September 27, 2012

Get Paid to Gym It Up!

That post title sure caught your eye, didn't it?
It's no lie, y'all. You can get paid for every visit to the gym you make, but you have to pay up if you miss... talk about monster motivation right there!

In case you haven't heard of this fancy new smartphone app, let me fill you in! I was chatting with my amazing soon to be sister-in-law, Meredith, when she asked me if I had heard about the GymPact app yet.

Naturally, I replied with a "heck no... what is it?!", because I am usually the last one to find out about amazing techy things. She started explaining it and I was totally intrigued.

GymPact was developed by Harvard grads who were inspired by behavioral economics - pretty cool! All I know is that it would totally make me re-think skipping a sweat sesh if I knew I would have to pay up.

Yup, I signed up instantly!


How It Works:

 1) Download the app - so easy!

2) Make a pact for how many times a week you go.

3) The more days you commit to, the more money you make per week.

4) Set your "fine" (the money you auto pay if you miss). Mine is $10!

5) Use your phone to check-in at the gym - get yo' money, hunny!


Watch this quick minute-long video from GymPact for a more in-depth explanation...

So there you have it! Are you intrigued too?

As a soon-to-be bride, I've been trying to stay motivated and hit the gym 4-5x a week. Gotta look great in that wedding dress! So excited to have another awesome incentive to get me there!

Still contemplating?

This app is legit! Featured here on these sites:

Right now, the app is only available in full capacity to iPhone users. Droid ladies, don't you worry, you can still utilize GymPact by having it sync to your RunKeeper GPS app. Get paid to walk, hike, bike, and run!

Join me and get motivated to work your hiney off and tone up!

(...thanks for the motivation, Mere!)


Last day to enter is Tuesday - hurry!!


September 25, 2012

Fall Frenzy Gift Swap + Giveaway

Time to brighten up this week with some cheer!
I've absolutely LOVED hosting several blog gift swaps throughout this last year, o I thought it was time for another one to celebrate fall... my favorite season!

Nothing makes me happier than getting a sweet letter or care package from a friend, which is why this is so fun! If you haven't signed up for a gift swap before, scroll down for more details!

On top of all this, I am hosting a fun giveaway!
I will personally send a super fun fall themed care package to the person who spreads the word the most. How easy is that?

After all... I've had my eye on some yummy fall sweets, autumn scented candles, Crate and Barrel fall kitchen towels and more! The giveaway winner will get these EXTRA treats from me! :)

Who wants to join me for the Fall Frenzy gift swap + giveaway?

{ I knew you would be excited!! }

.:: Gift Swap ::.

sign-up - get paired with a buddy - shop/send - receive your buddy's gift


1) Interested? Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to be elligible.

2) Leave a comment below that includes your first name and e-mail address.

3) Also in your comment leave at least 5-10 "favorites" of yours.

4) I will send your buddy's e-mail address to you via your provided e-mail address. You then can exchange mailing address information once you're in contact.

5) Shop for your fall goodies {price approx: $20} and send your buddy's gift by Friday, October 6th.

** Sign-up closes on Tuesday, October 2nd @ Noon (CST)! **


Comment Example:

Meg - [Life of Meg]
megnificentlife {at} gmail {dot} com

- Candy/Snacks:
Dark chocolate anything, coffee, caramels, toffee, candy corn

- Colors:
Brown, orange, coral, navy, yellow, turquoise

- Accessories:
Scarves, cabby hats, cute socks, running accessories, dangly earrings

- Home Decor:
Vanilla or pumpkin scented candles, pumpkins or acorns, classy fall decor, small square frames

- Fun faves:
Cute cupcake liners, starbucks or target giftcards, holiday dish towels, thank you cards, stationary, magazines - SELF, Shape, People, US, Martha Stewart, Real Simple

- Girly things:
Nail polish (fall colors!), soft pink or peach lip gloss, lotions, lip balm, face masks, bubble bath, cute hair accessories


.:: Giveaway ::.

Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway! All you have to do is spread the word and follow me on Twitter/Life of Meg and you can win!!
** Must be participating in the gift swap to be elligible for the giveaway **

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, who's excited and ready to kick this fall party off?!

I can't wait to match you guys up and hear about all of the fun/girly fall-themed surprises you get in the mail! Autumn is by far my favorite season for baking, watching football, doing craft projects and so much more.


