October 31, 2011

Mingle Monday: {Halloween Edition}

Happy Halloween!
I hope you're having a ghoulish day so far! I apologize for coming to you a little late - we had a zombie themed lunch party at work... complete with face paint, costume contest, skits, and brains (lunch). My party contribution? I made these spooky finger cookies and mummy cupcakes.

Anyone dressed up today?! What are the best costumes you've seen. During my 45 minute commute to downtown KC, I saw a vampire driving an Audi convertible, a dog in a shark costume, and a witch in a blue slug bug. Such a great people watching morning!

{ Let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

If you could find it in your big heart to pass the Mingle word along... I will love you forever and ever and ever.

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take an extra minute to go the extra mile for me. I cannot thank you and your sweet generosity enough!

{ Many thanks! }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What are your spooky Halloween plans? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Wishing you a spooktacular day!!

October 27, 2011

Fall Baking + Randomness + A Holiday Deal!

I am sure all of you thought I fell off the face of the planet... which wouldn't be far from the truth. This week is our massive city-wide breast cancer walk, so naturally I've been swamped! No worries, I'm here for a brain break.

Luckily, I've been keeping up with a lot of you from a far (aka: my cell phone browser), and it's been a week of fun posts! Hope you all are doing really well.

As I sit here in my office while downing my delicious oatmeal and coffee, I have a lot of crazy random in my head, so you have been properly warned!

1) Happy Girl

Is it ridiculous that I woke up with a huge smile on my face because it's date night? Yes, I realize that I have a solid 7-8 hours before this commences, but I am so excited! On the agenda tonight? Running with my buddy, yummy dinner, redbox, and puppy snuggling. We love nights in sometimes! :)

2) Best. Decor. Ever.
I found this little gem on youtube and seriously can't get enough of it! It's hilarious! So naturally I sent it both to Dad and BF so that they can turn their houses into Halloween pallooza... have you seen this?!

...or in case you were looking to sync your lighting to "Party Rock"...

...hilarious, right?

3) A Fall Must Bake

Remember these super scrumptious Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins recipe from last year? They are such a solid hit that I actually get requests to make more. I just made a batch last night, and I'm already 2 down. Granted I had zero self-control in the presence of pumpkin greatness, but BF is pretty excited to sample while visiting tonight!

4) Party Pooper

Unfortunately, due to the craziness that is the breast cancer walk this weekend, I have turned down two Halloween party invites. Silly work. My master plan is just to throw some costume together for family dinner on Monday and pass out candy to the little tykes that stop by Adam's casa for a visit. I'm so lame. What are you guys doing?

5) Bring on the parentals!

Mom and Dad are coming up to KC for a weekend visit, and I couldn't be more excited to see them! Naturally, my mom being a breast cancer survivor, they are coming up to participate in the big walk. Those two are just too fun to hang out with, and I know it's going to be a relaxing and fun post-walk weekend!

If you would like to consider giving up your $5 afternoon latte or $10 takeout to donate to finding a cure for breast cancer, click here to visit my team donation page!

6) Need Extra Holiday Money?

Have an Etsy shop? Side business? Know somebody who does? I would love to help you increase your sales for the holiday season! For a limited time, I am offering 30% off my already low monthly sponsorship rates! Monthly sponsors get prime ad space, detailed intro post, and exclusive opportunities to offer giveaways!

Please send me an e-mail at megnificentlife@gmail.com if you are interested and would like more information. I'd love to help you out!


Wow, that was a lot of spontaneous brain blurbs, wasn't it? Let it sink in, my friends. So thankful that I have such great blog friends, like you, who let me get out all the craziness in my head.

I am just loving all of your comments, tweets, and e-mail - you totally make my day!

October 24, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

What a spectacularly fun weekend!
Although jam-packed with fall parties, dinners out, an engagement party, a birthday party, and a barbeque... it was such a wonderful weekened. Not to mention, my dear friend Lindsey is in town to visit me until Wednesday! I went to bed last night so happy and exhausted.

Did you all have a good one? Feeling a little sleepy this morning too? Don't worry, hopefully Mingle Monday will give you all the boost you need!

{ Let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

If you could find it in your big heart to pass the Mingle word along... I will love you forever and ever and ever.

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take an extra minute to go the extra mile for me. I cannot thank you and your sweet generosity enough!

