August 30, 2011


Today I am reminded of how much I have.
I'm not talking about material possessions... I'm talking about how much i have to be thankful for. There are so many days I take for granted the comfort of my bed, the nurishment of my food, the comfort of health, the love of my family, and the laughs of my friends. Today, I am choosing to be thankful.

{ So Blessed... }

+ job security
+ food in my cabinets
+ a car to get me to and from work
+ a snuggly puppy
+ selfless BF
+ unconditionally loving family
+ a cancer- free dad
+ a cancer surviving mom
+ 2 of the best siblings in the world

...I have a lot to be thankful for!

What blessings do you take for granted, but make you smile today?

PS- Stay tuned! My recipe for spinach and cheese stuffed shells with meat sauce is coming this afternoon! :)

August 29, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!!

Welcome back to reality!
Doesn't the weekend always seem to fly by, and before you know it Sunday night has arrived. Well, luckily I had a very relaxing weekend, and we all have a 3-day weekend to look ahead too - yay Labor Day!

So I apologize for the malfunction of last week's non-existent Mingle Monday. The website that I get the link code to was down for maintenance. that's okay though, I'll make it up to you by having a super fun Mingle Monday today!

As you may have noticed, I've been MIA with minimal blogging, but this week I'll be back in action. I have 2 new [amazing!] recipes to share with you... one coming later this afternoon!

{ Let's Mingle!! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your mom. Just spread the word in some way (any way!) today. If you do, I will love you forever! We need new blogs to visit!

{ Deal? }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What are your must-have fall accessory **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


You get out there and have a fabulous Monday, okay? Thanks for stopping by!

Hugs! Kisses!

August 22, 2011

Love Story

Today will always have a special place in my heart.
Two years ago today my best friend, Courtney, and her boyfriend (now husband) introduced me to the love of my life. People ask me about that day all the time, so I figured I would finally share with all of you on such a special day like today.

After 2 years, who would've known that we would end up here?!

{ Our Little Love Story }

Back in August of 2009, I was an independent single gal, freshly out of college, and fully submerged in the joys of big girl world. After a rocky break-up with a college boyfriend that spring, I had sworn off dating and just wanted to focus on myself for a while.

I was planning on heading to Wichita, KS, where my parents live, for a weekend to celebrate my grandma's birthday. I let my best friends know that I was going to be in town with the hope of grabbing some coffee, having some girly chat, and catching up.

Low and behold I was a little rattled by a phone call from Courtney (my bestie) and her boyfriend a few days before. As I recall the conversation went a little something like this...


C: Hi hunny! I hear you're coming to see me this weekend - we need to get together! Want to do drinks on Saturday night or something?

M: Yeah, let's do it! Just so you know, we're celebrating my grandma's birthday, so I won't be around until after 8ish...

*whispering with her BF Matt*

M: Court?

C: ...oh yeah! Yup, I think 8ish will work perfectly! So, umm... Matt's cousin is going to be in town that weekend too.

M: Oh, that's cool.

C: So we were thinking that you guys would really hit it off. I mean he's a super nice guy - plus he's really cute. He has a great job, I think he's a banker?, and heck, I'd date him!

*I remember hearing a "You would?!" from Matt in the backround - haha!*

C: So we're thinking the four of us should all do drinks Saturday. Sound good?

M: Court? No way. I'm not about to get set-up on a blind date with some guy that lives in Kansas City?! I live in Oklahoma City, remember? I don't do long distance... plus blind dates are creepy. Nope, sorry hunny, I'm not doing it.

C: But Meeeeegggg! he's not random, because he's Matt's cousin! I promise you will like him - we've actually had this in mind for a while. What if we just got the gang together and all went to grab drinks together? Would you go then?

M: I would think about it... actually I probably still wouldn't go.

C: Stop being a pansy! We promise we won't make it awkward at all. If you end up chatting and hit it off - GREAT! Our plan will have worked. If not, it's no biggie and we're there with everyone.

*She begins to whisper into the phone* I will let you facebook stalk him on my account so you know what he looks like.

M: Deal.


Court called me back 30 minutes later and let me log in to her facebook. Upon telling me about Matt's cousin Adam, she guided me to his page... this was the first glimpse that I got of this "super cute nice guy"...

At this point I proceeded to freak out (obviously). Finally the very confused Courtney logged in and saw his recent FB picture... it wasn't even him.