Thanks for being here to help me spread some seasonal cheer!

September 24, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Congrats! You survived the weekend, my friends!
As per the usual, I thought we could use a little positive kick-off to the week, and I'm so glad you stopped by to join me!

Have I told you all how much I appreciate you lately? Seriously. I have received a ton of e-mails/tweets/comments encouraging me about this post last week. Just the fact that you stop by to visit daily... well, that just melts my heart.

Thanks for linking up today!! Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom for a few fun secrets on what's to come this week!

If you could find it in your heart to continue the GREAT work of spreading the word about Mingle Monday, I would appreciate it so much! I will re-tweet every effort you make on Twitter for Mingle Monday as well - fun!


A Huge Thank You... advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What's your favorite TV show this fall? **



Go Visit My Lovely Sponsors!!

I cannot thank my amazing blog friends and sponsors enough for all they do! If you haven't stopped by to see their amazing blogs and say hi... well, it's a MUST!


Lucky you! Several sponsor spots are available for October!

I purposefully keep my sponsor prices extremely low and affordable compared to blogs of my size. This is meant to be helpful to YOU ALL and a GREAT resource to grow your blog.

Interested? Check it out here!


Coming up tomorrow...

For those of you who have loved my seasonal gift exchanges, the Fall Frenzy Blog Gift Swap is coming tomorrow morning!! What a fun way for you to send some fall cheer and get some great goodies in the mail too!

I will also have a fun giveaway to receive a personal fall package from yours truly, so stay tuned for details!! :)

Now, you go get that Monday, girl!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

September 21, 2012

Friday Letters

After posting some little heartfelt letters last Friday, I realized this is something my bloggy friend Rebekah does EVERY Friday. She's such a fun gal with great ideas, so I may follow her awesome lead and write Friday some letters pretty regularly!

Thanks for being awesome, Rebekah! :)

Without further adieu... here are some love notes for life this week.

{ Dear Pokes } I sure hope that you are taking your off week seriously. Rest, recover, and build some mega muscles. We're taking on the Longhorns at home next week, and I'm really going to need to pull out a big W, mmmkay?

{ Dear Dancing Shoes } You'd better dust yourselves off, because we're going to boogie tonight! I know I've neglected you since the last wedding rager, but we can celebrate Alex and Jordan's big day doing the Cupid Shuffle like nobody's business. Deal?

{ Dear Mr. Evans } You're a pretty good forgiver, and I admire that about you. I know I may be hard to manage some days, but you choose to love me unconditionally and deal with my cray-cray pretty well. Save a slow dance for me tonight? And maybe a glass of wine... or 3. We're going to have fun.

{ Dear Comp Time } I am wildly in love with you. Especially when I get to use you to make my Friday seem short. Despite the early morning meetings with high school kids, or dinner meetings with volunteers, you've kept me going strong and I can't wait 'til 2 p.m.

{ Dear Scale } I am determined to make you move in a good direction. Those extra sweat sessions at the gym and good WW food tracking will make you proud VERY soon.

{ Dear Gorgeous Wedding Dress } You arrive in a few months, and are putting things into perspective... please see { Dear Scale }.

{ Dear DIY } Why must you taunt me with your seemingly easy projects on Pinterest? Now all I can think about is how I need to find a sweet wooden pallet and some yellow paint to manage this masterpiece.

{ Dear Weekend } I am so pumped you have arrived after the longest week ever, and despite tonight's celebration, you are not jam-packed. I can't wait to be spontaneous, brunch, relax, and enjoy.

{ Dear Future Hubs } You get two letters, because I extra love you. Thanks for giving me that neck rub after a long day yesterday, for telling me I look pretty when I least expect it, and for just being fun. I catch myself smiling while I stare at you from across a room full of people. Still. After 3 Years. Can't believe you chose me.


What are you looking forward to this weekend?
Need to write a letter too?

Catch you for the Mingle Monday blog hop next week, and stay tuned for Tuesday... Fall Frenzy blog swap going up!!

Wishing you that favorite-song-on-the-radio-blaring kind of good day...

September 19, 2012

Let's Get Real...

For a while now, I have been thinking about sharing my heart with you all about weight loss. I have had tons and tons of e-mails/tweets asking me about my healthy living journey... particularly now that I will be in a gorgeous fitted wedding dress on March 9th.

