April 27, 2011

I Need A Staycay...

Will someone pass me some toothpicks?
I can barely keep my eyes open today! I feel all sorts of crazy and am in desperate need of either more coffee, a long nap, a massage, an all expenses paid vacation, or perhaps an evening "staycation"?

I think the combo of 5 a.m. mornings and late evenings have finally caught up with little old me. I'm losing it.

I poured coffee in my my water glass this morning, left my keys in my office door, and have caught myself staring blankly out my dormer window on several occasions... and it's noon!

{ I. am. exhasuted. }

Despite my younger years, I can no longer function off of less than 7.5 hours of sleep. Now if I am running on fumes, my body starts to completely rebel until I am ridiculously sick and forced to rest.

So, that being said, I have cancelled my weekly Wednesday plans so that I can just rest/relax. I see wonderful, cozy, lazy low-maintenance things in my near future...

early evening nap + cereal for dinner + snuggling with puppy
catching up on the DVR + bubble bath + candles
chic lit reading + early bed time

Tonight = Heaven

...take that stupid rebellious body!


Plus, I have to get my rest in before my amazing Royal Wedding watch party plans... Friday @ 3 a.m.!

Anyone else completely exhausted out there?


  1. I am always exhausted. It never fails. I can go to bed at 9 and wake up still exhausted. I hope that you get your much needed relaxation. I am one of your newer followers and I love reading your blog!


  2. Great idea for tonight, I might have to plan on that tomorrow!

  3. I think I may steal your plans for tonight, exchange the cereal for scrambled eggs, and make it my own. Thanks for the inspiration to TAKE IT EASY. Hugs!

  4. My coworker and I have been discussing all week how we feel so completely run down. I think it's the weather???!?!? I hate feeling like this.

  5. I hear I am hurtin today too I HAVE to go to bed early tonight!

  6. Oh dear :-( I am sure with your wonderful evening planned you will begin to feel a lot better!!


  7. Definitely been feeling like this lately! Maybe a staycation is in order . . . :0] Hope your evening goes well!

  8. your evening sounds wonderful! I hope you wake up refreshed tomorrow.

  9. I'm totally exhausted and ready for this stupid semester to end... Man what I wouldn't give for a vacation! I'm so with you on this!

  10. Enjoy your low key evening! I cannot function on less than 8 hours of sleep. Thankfully hubs and I get 9-10 a night! Haha, we love our sleep. :)

  11. UGH. I totally feel you. These days, if I even dare get less than 7 hours of sleep, I cannot function. I've gone out of town (and partied until the wee hours while I was there) the last three weekends. I'm to old do be doing this anymore.

    Womp, Womp.

    Enjoy your evening, that sounds like heaven!

  12. I am always exhausted. I feel like I never catch up on sleep. Luckily I am able to take a cat nap during my lunch break to rejuvenate myself before going back to work where I teach 16, 2 year olds! They wear me out!!!

    I hope you get some rest tonight! I took a bath when I got home today and it really helped!!


  13. Yes! I had to take a nap today during lunch today.

  14. I feel the same a lot! I stay up too late when I should be sleeping! Hope you enjoy your night in tonight girl :)

  15. that sounds pretty fantastic :) xoox jillian

  16. I feel the same way! I don't know how I stayed up all night and still made it to class during college.

    I don't function without 8 hours. Hope you get some rest soon!


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