January 7, 2013

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Welcpme to the first Mingle Monday of 2013!
It sure has been a long time since the last blog hop, and I'm excited to start the new year off right!

Currently blogging from my iPhone, so let's hope this doesn't bomb completely!! :)

You know what I'm thankful for today? You. So happy you show up to Mingle, blown away that you spread the word to our friends, and blessed that I've found so many awesome blogs through this weekly blog hop!

I hope you do too!

A Huge Thank You...

...in advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...
** What is one of your 2013 goals? **


Here are some MUST visit blogs/shops for you!


Starting at a mere $8 for a whole month of exposure, grab your sponsorship spot today!
With more than 30,000 original page hits a month, and 1,000+ hits per post, this is a great opportunity for you to gain traffic and followers!

Coming up this week...

+ TWO recipes (including the chocolate chip cookie recipe I promised you!)
+ healthy living motivation
+ my nesting obsession (and home decor inspiration)
+ life lately (yay photos!)
+ much more!

**Personal shout outs/RT on Twitter all Monday to everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! Happy to send traffic your way!! :)

Have a better-than-expected Monday, my sweet friends!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)


  1. My 2013 goal is to not eat bread! lol silly but soo very hard!

  2. I've never been a huge new year goals or resolution type of person. I definitely want to lose weight. That's pretty much a year round goal. ha!

  3. Thank you for hosting the HOP. My goal for 2013 is be intentional in everything I do...friendships, faith, love, anything.

  4. I'm making monthly goals this year rather than just big ones for the year. So for January...I'm trying to energize (through more sleep, exercise, drinking more water), and organize various home things. Happy 2013 to you!

  5. I decided on setting 5 goals per month instead of overall goals for the year. Each month, though, one of the goals will be "lose 1 pound" -- because as long as I lose at least 1 pound each month, I'll end the year without gaining any weight.

  6. My number one goal is to save money! I'm also going to work on being more healthy/active and to read more!

  7. To drink more water daily. I've been terrible at it in the past so I need to get better!

  8. My goal is to keep a prayer journal this year. SO far, so good. It seems to put life right in front of our eyes!

  9. BLANACE! someday Ill figure that out

  10. My goal for 2013 is to live a helathy lifestyle!

  11. My goal is to love others the way Christ loves us more!

  12. i have a goal to communicate with each of my family members once a week :)

  13. Hi I'm your new follower!

    My biggest goal to achieve in 2013 is to stay in the UK for a few months to brush up my English! Ideally I would like to study about beauty too :)

    The Beauty Maniac in Tokyo

  14. Goals for 2013 ~ exercise more, eat better and sell more on my Etsy shop! Wish me luck!

  15. One of 2013 Goals is to Run a half marathon

  16. Mine is pretty simple, but incredibly hard. I just want a happy year :)

  17. One of my goals is to be a more present friend!

  18. Some of our goals for 2013 are a lot of DIY projects at home, including painting every room in our condo. We already have 2 rooms painted so far this year, so I would say we are doing pretty good so far :)

  19. My 2013 goal is to pass my nursing licensure exam & find myself a big girl job! :)

  20. I have several small goals this year to get our house organized. I also want to cook more and spend less eating out! :) Happy Monday, Meg!

  21. My goal this year is to finally meet YOU!!!!!!!!!

  22. Happy Monday!! I have so many goals for the new year, but I guess 1 pretty important one would be to really get a handle on this blog thing and be more consistent with my posting.

    xoxo Amber
    Obviously Obsessed

  23. I'm focusing on a few each week! This week, applying to grad school. xo! eliza

  24. Hmmm well to graduate this year will by number one goal I suppose.. If I do a few classes in the summer I should be done in the fall. Lose those 5 extra pounds I gained back and keep progressing with my riding and photography would be all my goals I believe!

  25. To get on a more consistent sleep schedule!

  26. I have so many new goals for 2013! My main goal is to get in shape and live healthier :) Also, I want to start writing more and get back into the groove of things! Happy New Year :)

  27. I made a few goals (no resolutions!). First and foremost is to live more simply (I just wrote about that one). Also, make it through this last semester, become friendlier with exercise (we shall see...), and go easier on myself. I can't do everything for everyone all the time!

  28. One of my 2013 goals is to fit back into my skinny pants!!!

  29. My biggest goal is to finish grad school! Ready to check this bad boy off of my list! :)

  30. Hello!

    Thanks for hosting the blog hop, I love linking up and meeting new bloggers. Also, I'm your newest follower:) Have a good week!

    Lillies & Silk

  31. To actually finish my devotional this year. 2nd time's a charm!

  32. So many goals!! But the one I am most pumped about is working on my new fitness and wellness blog. And of course, trying to change some of my habits to be more healthy! Check it out if you would like at http://findingmyownway10.blogspot.com/


I absolutely LOVE hearing from you guys! I read every single comment and always try to get back to each of you!
In order to do that, please make sure your email address is set up with your profile so that I am able to respond to you. :)

How to enable your e-mail - BLOGGER ACCOUNTS:
To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a checkmark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE.

Thanks for reading! You all are hands down the BEST! xo