Let me take you back to give you a little life snapshot...      
Growing up, I was a junk food addict. I loved sugary treats and processed snacks more than most kids. I first remember realizing I was overweight toward the end of middle school, but didn't really know how to change my eating habits.

Once I reached high school, I happily danced on the pom team performing in front of the whole school at pep rallies and games in spandex and leotards. Suddenly body conscious, I turned to advice from my mom to get healthy.

We did Weight Watchers together and I feel for the first time in my life, portion sizes and eating healthy foods made sense. I changed my eating habits, learned to love working out, and easily dropped 30 lbs.

This weight loss carried me through the rest of high school and college, with natural fluctuations. Upon getting my first big girl job, I slowly learned how to re-work healthier habits and activity into a busy schedule.

I feel like I definitely know what to do and how to get there, it's just a matter of not being lazy and choosing healthier foods/exercise over convenience.


Unfortunately, my weight took a big turn in the winter of 2011. After months of testing and feeling horrible, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This disease makes me feel extremely achey, lethargic, and some days I just feel like I have the flu.

In order to manage this disease, my rheumatologist put me on steroid treatments for 3-4 months. Within no time at all, I had rapidly gained 30 lbs. on this medication. For the first time in 8-9 years, I felt extremely self-conscious and helpless.

The medication was in my system for several months after choosing to discontinue those treatments, and it definitely had a strong effect on my metabolism and thyroid function.

Luckily, a year later, I am finally able to lose weight again... I just hadn't planned on being a bride while in the midst of it.


Thankfully, I have a very sweet, encouraging, and supportive fiance who has been my gym buddy, healthy meal advocate, and makes me feel very beautiful at any size. With encouragement from my doctor, family, and friends, my metabolism is finally back to normal, and resorting back to lifestyle changes has led me to drop 12 lbs. so far!

With the help of Weight Watchers keeping my accountable and providing a very structured and stable way to lose weight again, I am slowly seeing results and feeling like myself again!!

At my highest weight last year, I weighed close to 188 lbs, and felt extremely lost. The clothes I wore when I was 160 lbs. no longer fit me, and I desperately wanted to feel like "me" again. At my healthiest and most active state, I was comfortable right around 145 lbs., and I am slowly working my way back to feeling strong and confident.


Am I losing weight just for the wedding?
Nope. This is all about a healthy lifestyle change I made years ago, and want to return to my norm after a tough year and a half of struggling with my body image.

Is the wedding a good motivator?
What bride doesn't want to feel stunning in her dress and completely confident? On days when I don't want to gym it up, I think about how beautiful my wedding dress is. The way Adam will look at me when I walk down the isle, and how I don't even want to have a worry in the world of how my body looks on the big day. It's all about feeling like myself again.


With exactly 29 weeks until the big day, and 25 weeks until dress alterations, I feel like I can easily get back to my normal with a weight loss of 1 - 1.5 lbs. a week.

On the days where I want to skip an easy elliptical date or indulge on the sweet treats the office girls like to share, I have to remind myself, "I can do this!"

I thought today was a good day to share a piece of my heart and struggle with all of you who may be in the same boat as me. I think there are a few things every girl who struggles with this needs to remember...

1) You ARE beautiful at any size. Truth.

2) You CAN get to a healthier normal and we can do it together.

3) Every day is a new day to commit to making better choices... isn't that refreshing?

4) Believe in yourself.

Thanks for being great readers and friends, and thanks for letting me share my heart and journey. If you are on the same path, remember that you are not alone.

Wishing you renewed motivation and lovely encouragement!

September 17, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Hey there everyone! Did you survive the weekend? What all were you crazy kids up to?
This weekend was such a blast. We took engagement photos, I celebrated little sissy's birthday, and caught up on laundry and sleep... amazing.

I can't believe it's Monday morning again! I've got a to do list that's longer than I am tall, so I am going to need some strong coffee! Anyone else in my boat?

Well, I am super glad you stopped by to get the word out about your blog! May Mingle Monday send you lots of happy blog friends!


A Huge Thank You... advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What's your favorite college team and/or college tradition? **


You have to do something for me!!
Well have to is a strong word, but please go say hi to these AMAZING bloggers who are my wonderful monthly sponsors! I follow them personally, just because I love their blogs and I know you will love them too!

