March 13, 2013

Guest Post: Rachel @ Simple Little Joys

Hey, all you Life of Meg girls! It's Rachel here, from {simple.little.joys}

I'm super thrilled, excited, and overjoyed to be over here today while Meg is enjoying her wonderful honeymoon! I can only imagine how much fun they're having, soaking up the sun and loving being married! We miss you, Meg, but we're so happy for you and Adam!

Well, with Meg on a beautiful beach, I've been dreaming about a beach getaway myself. As soon as we get the first glimpse of Spring, I start obsessively checking Victoria's Secret for the summer's cutest swim suit. And we all know, the moment swim suit season comes near, we all start working a little harder on our bikini bod! 

Can't you just imagine being on a beach like this? Just looking at that crystal blue water makes me want to get myself in tip top bikini shape!

                                                                                                            Source: via Breanne on Pinterest

I don't know about you, but I know how I am--I'll start off my bikini beach bod challenge strong and stay that way for a few weeks, but then my motivation starts to taper off after a little while. I'll make an excuse about a girl's weekend or being too tired from work--and we all know we can't look like Adriana Lima by sitting on the couch with a bag of Cheetos. So I've been thinking lately on how to keep myself motivated, even when my motivation is less than stellar. 

So what does it take to get motivated and stay that way, even when the going gets tough?

First off, pick a goal. Pick something to aim towards, and stick with it. If you start trying to lose weight or get in shape with no end in sight, it'll seem like the same thing every day, day after day. What works for me? Sign up for a 5K a few months from now. Buy a bikini that you LOVE and hang it up in your closet. Give yourself something to work towards and it'll make it seem so much easier!

Second, find a work out/diet buddy. The buddy system isn't just for elementary kids on a field trip, girlfriends--having a "partner" through this journey will keep you on track and also give you someone to talk to daily. I have a few of these and just knowing they're cheering me on makes me want to push myself a little further (or just put down that doughnut!)

Stay positive. Negativity doesn't belong anywhere near us, girls! Don't be too hard on yourself. You've gotta be your biggest supporter, not your worst enemy. Comparison only steals your joy, so be kind to yourself.

Skip the scale on a daily basis. Pick one day a week and let that be "weigh in" day. The daily fluctuations of the scale will knock my motivation quicker than anything else--once a week is just enough to give you an accurate picture of what's going on, pound wise.

Make an awesome playlist to use when working out. My runs/gym time go by in a blink when I'm listening to an album that pump me up! Some of my favorites lately: Bruno Mars, Gotye, and Justin Bieber--trust me, they've got a good beat.

One of my favorite ways to get pumped up? Change up your work outs. Don't get so bored with your usual routine that you talk yourself out of doing it. Swim. Take a spin class with friends. Go play tennis. Sign up for Zumba. The options are endless, and by changing it up, you'll keep it fun and entertaining!

Last, but not least...reward yourself. Celebrate pounds lost. For instance, with each 3, 5, or 10 pounds (depending on your goal, of course,) give yourself a little pat on the back with a celebratory new pair of shoes, workout top, or even just a little ice cream treat! Of course, it doesn't have to be a monetary gift, but a little treat every now and then will give you a little boost in your motivation! 


                                                                                 Source: via Aspen on Pinterest

And more than anything--remember, all you pretty ladies...success isn't about the amount of pounds lost. It's about the way you feel, the confidence you have in yourself, and the glow from within! Believe you're beautiful and have confidence in yourself, and everything else will fall into place.

Now let's all get motivated to make a difference in ourselves, shall we? 

Thanks for having me, Meg! I think I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait to hear all about how fabulous the honeymoon was! 

- Rachel


  1. That beach looks amazing :)

  2. I need to print these guidelines and get into bikini gear! Thanks for the motivation! :)

  3. Ahh, beach weather. I'm hoping to make it to Puerto Rico in May. I am so over Minnesota's Winter.. xo!


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