March 15, 2013

Guest Post: Alesha @ Lifeology

Hi, I'm Alesha at Lifeology blog!
When Meg said she was leaving on her honeymoon I instantly became jealous! It is such a magical time and an absolute blast to be married to your best friend enjoying each other no matter where you go.

Have you ever had a place that gives you butterflies?

Just looking through our pictures from the Melia Caribe Tropical Resort in the Dominican Republic brought that feeling back all over again. Andrew and I have always wanted to travel so we began our marriage with our honeymoon in the DR. As we stepped off the plane into the warm, calm humid air and smell of tropical paradise, I knew I would never want to leave! When we arrived at the resort we were instantly treated like VIPs. It probably doesn't hurt that my husband surprised me with the VIP upgrade. ;)

We came home with so many fun and "had to be there" stories! Most of them revolved around my husband's complete inability to speak Spanish, didn't stop him from trying unfortunately. Even though most every person working at the resort spoke English, there were still a few instances when our knowledge of Espanol were tested. Andrew and I don't drink alcohol so every time we ordered a drink we explained we wanted it virgin. Either the bartender didn't understand us or they thought we were kidding a few times. Usually they got it right so by the last day I didn't even think to take a sip of my mojito to be sure it was virgin. One huge sip later I was certain I drank cleaner! All Andrew could do was laugh and laugh.


I had my chance to get the last laugh when he was asked by our male chauffeur, "Buenos dias, senor! Como esta?" (Good morning, sir!) and Andrew responded, "Mucho grande, senora!" (Very big, Miss!) I took 3 years of Spanish in high school so I understand a bit and the chauffeur and I cracked up and made fun of him. Saddest part was my poor husband didn't realize his mistake and was confused as to what was so funny. I'm certain our driver then told his co-workers about the crazy American man who tried and majorly failed to speak Spanish!

Next lesson learned? Stay on the VIP section of the beach. Unless you want to be heckled, harassed and spend WAY too much money on junk that you will forever regret owning. We wandered to the far side of the beach one day to possibly get my hair braided by some Dominican women when we were pulled into a man's shop where he sold keychains and artwork. The paintings were actually beautiful but we didn't have the money on us nor did we want to pack a rolled canvas to take back home. The guy would not let us leave! Two of his workers sort of surrounded us when we explained thanks but no thanks and he just would not let us go until we bought something. I was starting to get real scared so I grabbed Andrew's arm and he finally pushed through and we hurried back to the resort where they couldn't follow. Bartering off the resort is not a place for me!

We went off the resort to snorkel around a coral reef and swim with sharks. Yep. You read that right, we choose to swim with sharks. We held sea urchins and a giant sting ray, swam with tiny colorful fish surrounding us and then into the shark den. I could snorkel all day long, even if it was with sharks!

I loved the Dominican Republic it truly was everything I imagined of a tropical wonderland. Even more so I loved going with my best friend and spending every single minute with him relaxing and doing whatever we pleased with no worries, no stress, and no interruptions. It was such a nice break away from the day to day grind and just be us.


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