June 22, 2012

Confessional Friday

Who is ready for some weekend??
Good Lord Almighty, I am ready for a chill weekend, lots of plans with girlfriends, and some pool/tan/beach reads time!! What are you all up to this weekend?!

Well, once again I'm linking up with Leslie's weekly Confessional Friday: Link-Up over at A Blonde Ambition... you know you need to confess too! ;)

1) I confess that... I I had to go two whole days without a full shower. Yes, two... doctor's orders - yuck!! On Tuesday, I had two suspicious looking spots on my skin, so they did a biopsy. Due to the biopsy locations being on my chest/leg, I wasn't able to get my bandages wet for two days. Let's just say I was thankful for my beloved Tresemme Dry Shampoo and creative showering... haha.

Wow, didn't know I would start off with such a TMI punch, eh?

2) I confess that... I am missing my other half an insane amount while he is on a business trip in Canada. For the last 3 years, the only time I haven't talked to him every single day was when he was in Europe for a week, so this whole not being able to text/e-mail/call is driving me bananas.

BUT... sometimes it's a good thing to really miss each other. It makes the coming home so fantastic. Come on, Monday!!


3) I confess that... I am slightly overindulgent on my dance TV shows. Like WAY overindulgent. My must watch list includes So You Think You Can Dance, Breaking Point, and Dance Moms... yowza. Is anyone obsessed with any of these shows? SYTYCD is by far my fave.

Watch this incredible dance from last season... I'm in love.

PS- I watched this amazing dance doumentary last night. A Must See.

4) I confess that... I am insanely sore from last night's Zumba sweat sesh. In fact, when I woke up this morning I think my moans and groans scared Bella Beast, my poor puppy!

That was the first workout I've had in well over a week (my doctor put me on couch arrest to recover from Bursitis in my hip/knee). I love being back to good workouts. Any fellow Zumba lovers out there?!

5) I confess that... I am over-the-top excited for a fondue party tonight with my girlfriends at my friend's new casa. And we're not talking just the delicious chocolate, this is the full blown dinner extravaganza.

Homemade specialty martinis may or may not be included...

6) I confess that... I am a total teeny bopper. Yesterday, while at Tar-jay, I purchased the last installment of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. I began reading the books in high school (and love the movie!), and find myself identifying with Bridgette - care-free, independent poster child! I was so excited to read Sisterhood Everlasting, I stayed up way too lat last night. Must. Have. Coffee.

7) I confess that... tomorrow I am totally having a "me" day, and I don't feel bad one bit. I am going to do everything I love that makes me feel good. Zumba workout. Pool time. Girly movie... and perhaps some shopping before meeting up with friends for Theater in the Park KC...

Legally Blonde the Musical!
I heart Elle.


So glad I got those confessions off my chest... phew!

And one more thing... a HUGE thank you for just being you. All of my wonderful blog friends/readers mean so much to me, and just the fact that you would stop by or leave a comment completely makes my day. And I LOVE chatting it up with you on Twitter - so fun! I am so blessed, y'all.

Hope your weekend is beyond stellar! Catch ya Monday for some blog hop action right here!

Now, go show that weekend who's boss!



PS - Want to gain new followers?! Need some blog exposure?

Click HERE to visit my weekly Mingle Monday blog hop! Open all week long! :)


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  1. Monday will be here before you know it!! Enjoy your girl time and have a fabulous weekend, love!

  2. I love that dry shampoo! I also use it more than I'd like to admit ;) Sometimes second day hair just looks better!
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. it is hard when the significant other is traveling and you don't have access to them like you normally do and you wonder how people lived like that before texting and stuff. sometimes it is nice because you really really miss the person that way. have a great weekend!

  4. Loves me some Elle! Was just watching Legally Blonde the other day. The first one was the best.

  5. I was just thinking I need to watch some Legally Blonde! I was missing it! Never seen the musical version though.

    Also I love SYTYCD. Insanely. I've been a poor fan for not watching it more often, but it's probably the only dance show I'll actually watch because there's real talent on it. The dance you linked was beautiful and one of the many reasons why that show is so great!!

    Thanks for stoppin by my confessions and wanted to come by and share some more love!♥

  6. I LOVE Dance Moms and am so glad it's back on. I have watched SYTYCD, but have missed the last two seasons and just added it back on my tivo last week. I love doing Zumba too- I have the second Zumba Wii game, and you just reminded me I totally need to get it out and do it!

  7. I'm OBSESSED with Dance Moms!! I just love Maddie. :)

    Thanks for the tip about MyFitnessPal...I have the couch to 5k app and i'm loving it!

  8. I have to admit-I started watching SYTYCD because Pete loves it. And it's good. I got a little bored with the auditions so I'm glad it's starting to get down to the good ones.

    Have a great weekend Meg!!

  9. Enjoy the weekend. Fondue and girls stuff is fabulous. Monday will come too soon, trust me.

  10. Your posts always make me smile..you are one of my daily reads for good reason! Enjoy your weekend! x

  11. ahh, now I have to get my hands on sisterhood everlasting!! hope everything works out with your biopsy, only good news!

  12. a girls night fondue party sounds so fun!!! that just reminded me that we have a set, but have never used it.

    and i hope you get good news from your biopsy!

  13. Get the tissues out for Sisterhood! Oh buddy!

  14. Hi, Meg! It's Jen popping in from your visit at Crafty MisAdventures. Love your blog and am now following! Can't wait to do a Monday Mingle. Oh, and don't worry, I'm a teeny-bob too in that I've started watching Gossip Girl on NetFlix. I don't know how many people I'll admit that to. :)

  15. I'm SO glad they've just about gotten to the good parts of SYTYCD!! And I read that book too-- what did you think of it?


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