May 25, 2011

Love Letter

Dear BF extraordinaire,
Thank you for all of the wonderful quality time this weekend. It was so very nice to enjoy the scenic car drive with you, even if we made fun of each other the entire time. Thank you for not lecturing me (too long) when I drove around town on empty and didn't realize it until there was no gas station for 20 miles. I guess I just figured I can't fill the tank up until it's empty, right? ;)

I enjoyed sitting around the fire pit with you and the fam just talking and eating marshmallows. I love the way they look at you and consider you part of the family too. Melt my heart...

Thanks for all of the sweet, unexpected things you do for me, like buy me and my brother lunch, or letting me choose which appetizer we split when we were out for drinks. You are very selfless and nothing short of lovely.

I am so glad that you have chosen to put up with me even when I grumble about how much my heels make my feet ache. The fact that you would go completely out of your way to let Bella Beast out for me or drop an unexpected gift off at my house makes me smile so big.

Thanks for making me feel absolutely gorgeous even when I have damp hair and no make-up on. And the fact that you still send me I love you/mushy gushy/goodnight text messages after I had just been a complete sleepy grump at your house is borderline shocking. BUT I'm glad you've chosen to love little ol' me, grumpy or happy.

Looking forward to a weekend full of spontaneous adventures with you, Buddy!!

Lots of love from the luckiest girl in the world...

May 23, 2011

Mingle Monday + Giveaway Winner!!

Top o' the mornin'!
So very happy you joined me today for a little Monday fun!! How was your weekend? Any amazingness going on?

I enjoyed my fabulous weekend at home so very much. It was the perfect mixture of friends, family, and relaxation. I'm a little pooped this morning, but in a very smiley mood! :)

Well, I still haven't announced the House of Sitzees apron giveaway winner (shame on me!!)... drum roll, please!!


CONGRATS Rachel @ Dreaming of the Country!
Please e-mail me at megnificentlife {at} gmail {dot} com to claim your prize!!

Thank you Karen @ House of Sitzees for donating such a beautiful giveaway item! Please go check out Karen's fabulous Etsy shop ASAP!

{ Time to Mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Will you help spread the word about Mingle Monday? I want Mingle Monday to be a quality blog hop with lots of new friends and blogs to discover every week.

If you haven't passed along the word before, could you make today your day? Nothing big, just a little blurb would be SO greatly appreciated!

To those who continually pass the word along, make me smile and help our little hop grow - thank you!! I am always SO grateful to all of you who keep Mingle Monday fresh and fun by spreading the word! A million thank yous!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** Any fun Memorial Day plans?! **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until FRIDAY at midnight (CST) **

Thanks for stopping by! Hugs n Kisses!

May 20, 2011

Yellow Brick Road

Alright ladies, I'm headed out...
this Dorothy is slipping on her ruby red slippers and skipping off to the parental units' Kansas home for the weekend. All week long I have been looking forward to spending some quality time with my favorite people.

{ Can't wait! }

At this point, there is nowhere else I'd rather be than home sweet home. One thing is for sure, we could all use a little cheer, hope, and happiness while we are enjoying time with each other. Soak in every moment and take the time to enjoy how sweet life truly is.

{ Weekend Wish List }

+ safe drive home
+ cozy rainy evening
+ comfort
+ a big ol'd hug from my Dad
+ relaxing w/ BF and the fam
+ puppy play time
+ sleeping in
+ lots of coffee
+ a fun wedding shower on Saturday
+ sweatpants/movies/DVR
+ peace of mind


What's on your wishlist this weekend?

See you Monday for a little Mingle Monday blog hop fun!

May 19, 2011

Greatest. Proposal. Ever.

{ Oh. my. sweet goodness. LOVE! }

No, not my ring or proposal... Tricked you! :)
But in case you were wondering, yes that is a fab cushion cut, skinny diamond band dream ring - haha!

...and vastly rivaling this proposal:


{ WATCH ME!!! }


Our Marriage Project is by far one of my top 5 FAVORITE blogs. This blog is authored by one of my best friend's sister and her husband.

The video at this blog post link is all about their proposal/secret wedding. I promise it is one of the sweetest things I have EVER seen and it will make you cry.

I LOVE love!

May 17, 2011

The List

I can hardly believe May is almost over!
My how times fly these days! Well the long Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner, so I was recently brainstorming with BF on some fun weekend activites.

I am a lucky girl and get to enjoy quality time with Adam a few days a week with friends, on our Thursday date night, and Sunday church/mellow time. Life is so wonderfully simple with us.

Most of the time we enjoy a lovely meal, catch up on some DVR'd TV shows or a movie, and just hang out together. We both really enjoy low-maintenance, chill time, but we're excited to spice things up with some new adventures that weekend...

.:: The List ::.

