homemade lattes in hand.

Dear Besties //
We had the very best time catching up and spending time with you in Wichita. I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful nourished friendships that have lasted since grade school.

Dear Snow Day //
I needed you. What a nice time to be stuck inside starting our bedroom revamp project and spending time with my hubby. The reminder to slow down and soak in the relaxing moments was just what I needed to do. My heart was so happy to have time to tinker around in the kitchen making turkey chili and one of Adam's favorite recipes, Citrus Glazed Almond Poppy Bread.

Dear Grandpa //
You sure are a firecracker. Adam and I loved visiting you for a few hours and hearing your wild stories. As soon as we got in the car we talked about how we could have stayed and chatted with you all day long. I sure wish we could have. See you again very soon... promise.

Dear Hubs //
I am so grateful for how ambitious and hard working you are. Although we haven't seen each other much these past few weeks due to your business trips, I am so very proud of you. Excited for the future and blessed beyond measure with how well you provide for our little family.

Dear Blog Friends //
Thanks for sticking with me and for all of your awesome comments and grace upon reading this post (Sometimes It's Okay To Be a Bad Blogger). You make life extra special.


Stay tuned tomorrow - a glimpse at our bedroom revamp! And you can't miss Friday's Cozy Couture Headwrap giveaway!

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