March 9, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 4

It's about that time again...
I weighed myself this morning and I was super happy with the weight loss! Finally back on track after a not so stellar weigh-in last week... *phew*

I got my butt to the gym about 4 times and paid much more attention to what I was eating and portion size. I'm definitely feeling a lot better now that I have my act together, and I'm that much closer to my goal

{ Total Weight Loss = 2.2 lbs! }

For those of you doing Weight Watchers too, don't the meetings make such a difference?! I am so glad I went last week. It definitely helps re-motivate me, and I have that accountability that I don't have if I'm just doing everything myself.

Are you trying to lose weight? How are you doing?? Hang in there, friends! Everyday is a new day and you can definitely do it!

28.6 lbs to go!


  1. I started P90X (workouts and nutrition plan) on Valentine's Day. I'm not so much looking at the numbers on the scale, my goal is all about how I feel. I already feel (and look) insanely better and it's not even day 30 yet!

  2. Congrats on your loss!! So exciting!!

  3. I've been focusing on eating habits and exercise since the beginning of february and it's amazing. better sleep, better skin, better mood!

  4. Way to go! I always feel like my eating habits make the biggest difference and then it's therapeutic to hit the gym! Spring here we come :)

  5. I am kind of doing weight watchers -- more or less -- eating the weight watchers foods, weighing in every week - just not going to the meetings!! kind of doing it on my own - with a twist! ;)

    good luck and congrats - like i say, any loss is a GOOD loss

  6. woo woo.. You go girl.. Your going to be looking all kinds of amazing :)

  7. Hello, hello. I'm a new follower!

    And good job on the weight loss. That's hard to do!

  8. Congratulations! It's so important to me to remember that a slip-up one day means you can recommit the next day!

  9. Congratulations! That is a really good week!

  10. Good for you! Have you tried Insanity yet? That is a killer workout, when I was trying to lose weight last summer I could only get through half of it.. I found that simply eating less worked for me.. And the 3 D's diet... Drinking, Dancing, and Doin it but you know.. That doesn't always work for everyone haha

  11. Way to go!!! I started WW 3 weeks ago-I weigh in tomorrow! I've lost 3.5 so far! Keep up the good work!

  12. I AM SO PROUD OF YOUUUUU! Get it, girl! Keep busting out results like that, and you'll be there in no time. You're FABULOUS, by the way :)

  13. new to your blog.. I've tried WW without meetings and you're right the meetings make a HUGE difference-- lost 5 LBS my first week.. keep up the good work!


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