March 3, 2011

In Need of an Escape...

I don't think it's possible to be any more stressed out that I am this week. I am convinced this is the work week from Hades, and I am just barely hanging on by a thread. Anyone in the same boat?

It's just one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong kind of does and you feel up to your ears in deadlines. But if you're in the same boat I'm in, take heart my friends, we're almost done!

Dreams of escaping on a fabulous vacation are relieving my stress today. I really don't care where I go, just anywhere but here...

If you could escape...
where would be your ideal destination?

Off to the gym for some lunch time stress relief!



  1. Um... I COMPLETELY understand what you mean! This week hasn't been too bad for me, I've actually had some really good days! But lately, I've been having "itchy feet." Wanting to randomly pick up and go somewhere. Anywhere!

    The places I daydream about the most are: New York City, London, Paris, Italy (all over that country!) and Mumbai.

  2. totally with my babies, but they are just not having a great week...I don't even need a vacation...just being alone for a few days would be great :) (only a few because I would get sad pretty quickly by myself....:)

  3. Oh my gosh I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from. This has just been a bad week. Looking forward to the end of Friday.

  4. that last pic looks so inviting * think I'll close my eyes & take a mini boat getaway ~ ~ ~

  5. Ugh...I feel you. Workplace drama, cranky students, and computer issues up the wazoo! Pretty sure i'd like to just head down to Madison, stay at a friends house for the weekend, and spend entire days curled up in a cushy starbucks.

  6. Sums up where I am at this week too -- hope we both can hang in there just a little while longer!

  7. I think its that time when everyone is ready for a break. I can't wait to get away, being a teacher, I can't wait for the next few days to pass by for our spring break!

  8. I need a break from life too, but its hard because I'm pregnant, and everyone seems to think that's all I care about. I have other interests, other likes too, ya know!!! I want to go hiking, drink a bottle of wine, eat sushi and feel sexy....not going to be happening. I am depressed. I need a vacation from pregnancy. I need people to remember that I'm a person in here, not just a baby pod.

  9. My week isn't along this level this week.. but I DEF have been there.. done that... I hope your week/day gets better.. You need some yoga!!!- and just pretend you're on the beach sweating it all out while you're there! <3

  10. In realistic terms, I say you take a spa day! If you're off tomorrow do it, if not, do it on Saturday if you're free. DO the works! Mani/pedi, massage, facial. You'll feel fabulous and it'll work out your stress and you'll leave feel relaxed and refreshed ready to start the new week! :) xoxox

  11. WOW! It isn't just me...My upcoming Saturday post relates the DOLDRUMS I am currently going through!

    Sorry, but it makes me feel better to know that it isn't just me!

    And if I could get away, anywhere in the world (without bankrupting my savings account) I would go to visit Desiree ( in South Africa. Visit her site and you will see beautiful picture tours of her home and the surrounding natural attractions that are South Africa.

    Or maybe go to the UK and visit Carol ( and laugh it up with a very funny lady (at local pub, no doubt).

    If you check either of these gals out, tell them their blog friend, kt, sent you.......kt

  12. cheer up chickadee! i hope your day gets better! i would escape somewhere warm :) xoxo jcd cornflake dreams

  13. By the ocean with french press coffee and a good book! Hang in there, it always gets better!

  14. I'd just love to go anywhere warm. Hey, if it was warm here, I'd love to just go to the beach. It really is my happy place.
    Hope your week ends happier :)

  15. I feel like I have a Hades work week every week! I would love to just escape to a hot tropical island!

  16. oh how i love your blog! ummm somewhere WARM, where i can get rid of my pale skin and get tan!

  17. I would go somewhere that time doesn't matter and I have the love of my life by myside!

    This week has been total Hades for meeeeee toooo!!!! I think that there is something in the air, or some stars that aren't aligned right, or a full moon that needs to hurry up and get over with or something that is killing all of us this week.

  18. "It's just one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong kind of does and you feel up to your ears in deadlines." meg...i feel ya. my week felt the EXACT same way. i had a 12 hour day today and it just felt as though my spring break was never going to start. a vacation sounds sooo good right now...


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