{ Many thanks! }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What is the best Halloween costume idea that you've come across (or done yourself!)?**


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Go show that Monday who's boss!

October 21, 2011

Cozy Weekend Wishes

Thank goodness it's Friday! Can I get an amen?!
Oh my goodness, I have been waiting for another fabulous weekend to commence. This weekend for me is jam-packed full of fun and people I love - so ready!

Tonight, some of my co-worker girlfriends are hosting a little fall party happy hour complete with wine, pumpkin carving, snacks, and girl chat {so excited!}. I love my working girls!

After that, I'm heading down to the Plaza to eat dinner with Adam, his family, and his sister's future in-laws. I know, it's confusing, but it should be awesome and relaxing! It's been a while since I've seen them!

BF and I are beginning our year-long commitment to running a half marathon together this Saturday morning. It should be a nice little 2-mile jog together, and we're bringing the Beast! That little pup sure loves to run wild!

Good friends and Adam's fam are headed into town on Saturday afternoon for his sister's engagement party, so we're looking forward to spending time with them and celebrating Meredith and Kyle's engagement all night! Great food, yummy wine, and good company! :)

Sunday is church, Adam's cousin's daughter's 3rd birthday {yes, I know. Confusing again), and then r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g. One of my besties, Lindsey, is headed in town to visit me Sunday night until Wednesday morning, and my fam will be in town next weekend! I am just getting showered with people I love lately... loving life!

You see that handsome devil?
Yup, I'm still basking in the glow of our super fun date night last night. Burgers, pumpkin beer {Schlafly's Pumpkin Ale... yum!}, fro yo, and then college football with friends. He sure makes me smile... looking forward to sharing the weekend fun together! :)

{ What are your fun plans?! }

Wishing you a cozy weekend!

October 20, 2011

Believe In You

I shared this with a very special person this morning who was needing some love... So I thought you might be able to use some encouragement this morning too. It's so easy to slip into the deep waters of life seeming very overwhelming. Getting caught up in the details of the day-to-day can bog us down, but don't forget how amazing you are.

I absolutely love this quote so much . What a great reminder of all the things we're capable of if we just believe. Just believe.

You know, whenever I feel a little over powered or beaten down by work/life/situations, I love to play this song by NeedtoBreathe. Such a powerful reminder that I'm not in control, but God's got me in his hands. Life will feel overwhelming at times, but He will never let me down.

Feeling bogged down today? Take heart, friends. You are much stronger today than you were yesterday, and a little less than you will be tomorrow.

Sending love and hugs!


PS - In case you missed the Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!

PPS - Keep up with me on the fly! Tweet tweet...
Follow me HERE!

October 18, 2011

Social Weekend Recap... Woah.

Holy cupcakes, friends... today has been a bluuurrrrr!
I'm sorry I am just now getting to you over my lunch break (yes, I realize it's 2:45 p.m.). With two of my co-workers on maternity leave for the next 3 months, life around the office has been quite a tad bit overwhelming at times.

Not to mention the face that I got up well before Jesus this morning {hello, 5:55 a.m.} for an oncology board meeting... so I'm a little frazzled.

Luckily, my humble little blog relaxes me, and I seriously can't express to all of you how much I love hearing from you gals! I know I've received so many e-mails asking about my Chicago trip and to see photos {thank you!}, but my camera charger is still MIA. Don't worry, I WILL find it, dag nabbit!

I figured my weekend was filled to the brim of social butterfly-ness, So how about a little recap, eh?

.:: Weekend a la Mode ::.

1) Friday night was totally awesome. Adam and I swung by a chili cook-off festival with one of couple friends, then made our way downtown to a good friend's architecture show. Free wine, heavy {tasty} appetizers, and all of our favorite friends? Yes, please! :)

2) We tailgated with our friends for a few hours on Saturday before the big Sporting KC soccer match that afternoon. The weather was absolutely heavenly, and we loved getting in one last tailgate of the season! My O-State Cowboys were playing during the game, but thanks to BF and his techy new iPhone, I was granted free score updates... GO POKES!

3) K-state football was on TV that evening, so we cooked out with the gang for a bit, but I pooped out pretty early - Sooo sleepy!

4) Enjoyed such an awesome service at church on Sunday morning, and left inspired and motivated to be love to the world. God is so good, friends. Preach it, sista!