LUCKILY that photo was a complete joke, and was just a random picture of a guy that Adam set as set FB profile picture. I don't think he had any idea that I was facebook stalking him... we still laugh about this photo! *phew*

Thankfully, a few days went by and I warmed up to the idea. In all honesty, I wouldn't have changed a thing about it! I showed up a little late to Granite City and was introduced to this handsome ginger-haired man...

This is an actual photo snapped that very evening!

You know what? I wanted so badly not to like him. To prove my friends wrong... but I just couldn't. I was pretty captivated by that cute smile and liquid brown eyes across the table from me.

After our drinks at Granite City, our little group of friends back to my parents house to enjoy time around the firepit in their backyard. We talked for hours, and the more I knew about him, the more I couldn't get enough. I love that we both have photos of ourselves from that night...

With my best girlfriends... can you find me? ;)

Good grief, it still makes me smile to think about that night! From that night on we were inseperable. We did the long distance thing for several months until I accepted my dream job in Kansas City, a job I had applied for the week before I met Adam. Now we are both here in the gorgeous KC, and we love living 5 minutes from each other.

{ Doesn't God work in the most mysterious ways? }

We are planning to re-create our first meeting tonight at Granite City... and I just love the idea. To some it may sounds cheesy, but to us it's very sweet and special to celebrate our "meet-iversary".


To You, My Love,

Thank you for the best two years of my life. So very grateful to have met you that night, and so very thankful every night since then. It has been one beautiful adventure, and I'm looking forward to what the next few years have in store for us. Thanks for sticking by me, good days and bad. I love you so very much, Bubs.

- Your "Little One"


If you are waiting, your knight in shining armor is out there - I promise. I found mine as soon as I stopped looking for him. Take heart and cling to that hope.

In the meanwhile try to discover who you really are, live life to the fullest, follow your heart, take chances, and be comfortable loving youself first. Your love story will just unfold before your eyes when you least expect, and I can't wait for you to share when it does! :)

Isn't love grand? ;)

PS - MINGLE MONDAY will be delayed since the Linky Tools web site is down today. Sorry for the inconvenience!!

August 17, 2011

Belated Blog Hop + Surgery Update

Greetings from the hospital!
As many of you read my post on Monday, I've taken off a week of work to help take care of my Daddy as he's in ICU after throat surgery.

In an attempt to add valuable entertainment while I listen to my Dad snore, I figured we need a little belated blog hop today. Just dying to read your blog posts and have something to do while my favorite patient is snoozing!

For those who have sent e-mails, messages, and comments asking how Dad is doing - thank you from the bottom of my heart. He is hanging in there - but relearning how to swallow is pretty tough, and he's a little discouraged today.

BUT we have done laps around the hospital and he is talking pretty well given the circumstances! Possible discharge for tomorrow, which is great news!

{ In honor of Dad's progress - let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your mom. Just spread the word in some way (any way!) today. If you do, I will buy you your very own snuggly puppy and bake you some homemade gooey chocolate chip cookies!

{ Deal? }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What is your favorite season and why?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Say an extra prayer of thanks for the healthy people in your life today. I truly hope your week has been full of wonderful things!

Love from St. Louis!

August 15, 2011

Surgery Day

Sorry I've been so MIA!
Life has been pretty crazy this past week while getting ready for my Dad's surgery. Yes, surgery. In case you missed the post, my Dad was diagnosed with advanced throat cancer in May. Since then, he has completed chemotherapy, and we are now in St. Louis as he undergoes robotic laser throat surgery.

I figured that I would share a little personal piece of my heart today in leui of Mingle Monday. All prayers and well wishes for a complicaitons-free day are so very much appreciated!

{ Madre and Padre }

{ Surgery Update }

Everything is going well so far. I feel very blessed and lucky to be a part of such a great cancer non-profit who has encouraged and provided paid time off so that I can be here with my mom and Dad. Meanwhile it's my job to keep my little brother and sister posted, as well as our friends and family at home!

We had an early morning wake-up call at 4:30 a.m. in order to get ready and have Dad checked into surgical registration by 5:30 a.m. The waiting room was hopping!

Mom and I were able to be with Dad the entire morning as they prepped him before surgery. He is in great spirits, as always, and seemed calm and ready to do a great job in surgery today. His attitude and outlook were overwhelmingly encouraging for us to see.

