March 29, 2013

The Heart of Life is Good

"Pain throws your heart to the ground, Love turns the whole thing around.
Fear is a friend who's misunderstood, But I know the heart of life is good."
- John Mayer

Today was one of those days where I woke up and realized just how blessed I am.
My alarm was set for 7:10 (the usual), and for some reason I woke up at 6:10 a.m. on the dot. Wide awake. I couldn't figure out why I all of the sudden woke up... until I remembered that I had a meeting across town at 7:30 a.m.

Pretty sure my uber punctual guardian angel woke me up on that one.

I breezed through getting ready and Adam offered to do all of the things I usually do in the mornings (since I leave after him) with a smile on his face. Then an "I love you" and kiss goodbye. What a blessing.

The sun was coming up as my car was full of great soulful music that a new friend gifted me. My heart was full and I think joy and thankfulness washed over me. Despite seeing lots of pain and brokenness that friends/family are facing in different ways, I remember this truth of hope...

The heart of life is good.
God is good.

I went to grab a coffee and I thought about the fact that not everyone feels the way I do today. I had an overwhelming urge to spread the joy in any way I could, and picked up the tab of the lady behind me in the drive-thru.

I don't say this to brag about my intentions, I just hope that she was simply able to see a little joy and sunshine this morning. And I hope that when she too feels that, she can pass on the love to someone else who might need it.

Because heaven knows we could all use a little dose of sunshine every once in a while.
As I drove off, I let the words of the songs wash over me, smiled, and thought about so many things to be grateful for today and everyday. Good days and bad.

.:: Thankful ::.

+ my wonderful family who I love more than life itself
+ a puppy dog nose resting on the pillow next to me this morning
+ dear friends, new and old
+ belly laughing the night before
+ a selfless, kind husband who makes me feel beautiful at any size, makeup or no makeup
+ beautiful spring weather
+ the promise of new adventure in the air
+ a weekend to relax and restore
+ the precious gift of sacrificial love and life to celebrate this weekend

Today I am overwhelmed and humbled. Although life can get tough and painful at times, there is peace in knowing that there is always hope. Just keep going, because there are great things for you on the horizon, I just know it.

Maybe you need a little encouragement today?
Take heart my friends.

May you experience the true joy, hope, and love this Easter weekend...

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  1. Such a great post! That definitely uplifts my spirits :-)
    Love that flower pic too. Super cute and fitting with your post!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. love this post! hope you have a wonderful easter weekend! :)

  3. This is the best Easter post I've read. :)

    Happy Easter Meg!

  4. Love it! Keep up the attitude, girl!

  5. Hi from a new follower :)

    Stopping by from the aloha blog hop, wow what an inspiring post! Looking forward to reading more :)


  6. It's always nice to have moments where you can be truly thankful for everything that's good in your life. It's so easy to get overwhelmed by negative things, so finding the great things is a blessing. Happy Easter!

  7. Great post! Happy Easter! Erica

  8. needed to read this post today on a Monday morning!

    One of my favorites "Be blessed and be a blessing"


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