5) The rest of the day I crammed in a monstrous grocery run, a top-to-bottom house cleaning {even the yucky nooks and crannies), and organized the crap out of all my... well, crap. It. Felt. So. Good. It's always an awesome feeling when you go to bed at night with no clutter, fresh sheets, clean dishes, and food cooked for the week.

6) It was nice to kind of escape the chaos of being with people all weekend to enjoy a quiet dinner with BF at one of our favorite restaurants - Cafe Trio! We used our Groupon, sat on the romantic patio balcony {which is filled with adorable paper lanterns and garden tea lights}, and enjoyed each other's company. Girls, that man is too good to me!

7) And finally, I have to just say that I am loving life right now. After a fun-filled weekend, I have to say that I feel so overwhelmingly blessed by my little KC family of friends.

8) And let's just get a little sappy, shall we? I don't think I ever knew it was possible to fall more in love with Adam, but it is. I love that man a little more every day, and I'm so blessed by his compassionate heart, sweet compliments, ridiculously fun ideas, and laughter.

{Love you, sweetie.}


How was your weekend?
Were you a social butterfly too?


PS - In case you missed the Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!

PPS - Keep up with me on the fly! Tweet tweet...
Follow me HERE!

October 17, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

My oh my, my heart is happy today! After such a fabulous weekend full of good company, fun outings, and lots of happiness, I'm in a super great mood today. Despite the chilly cold front that is moving in, I'm happily listening to my mellow Norah Jones pandora station, while wearing my over sized cozy sweater and sipping coffee... Monday perfection.

It's already been a super productive day at work so far, so I needed a quick mental break while I'm in between projects. So, I want to hear from you! How are you feeling today? Is everybody doing okay? Hopefully if you need some cheer, Mingle Monday will be just what you need!

{ Let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Will you do me a favor today, sweet friends? Will you perhaps mention Mingle Monday in a post today or this week? We've had such a great turnout the last few weeks and I love visiting all of these new blogs, and have them visit YOU!

{ Thank you!! }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What life lessons are you learning OR what goals do you have for yourself right now? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Hugs and smooches!

October 13, 2011

Feeling A Bit Off...

Have you ever had those days where you just feel off. Your mind is a little overloaded, your heart is overwhelmed, and you just feel discouraged. Sometimes you don't even know why you're having one of those days, but you just are.

That's me today.

I'm getting over being sick yesterday.
I miss home.
I miss my family.
Work is super overwhelming.
I have a lot and very little on my mind... at the same time.

I just feel small a little small today in such a big and powerful world, but do you know what? Even on off days, it's so good to know that God's in control, no matter what. Just having the ability to ask for peace to mask an off day is so reassuring.

Among the chaos called life, it's completely okay to have bad days. I've come to realize it doesn't make me any less perfect than desired, just human. Very thankful for all of you today, and being able to get that off my chest.

So if you're feeling the same way today, take heart my friends. Good days are headed our way soon.

Sending hope, cheer, and sunshine your way!

October 11, 2011

To Do: { Girly Fun }

Unfortunately, I have yet to discover where I put my camera charger/uploader, so no trip photos for you today. Sorry! However, in leiu of payday being Friday, and my overwhelming desire for some fun DIY projects or fun on the town... I have so many fun things on my list for the next few weeks.

Have any of you been doing some festive seasonal projects? Had any fun adventures? Been to the pumpkin patch? Made something delicious for dinner? I'm dying to create!

{ This OPI "Espresso" shade is on my wishlist - perfect for fall! }

.:: Looking Forward To ::.

+ THIS festive DIY pumpkin project
+ picking some apples to make some homemade applesauce
+ trying these tasty recipes
+ planning for this challenge with Adam
+ making these adorable snacks for football sunday
+ using our Groupon to our favorite KC restaurant
+ seeing this fabulous movie possibly tonight

What's on your fun list, my fraaans?


PS - In case you missed the Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!

PPS - I'm {finally} on Twitter!
Follow me HERE!

October 10, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

I made it back after such a fabulous Chicago weekend!
After such an unbelievable dream trip with my love and some of our favorite people, I feel like I am just glowing today. My heart is basking in the afterglow of memories made and fun times had. A HUGE thank you to all of you who left advice and great city tips - you're the best!

Dying to share all the photos, stories, sweet moments, and fun with all of you, but first we must mingle! And second, I should probably try to find my camera charger/loader... but stay tuned!