We got a kick out of his surgery outfit and the really cool surgical hat that the resident had taped to his head. We all had a good laugh about it - including Dad!

We said our "see you soons" and exchanged hugs and kisses around 8:10 a.m. As they were getting ready to wheel him to the OR, he was really enjoying his "liquid margarita", as the nurse jokingly called the IV anesthetic. :)

Soon after they paged us around 8:29 a.m. to say his surgery was underway. The surgical fellow said that his surgery should last around 6 hours - so he should be done around 2:30 p.m. today. We're looking forward to our afternoon post-op visit around 3:30 or 4 p.m.

{Always a Daddy's girl - circa 2009 }

We have been showered with love, support, prayers and well wishes all day long. So very thankful to have the amazing support team of family and friends.

I promise I will get back to regular posting very soon - should have a lot of time on my hands as I hang in ICU and take care of Dad all week!

August 8, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Good morning, darlings!
I hope your week is off to a great start so far! As I listen to the music stylings of Norah Jones, it's storming like crazy here in the big Kansas City metro! BUT rain is my favorite!

I am loving the rumble of the thunder and watching the raindrops stream down my office dormer windows. There is such rainy day charm from my third floor view in our renovated historic building office.

The only downside to this rainy day was that it was nearly impossible to wake up this morning. Even my little Bella Beast was sleepy! For once in my life she wasn't standing on top of me when my alarm went off. In fact that sleepy puppy didn't even want to budge. Case in point...

Pretty cute, huh? Yup, I should've just stayed home to cuddle! :)

{ Alright, let's get to it! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your mom. Just spread the word in some way (any way!) today. If you do, I will buy you your very own snuggly puppy and bake you some homemade gooey chocolate chip cookies!

{ Deal? }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What do you have left on your summer fun list?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Wishing you a beautiful week full of unexpected surprises!

Hugs! Kisses!

August 3, 2011

Time to Escape!

I am so ready for 5 o'clock...
...because I'm jumping in a car with BF and heading out of town! My family has already been up at the Lake of the Ozarks for a few days now, so we're excited to finally meet them out there. The lake house they rented sounds absolutely amazing!

My cute little sister (who is a senior in high school) sent me a text and photo as soon as they arrived on Monday...

"OMG! This place is so awesome! There are like two huge
living rooms and the backyard is so cool! We can watch movies
at night, because there are like 4 TVs! OH!!! Bring some movies... and some finger nail polish remover! :D"

{ Gotta love her enthusiasm... and ADD moments. }

So needless to say, when my alarm clock went off this morning I jumped out of bed. It's vacation day!! This is honestly the first vacation time I have taken off that wasn't for a Friday night wedding in soooo long! I'm looking forward to actually relaxing for once! The lake is always so peaceful...

What's on the agenda, you ask?

+ roadtripping with my main squeeze
+ time with le family
+ jet skiing
+ floating on pool rafts
+ sleeping in
+ breakfast out on the patio
+ evening swims
+ sunset watching
+ late nights by the bonfire
+ making homemade meals
+ boating all day
+ movies at night
+ board games
+ making sweet memories
+ enjoying life

Naturally, I'm going to need a theme song for this trip. Good thing I absolutely love "Knee Deep" by Zac Brown Band. Amazing. Take a listen, you will fall in love with it too...

I promise that I will actually take pictures for once - the camera is PACKED - updates to come! Catch you when I get back from paradise all tanned and happy...
Have a happy week, ya'll!


PS - Don't forget to check out this week's Mingle Monday Blog Hop. It's open until Friday, so get your blog some exposure, girl!


August 1, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop

Happy Monday, my fraaans!
Unfortunately I woke up thinking it was Sunday... imagine my disappointment when I actually had to get up for work. At least ya'll are here to cheer me up!!

Did you have the best weekend ever jam-packed with super fun activities? My weekend flew by so fast while I was at my parent's house in Wichita. The fun weekends always do, don't they?

Well luckily I am only working through Wednesday, and then I'm off for an amazing lake trip with Adam and my fam! This girl desperately needs to take some time off (...and have it be for a fun vacay and not a jillion weddings for once!). So let's get this week started right, shall we?

{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your mom. Just spread the word in same way today, and I will buy you a puppy and some ice cream! ;)

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What is your next DIY (do-it-yourself) project?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


Hope you gorgeous gals are having a great day already!

Make it a great one!