June 5, 2012

A Must See

I have been dancing since the day my mom plopped me in dance class when I was 3 years old. I danced my way through high school as the captain of our dance team and absolutely loved spending hours on end choreographic and being goofy with my dance buddies.

So you can imagine my excitement when I heard about the First Position dance documentary.

For those of you who know me and have been reading my blog for a while, know that I am a huge documentary loving nerd! They could be about anything and I would be intrigued, but when it comes down to a dance documentary? It instanly goes into "must see" status.

So take a little glimpse and I dare you to tell me it doesn't look fantastic!!

Doesn't it look amazing? It was recently released to our fine arts theater here in KC, so I must find showtimes ASAP!

Do you love documentaries too?
Are you going to catch First Position in theaters?



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  1. I love documentaries! Well, I love documentaries about things that I already find interesting. And this one incredible.

  2. Have you watched the show Turning Point yet??? I danced for years, and can't wait to watch it!


  3. I think this will be interesting!! I love documentaries. LOVE them. :) Love your blog too!! Just found it today!

  4. OMG, I must see that, it looks great. I also started dancing at 3 years old.

  5. You know... I honestly don't watch a lot of documentaries. I should. And I probably will now that it's summer, and I have a ton of time on my hands.

    This preview gave me chills girl - CHILLS! I was on my high school dance team, and though I've never come close to this kind of greatness, I know it's hard. I can't imagine what these young people go through.

    Maybe they'll play this somewhere in Austin.. ? I must start looking.


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