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well! I absolutely love seeing what you're up to via Pinterest and Twitter, so keep the good things a'coming! It's fun to connect outside the blgo world too!

{ Let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Will you do me a favor today, sweet friends? Will you perhaps mention Mingle Monday in a post today or this week? We've had sucha great turnout the last few weeks and I love visiting all of these new blogs, and have them visit YOU!

{ Thank you!! }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What is the beauty product or products you swear by?!**


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Hope your week is off to a great start!

October 5, 2011

Pinch Me... Is This Real?

Well loves, the day I've dreamed about for months is almost here... we're leaving on a train tomorrow morning bound for Chicago! In case you forgot, I have fantasized about an amazing fall train adventure for months now!

Actually, probably since my very first date with Adam a couple years ago when we saw (500) Days of Summer... sigh.

Love that darn train scene.

This is going to be such a beautiful trip. It already feels special and exciting! I'm not really sure why, but I'm so ready for our fun adventure to start!

Le Train...

+ coffee in the dining car
+ cards, board game and movies
+ people watching
+ visiting the observation car to scenery gaze
+ traveling side-by-side

Looking forward to...

+ celebrating our two year anniversary
+ spending time with Meredith and Kyle
+ site-seeing via food tour
+ being outside
+ walking and public transportation
+ spontaneity
+ ridiculously good food
+ sleeping in
+ gorgeous city sunsets
+ seeing Chicago for the first time

Well don't worry, I will be sure to take a million bajillion photos so that I can share my fun with all of you when I get back.

This whole thing just doesn't feel real - but eeeeek!! - can't wait for tomorrow!! How will I ever sleep tonight?!


PS - In case you missed the Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!

PPS - I'm {finally} on Twitter!
Follow me HERE!

October 4, 2011

Colorado Recap + Trip Photos

I have received lots of cute e-mails asking about this past weekend's trip... soooo, I thought I'd better share my little trip recap and the photos I snapped. First off, can I just say that you should be completely impressed that I remembered to take photos! I'm usually terrible, but I tried so hard!!

So let's get down to business, shall we?!

{ Here's the Colorado trip gang }

We left Thursday evening after work, piled in two cars, and arrived in lovely Colorado at 2 a.m. Friday morning. After catching up on sleep and downing a good breakfast, we were off to Denver to explore!

First stop... IKEA heaven.

I could've spent hours in there! Have you been to IKEA? Oh my word, y'all... love that store. I didn't go too crazy, but I got some super useful shelves and hooks for my home!

After IKEA, we all checked into our hotel, shockingly crammed all of us in one room, and then left for the Great Amnerican Beer Festival! Pretzel necklaces and matching tie dye in tow... of course!

{ Isn't BF handsome?! Geez! }

{ On our way into downtown Denver on the Light Rail }

{ I love my Ally bear, she's the sweetest! }

After we waited in line with 20,000 of the nation's finest beer lovers, we were finally allowed into the convention center to enjoy the festivities!

{ Gotta have a fleet of bagpipers, right? }

{ Sean and Dan being... well, Sean and Dan }

{ Seriously love this girl! }

As crazy as a beer festival may sound, it wasn't as wild as you would think. I sampled about 15 beers, but that was over the course of 4 hours and they were only 1 oz. samples. - so the eqivalent of 1.25 beers. Were you thinking I was a lush?! Shame on you! ;)

I left the convention center with a list full of new tasty favorites:

- Pyramid Brewery Apricot Ale
- Cigar City Brewery Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Brown Ale
- Cigar City Brewery Imperial Pumpkin Ale
- Sea Dog Blue Paw Wild Blueberry Wheat Ale

Notice a theme with the yummy "girly beers"? I typically like lighter beer with delicious fruit tones, and these hit the spot!


Anyway, that was a fun night, but I was pooped at 10:30! We all got some rest and headed back to Colorado Springs in the morning to stay with good friends.

In the afternoon, we walked to a groegous neighborhood park and played frisbee, football, and soccer. After a few hours in the sun, we walked back to the house, took naps, and watched football. That evening we had a huge BBQ with all of our favorite Colorado friends. It was a great night full of good food and fabulous company!

On Sunday morning we woke up, had some breakfast, and hit the road! The entire ride home we were cracking up as we reminisced about the trip and told funny stories. I sure love those people... great weekend!

Lots o' Love!


PS - In case you missed the Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!

PPS - I'm {finally} on Twitter!
Follow me HERE!