January 10, 2013

Ode to the Rainy Day

Greetings from rainy and chilly Kansas City.
I woke up to raindrops tapping on my window this morning. My bed was warm, my room was dark, and a huge grin instantly crept across my face. This girl loves rainy days.

I know most people tend to think they're gloomy, but for some reason they're my favorite. I think they're magical and anything can happen.

So once I bribed myself to get out of bed and ready for work, I heated up two very delicious Healthy Egg, Ham & Smoked Gouda Souffle Muffins, grabbed some hot green tea, and headed out the door.

I have Norah Jones singing me sweet songs as I sip tea and get things done in my cozy little office...

...and I couldn't be happier if I tried.

Adam is on a business adventure in Seattle this week, and before I left I was silently jealous that he gets to spend a week in the rain. So jealous, in fact, that I began searching for cheap plane tickets so I could go see him when he's up there over the next month.

Have you been to Washington? Was it magical?

In my head it is.

But then again, in my head a bunch of vampires live there too, so that doesn't really give me much credit. :)

Back to my love affair with rainy days...

I've made a list of all the things rainy days should include. In fact, I've been daydreaming about them all morning as I work on little projects.

.:: Here's the list ::.

+ bake muffins
+ snuggle with Bella Beast
+ watch all of my favorite Norah Ephron movies
(When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle...)
+ get lost in a good book
+ take naps (yes... multiple)
+ pancakes, of course
+ start a raging fire in the fireplace
+ wear your coziest socks
+ dance around in your underoos to Frank Sinatra
+ began a new craft project
+ write letters
+ try a new recipe
+ completely lose all track of time perusing Pinterest
(story of my life.)
+ sip on a tasty latte
+ sweats and a pony are a must
+ throw all inhibitions to the wind


Are you enjoying the raindrops where you are?
What tops your rainy day list?

Whether rainy or not, Norah Jones is good for any soul... have a listen :)

Wishing you a cozy & happy Thursday, dear friends!


  1. I love rainy days!! I particularly like them when I don't have to go to work and can curl up on the couch with my boo and read or watch tv. Rain always gives me a good excuse to not leave the house-- just relax. :)

  2. I love Seattle! More like constant mist rather than rain

  3. Its raining here too! AHH!

  4. I'm so with you there. I love a good rainy day, that is as long as I don't have to get out in it! Today is humid and drizzly, just wish I was home in jammies to enjoy it. And Norah Jones is my favorite. Come Away with me was our first dance! =)

  5. I don't mind rainy days, as long as they don't happen for like 5 days straight, or while Im on vacation at a beachy place. :)

  6. I love a good rainy day as well, just not on a college campus with bad drainage! Laying in bed all day, good. Drudging through knee-high puddles, bad.

  7. woohoo for rainy days!! I live in Portland OR and we have plenty of them. I will have to say when I lived in Denver, I felt like the amount of sunshine directly correlated to my increased anxiety. After living in a cloudy, rainy place for most of my life, I found it calms my soul! You just need some good gear to keep from being wet. I vote you head to Seattle! Its an awesome city!!!

  8. I grew up an hour north of Seattle.,,and I truly think its one of the most beautiful places on earth!


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