I also have SEVERAL monthly sponsorship spots now available!
Check it out, I've chosen to purposefully keep them at a lower price compared to blogs the same size. My goal is to help YOU gain more followers at a budget-friendly cost! :) A win-win for all, try it out!

Hope you gals are off to a great start to the week!! :)

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

September 14, 2012

Friday's Letters

Hello Friday... I've been waiting for you for quite a long time. This week has been extremely intense and I'm ready to finally relax and unwind just a bit.

How are all of you doing? Did you welcome Friday with open arms too?

Well those that know me well know that I love writing little letters. From an early age my mom drilled into me about the importance of thank you cards. At age 10, I wasn't so thrilled, but now I am very thankful for that skill/etiquette. (Speaking of letters, here is a bunch of super cute stationary!)

I have a few letters to write today....

{ Dear Sister }
I can hardly believe you are 19 today! Where on earth has time gone? I still remember sharing pink bubble gum with my 1st grade class to celebrate the day you were born. Although we had our off stages when you liked barbies and I liked boys, I am so thankful you're my friend and we have so much in common now. Thank goodness you gave up on those barbies.

Girly movies, painting fingernails, sharing juicy secrets, teasing, and keeping up with those sassy Kardashians is way more fun when you're by my side. I love you, and I'm excited to celebrate YOU this weekend.

{ Dear Zumba }
Thanks for kicking my tush last night. After 2.5 weeks of not being able to workout, you sure got me up to speed pretty quick. It sure takes a lot of energy to motivate myself to spend time with you, but I know you are a big key in making me look fantastic in my wedding dress... so you win.

{ Dear Gross Spiders }
You sure thought you would be pretty funny hiding in my sink drain this morning, didn't you? What a jerk. Then I bet you had so much fun that you called up your HUGE buddy to wait for me at my front door. Don't worry, karma comes in the form of the Orkin man's planned visit next Tuesday. It was nice knowing you, suckaaasss!

{ Dear Huge Laundry Pile }
Can't I just be a lazy bum for a while? Why can't you wash and fold yourself? Well, you are first on my agenda, and no matter how much I don't want to mess with you... I want to stop thinking about you even more. Not to mention I really need to get better at this whole domesticated thing before I become some handsome man's wife. I'm sure both he and I would appreciate it.

{ Dear Engagement Photos }
I would prefer that you are easier and less nerve racking than I imagine. If you could possibly capture genuine sweet moments and our personalities in the most flattering light, that would be incredible. Fingers crossed....

{ Dear Future Hubs }
Can you please come home already? I know you are working super hard being a fancy business man in Florida, but I miss your face. And your muscley arms. Thanks for your sweet good morning texts and for talking to me on a phone date late at night... even when there is a time difference and you're sleepy. You're the best. I'm secretly hoping for a rainy evening so we can watch movies and be cozy. Can't wait to catch up and do life with you this weekend.


Wishing you all quite the lovely weekend. Engagement photo and weekend update coming next week!


September 11, 2012

Engagement Photo Inspiration

With Saturday being a few days away, I'm scrambling a little bit to get outfits together for our engagement photos! I am quite in love with our amazing photographer, Sharaya Mauck, and her beautiful photos, so I can't wait to see how ours turn out.

Despite the craziness and need to finalize outfit plans, I really am loving the inspiration we have put together for our session. We were both wanting something cozy, outdoors, with a nice mix of rustic and modern. It feels very natural, and having them shot around sunset will add a nice romantic feel.

We're shooting for two looks. For the dressier look, Adam will be in a button down and nice jeans, and I'm planning on possibly wearing a navy sundress and mustard cardigan with flats of wedges.

For our more casual "typical Saturday" look, I am wanting to find a flowy, dark colored top that will be both flattering and forgiving in photos. Adam loves plaid, so I couldn't imagine him in anything besides that, Toms/PF Flyers, and jeans. He's pretty cute.

.:: A Few Inspiration Photos ::.

So this is kind of the look that we're going for.

It's very simple, easy, and "us". That time of the day should produce some "yummy light" as our photographer likes to say, so I'm really excited for it.

If any of you have good ideas on what top to wear for the more casual look, or flattering colors that photograph well... please let me know!

Or if you have some personal advice from your engagement shoot I would also love to hear it!
All who give suggestions will each be given a puppy and a lifetime supply of chocolate for your amazing help.

Yup, big spender right here! ;)

Can't wait to hear your thoughts, friends!