- hiking day trip
- berry picking
- the KC zoo
- picnic
- pool day (mmm!)
- doggie park w/ Bella - aka: Beast
- disc golf (or at least attempting in my case...)
- geocaching
- rock climbing in Missouri
- drive-in movie
- playing put-put golf
- checking out a comedy show
- shooting range
- planetarium visit
- gardening
- scenic drive through Flint Hills
- cooking together


So there you have it folks... don't those options sound so fun?! Of course we will only pick a few, but we have all spring/summer to experience these together or with friends/family.

There is nobody I would rather adventure with than my buddy. Not to mention I'm a pretty wild side-kick! ;)

{ What's on your list? }

May 16, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Howdy friends!
I figured I would keep this short and simple today. To be quite honest I could use some sunshine and happiness in my life... cue YOU! My blog is my little creative outlet and all of you give me so many reasons to smile. Thank you.

If you haven't been here before, welcome! I'm sure the veterans will show you how Mingle Monday is done... I hope you enjoy!

{ Are you ready for new followers?! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Will you help spread the word about Mingle Monday? I want Mingle Monday to be a quality blog hop with lots of new friends and blogs to discover every week.

If you haven't passed along the word before, could you make today your day? Nothing big, just a little blurb would be SO greatly appreciated!

To those who continually pass the word along, make me smile and help our little hop grow - thank you!! I am always SO grateful to all of you who keep Mingle Monday fresh and fun by spreading the word! A million thank yous!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What makes you smile today? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **

Thanks for stopping by! Hugs n Kisses!

May 11, 2011

Dig It!

Happy Wednesday, lovelies...
I hope everything is running smoothly for all of you! My day started out a little rainy and sleepy this morning, but now the sun is shining! Love it.

It's been a great week so far, lots of wonderful things going for me!
I know I have lots of personal photos and recaps to pass along to all of you, but until then there are just TONS of things that I'm completely loving...

{ Free Dresses }

On Monday I was cleaning out my Vera Bradley wallet to find not one but TWO Anthropologie gift cards! Guess what I did at lunch?

Yep, I tried on and purchased a gorgeous peachy/red dress {that was majorly on sale!} - that was close to free with my gift cards! The one in the store wasn't the right size, but thankfully they had my size online.

It's on it's way to me... Anthro dress photos coming soon!

Also, thanks to my lovely Mom the Easter bunny, I received some loot from TJ Maxx. Although the shirt I was gifted didn't quite fit right, I returned it for this super cute charcoal gray dress (photo looks periwinkle for some reason?)... for the same price! Score.

Adorable free dress? yes, please!

{ Something Borrowed }

I know I talked about this a ways back, but I am DYING to finally get to see it! BF and I are going to catch a post-work showing on our usual Thursday date night. It looks hilarious, wonderful, and sappy - my fave! Review to follow! ;)

{ Fabulous Fashion Finds }

After searching the earth FOREVER for an inexpensive white/sparkly watch, I finally made a purchase today...

$15 - Francesca's

{ This Fabulous Song }

I know I talk about it all the time, but I completely love everything San Francisco. On Monday this Train song came on during my super long commute to downtown.

Instantly it made me miss my former home all over again. I would give anything to be enjoying the Bay right now! Time for another SF visit I think! ;)


.:: How's your week going? ::.

Hope you're totally fab!


PS - Blog Hop + Giveaway is open until Friday! JOIN THE FUN!

May 10, 2011

Blog Hop + Giveaway

Who is ready for another giveaway?!
Today's ADORABLE giveaway is brought to you by House of Sitzees on Etsy. The owner, Karen, makes every item from scratch and selects quality eye-catching materials.

Luckily for us, she has offered her patchwork vintage waist apron as our giveaway! Get excited gals - the photo doesn't even do it justice! Twice as adorable in person :)

{ How CUTE is this?! Ahh love it! }

Can you just imagine how adorable you will look making a fresh blueberry cobbler while wearing this little gem?


.:: HOW TO ENTER ::.

The more entries you have, your better chance to win! Please make a separate comment for each entry, and leave your name and e-mail in each one!

**Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate!**


1) Follow Karen's blog - The Kimchee Chronicles. - 1 entry

3) Participate in this week's belated blog hop (below) and leave a comment that you did if you would like to enter. - 1 entry

3) Leave a comment telling me about what delicious recipe you are dying to try this summer! - 1 entry

{ Entry Deadline: This Friday, May 13th at 5 p.m. CST }


For the many of you who sent concerned e-mails - yes, I am okay! Thank you so much for your sweet concern! I was swamped yesterday and couldn't get to Mingle Monday :(

So as a peace offering...

{A Belated Blog Hop!!}

** Hop closes on Friday!! Have fun! **

{ Best Wishes! }

May 6, 2011

Hello Girls Weekend!!

