May 20, 2013

Mingle Monday Blog Hop + Giveaway Winner!

Thanks for joining me today to kick your week off the right way! So thrilled that you stopped by for some Mingle Monday networking action. May it bring you lots of fun new visitors and great blogs to read!

First thing's first, I need to announce the winner of last week's $25 Sephora sponsor giveaway. So drum roll please.... the winner is....

Bridget Heiple Reich!

**Bridget, I sent you an e-mail with instructions on how to claim your prize. Congrats!! **



1) Must be a Life of Meg follower to participate.
2) Click on the link below to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...
**  Were do you get your blog inspiration from? ** 


Want to know how you can get you blog highlighted during Mingle Monday?

// Click HERE //

** ALSO **

Personal blog shout outs and RTs for your blog on Twitter all day for everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send extra traffic your way for being so kind!! :)

Want to keep up with me on the go?
Go check out my social media buttons on the right sidebar to stay in the loop!

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  1. Just linked up! I get blog inspiration from just about everywhere, though I blog mostly about things I do and events in my life which is super easy to write about =)

  2. Hmm where do I get my inspiration! That's actually a hard question!!! One of my favorite things to do is start on a blog I love and click on a sponsor blog... then when I'm at that new blog, I click on one there.. and just keep going! I find so many good ideas and amazing blogs that way :)

    I also have a portion of my planner where I jot down blog ideas that randomly come to me.

    Andddd when in doubt, Pinterest is always a go to :)

  3. I really just write about my life and what's going on. But sometimes there isn't anything exciting to write about, lol. I try to jot down ideas that I get at random times, but sometimes forget. Sometimes I'll just sit down and start typing to see what comes out! Oh, and linkups are great when I don't feel like I have my own ideas to get me going. Hope you have a great Monday, Meg! :)

  4. I keep a note book that I write in when inspiration strikes! I hash out a ton of posts that way!

  5. I get inspiration from whatever is going on in my life! Have a great Monday!

  6. Great blog! I get inspiration from fellow bloggers, pinterest and from things that are going on in my life.
    New follower!


  7. It's hard to say where I get my inspiration from...sometimes from other bloggers, a lot of times from life, and sometimes an idea will come after hearing something on the radio or something someone mentioned in passing. And I think, hey... I could write about that!

  8. I get my inspiration from every day life and topics that interest me. I figure that if I am interested, someone else probably will be too! :)

    <a href=">The Grass Skirt</a>

  9. Well, of course I get my blog inspiration from other awesome blogs like this one! :) And, Pinterest too. HEH.

  10. My inspiration usually involves insomnia :)

    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

  11. I just linked up! I typically get my inspiration from reading other blogs :) lately Ive been doing a TON of prep for my backpacking adventure this summer so Im focusing on posting the helpful things I learn as I stumble along haha.

    Thanks for an amazing link-up!

  12. I get my blog inspiration from my life, magazines, articles I find on twitter, DIYs from pinterest and most importantly from other blogs!

  13. My inspiration comes from life experience, magazines, Twitter, blogs I <3, and Pinterest.

  14. Happy Monday!!! I get my inspiration from what I currently experience and/or learn everyday.

  15. I get my blog inspiration from everywhere! Family, things I see, what I read, bible study,and sometimes just my completely random thought process!

  16. This month I've been doing Blog Everyday in May - and I get prompts for each day. Which is SO HELPFUL! But beyond that, I just blog about what I've been thinking about and random events in my life. If you have any suggestions for good inspiration though I'm always open for new ideas!

  17. For the moment its been all the bright colors of summer!:)


I absolutely LOVE hearing from you guys! I read every single comment and always try to get back to each of you!
In order to do that, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

How to enable your e-mail - BLOGGER ACCOUNTS:
To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a checkmark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE.

Thanks for reading! You all are hands down the BEST! xo