May 3, 2013

Under the Weather + Weekend Wishes


I'm all curled up at home with a citrus colored polka dot mug full of green tea and tissues nearby. Yup, this is sick day #2. Despite my head feeling like a 10 lb. helium balloon, my cozy puppy and catching up on blogs in between NyQuil-laden naps have been my redeeming grace.

The rain falling outside the living room window, fluffy soft blankets, and HGTV haven't been too terrible either despite the circumstances.

Unfortunately hubby just called to say he's starting to feel pretty crummy too. What a bunch of ninnies in the Evans house! And good thing we're hosting a baby shower BBQ at our house tomorrow (not the sarcasm)... *sigh*

Must. Find. Energy.

Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a lovely weekend. Unlike this week's scant blog posts, I have lots for you next week... including a fun giveaway! Stay tuned!

PS- Just in cased you missed it, check out my Wedding Photo Mega Post!!

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  1. Aww, I hope you feel better soon! At least you're not missing sunshine-y days while you're sick! Hopefully some rest and fluids will help get you back into tip top shape!! :)

  2. Hope you start to get better soon, especially so you can host your BBQ and not feel crappy. But, I could go for a day full of HGTV and blog reading soon!

  3. I hope you're better in time for your shower. Rest up friend.

  4. So your area didn't get the lovely May Missouri snow? My bro is north of KC and got 5 inches, and the entire town is out of power. Hope you start to feel better soon!

  5. Aw, get well soon girl! HGTV and a little reading sound great, but not so much when you are sick and have to host a part the next day.

  6. hope you feel better! & ooo i love rainy days inside (: blessings.

    Allie @ Framed by God


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