Peace out, friends...
After work I am headed to the lovely state of Arkansas for a bachelorette party weekend! We're staying in a gorgeous lake house where it will be pretty low-key and relaxing!

I'm looking forward to lots of sunbathing, finishing "Something Blue", girl chat, sassy party time, and morning walks by the lake.

Sounds heavenly...

Looking back on this week... it has truly been lovely. It was the little sweet things that are still stuck in my mind and make it impossible to stop grinning...

.:: Le Sigh ::.

+ FINALLY running 5.22 miles!!
+ Monday night dinner party
+ getting a surprise gift (Ben Rector CD) from my love
{Thanks sweetie!}
+ seeing Rock of Ages on a double date
+ nights like Wednesday Bible study keep me grounded
+ celebrating Cinco de Mayo
+ long chats, quality time and hilarious stories
w/ my better half

I usually am rather stressed and ready for the weekend by Friday, but the way this past week went, I would do it all over again, Groundhog's Day style!

{ Weekend Plans, Lovies? }

May 5, 2011

Fiesta Time!!

Grab your sombreros, it's time to party!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, dolls! What a fun day to celebrate the rich culture and history of Mexico.

Every Thursday night is our designated, wonderful, wouldn't-miss-it-for-the-world date night. So naturally I couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate with BF in the best way possible...

{ I plan to eat copious amount of this... }

{ while I enjoy one [pitcher?] of these... }

{ find a bakery that sells these... }

{ and wish I was on the beaches of Puerto Vallarta... }

{ ...when BF and I are really here after our dinner date... }

.:: How do you plan on celebrating? ::.

PS- Looking for more Cinco de Mayo fun? Head over Cornflake Dreams! Jillian is hosting a super fun and fabulous blog crawl :) Muah!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

May 3, 2011

Life is Good

Today I choose to be happy.
There are too many things to smile about and be thankful for, than to let the little things get the best of me. I can't get this big grin off my face and I love this feeling... life is so sweet!

.:: Smile Worthy ::.


1) Hello Spring Weather!

Today is absolutely gorgeous. This weather reminds me of when I lived on my own in lovely San Francisco back in the day. My sweet home away from home. Missing the sea lions barking on the pier, the Mission, beautiful people who taught me how to truly love life, and all the many lessons I learned during those 4 amazing months.

2) Many Blessings

So very thankful for all the beautiful souls in my life. I feel very blessed to have the world's best parents, have my brother moving to KC next month, and a sassy sister to keep me young and hip! ;)

I'm very grateful to have friends who make me laugh 'til my sides ache and share life with. And couldn't be more thankful for my sweet Adam, who shares my laughter and dries my tears. I couldn't possibly have asked for a more respectable and amazing man to love!

3) A Job That I Love

I am constantly reminded about the difference I am able to make in the lives of cancer patients and their families. Even on the most difficult days, they remind me to live fully and love whole heartedly.

I love that I am challenged by my relationship building and business partnership with the healthcare systems I take care of - I'm learning such valuable things! I also have the world's nicest and best co-workers/friends ever! I feel very humbled and lucky to look forward to work.

4) Spontaneous Fun

BF and I got invited to go see the hit musical, Rock of Ages, with our couple friends as the tour hits KC tonight! I had mentioned several weeks ago that I wish we would've bought tickets, but now they are offered to us for free (thanks Erin love!). I cannot even begin to express how excited I am for our little double date tonight! Eeee!!

5) My Bloggy Buddies

I seriously adore you guys. From encouraging comments to recommending the perfect mascara (my lashes now look great BTW - thanks to Maybelline Lash Stilleto and YOU!).

Thanks for making me love this creative outlet even more than I already do! I hope to get to know you newbies too! xo


Need a reason to smile? This song is amazing and makes me want to celebrate the good little things in my life. I promise you will love it too...


May 2, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Mornin' Dolls!
Did you have the best weekend ever? I sure hope you all got up early and watched Wills and Kate get hitched! ;) I know I did! Photos coming super soon!

My weekend felt super long for the first time in awhile, and it was full of the people I love to pieces! Woke up with a huge smile on my face, and my yummy Almond Joy creamer is just making my Monday chipper! Sending you some cheer today!

{ Are you ready for new followers?! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Will you help spread the word about Mingle Monday? I want Mingle Monday to be a quality blog hop with lots of new friends and blogs to discover every week.

If you haven't passed along the word before, could you make today your day? Nothing big, just a little blurb would be SO greatly appreciated!

To those who continually pass the word along, make me smile and help our little hop grow - thank you!! I am always SO grateful to all of you who keep Mingle Monday fresh and fun by spreading the word! A million thank yous!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What's been your favorite date ever? **
(I'm in a very sappy, romantic, lovey mood!! ;) haha...)


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **

Remember to spread the love today... everyone deserves some Monday cheer, so let it start with you!