PS - Don't forget to stop by the week-long blog hop! Link-up and gain new followers!

September 10, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!!

Welcome to Mingle Monday, my fabulous friends!
This hot little link-up party is a great way to start your week and get some awesome blog exposure! Did I mention there are TONS of amazing blogs to discover and follow?!

It sure feels like Monday snuck up on us fast, doesn't it? Well, I sure had a lovely weekend with my parents in KC! My little weekend recap will be coming your way this afternoon!

More than anything though, I need to take a moment to sincerely thank each and every one of you who choose to get the word out about Mingle Monday. Every single mention warms my heart and has helped our little Mingle Monday link-up continue to grow!

You guys are the BEST!


A Huge Thank You... advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What yummy fall desserts are you excited to bake? **


Will you gals do me a favor? Please go stop by and say hi to my fantastic blog friends who sponsor Life of Meg each month. They are all over in the right sidebar and their blog are incredibly creative and fun to follow! Don't miss out!

I also have SEVERAL monthly sponsorship spots now available!
Check it out, I've chosen to purposefully keep them at a lower price compared to blogs the same size. My goal is to help YOU gain more followers at a budget-friendly cost! :) A win-win for all, try it out!

May your week be filled with changing leaves and candy corn... yum!!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

September 7, 2012

Happy Friday + Life Update

Friday has fianlly arrived - hello weekend!!
My goodness, this short week has been jam-packed for me work-wise! I'm so sorry I've totally been MIA. With wedding things in the evening (ave the dates going out Monday!), I have been a bad little blogger.

This weekend I will have plenty of time to let me creative juices flow and get back to my love affair with blogging

Let's move on to the weekend, shall we?

My mom and dad are driving up for a weekend in Kansas City today. I can't wait to see both of them, and get in some much needed fam time. It's been a long time since we've had a whole wide-open weekend to whatever we feel like, so I am very excited to host them (and their puppy Millie!) for a few days!!

It's been a while... how 'bout a quick catch-up sesh?

{ Life Update }

1) Wedding pallooza is in full swing!
Bridesmaids dresses are getting ordered, had tons of cake tastings (still can't decide!), florist and DJ are booked, and hotel blocks are almost done - amazing!

2) Our save the date postcards are going out to close friends/fam this week!
We're so excited! Love the way our style and aesthetic came through.... but my hand is seriously permanently crampy from addressing a bajillion of those guys!

3) I have an unhealthy addiction to Honey Boo Boo...
If you haven't caught the show yet, it is hilarious. I found myself cracking up while I was by myself in my living room. We're talking full blown laughter... pretty sure Bella Beast thinks I'm crazy!

4) My poor sweetie has the flu bug :(
It's been a pretty crazy/tough last month for him, and now he's got the flu. Poor guy deserves a break! Not to mention I just want my hugs and snuggling back, but we had a strict 6 foot radius at all times last night.

5) I desperately need to get in the gym.
Weight loss and exercise plans for fumbled when I had my 2 week long wisdom teeth saga. Why is it that when you get out of your gym habit, it's so hard to get back into it? *sigh* Must find time to gym this weekend. Dress arrives in December... woah.

6) Loving this cooler weather - hello fall!
I'm craving all fall things... boots, scarves, warm tea, pumpkin goodies, fall baking - you name it, I love it.

7) Engagement photos our next week...
...and I need your help! Still no idea of what to wear. Check out my engagement photo Pinterest ideas and let me know what you like!!


What are you crazy kids up to this weekend? Any fun plans? Anything you've been craving to do/creat/bake/see?

Go have yourself a crazy awesome weekend! Peace out, homies...

September 3, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!!

Happy Labor Day, everyone!!
I hope you all have had a wonderful long weekend so far and are enjoying a very relaxing Labor Day!! I've been enjoying the weekend with little projects, a few fun wedding appointments, and being lazy with my pup and hunny - great weekend!

Looking forward to heading to brunch soon, followed by a productive day of cleaning house (and we're talking deep cleaning! I absolutely love the feeling of being well-organized and tidy to start the week.

And then tonight, we're heading over to Adam's parents house for a little BBQ - should be a great way to cap off the weekend!

What are you guys up to today? Glad you stopped by!


A Huge Thank You...

I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week to spread the word! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** How are you spending your Labor Day? **



Wishing you a lovely day and a very happy SHORT week (yay!)!!

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)