January 31, 2011

Mingle Monday - Blog Hop!

Hey there, girlfriends!
Sending you the warmest of wishes from lovely KC. As I was driving in to work this morning, I heard that we are predicted to get up to 20 inches of standing snow here in the metro area... CRAZY!

{ Moving on to Mingle Monday! }

Whether you are a Mingle vetran or a wonderful newbie, lety me personally welcome you to Mingle Monday, my weekly hosted blog hop. I couldn't be more happy that you stopped by to hang out on this fabulous Monday morning!

Who's excited to Mingle it up? Let's get YOUR blog growing!


Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. I can't tell you how much it MAKES MY DAY when I see posts with the Mingle Monday button in it... you guys are seriously the BEST!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...

** What is your ideal Valentine's Day? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **


Wishing you a beautiful week!

January 27, 2011

Date Night... Guess Who's Excited!

I seriously cannot contain myself any longer!
Why you ask? Well because the most handsome man in all the world is taking me out on the town tonight, of course!

I love date nights with BF. Whether we stay in and watch a movie in sweats, or he picks me up for a night out, any time with him is always fun!

Well tonight we plan to go see this...

Have any of you seen it yet? I know my dear friend Rachel @ Simple Little Joys said it was too funny and had a wonderfully sappy ending {my fave!}.

...and before the movie I could really go for one of these...

...and perhaps a post-movie healthy treat?

Well, one thing is for sure, he spoils me in every sense of the word. When BF and I spend time together he can make me laugh so hard my sides hurt for days. FOR DAYS.

And I love that after all this time I still get the butterfly feeling right before he comes to pick me up. And of course I am all about getting prettied up just for him - yay for a great excuse to dress up!

Now I am daydreaming about what outfit to wear... HELP!

Cheers to a fun evening!


Don't forget to sign up for the Be My Valentine gift swap! I don't want you to miss out on all the lovey dovey, ooey gooey girly fun!

January 26, 2011

Be My Valentine - Blog Gift Swap!

Get ready for some fun, gal pals!
After hosting the super awesome Mitten Mixer mitten swap in December, I figured it was time for us to have a little Valentine's Day fun! Who wants to join me for my Be My Valentine blog gift swap? I knew you would be excited!!


.:: About Be My Valentine ::.

Sign-up, get matched w/ a buddy, shop for a valentine care package, and swap via mail!

1) Interested? Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to be elligible.

2) Leave a comment below that includes your first name and e-mail address.

3) Also in your comment leave at least 5-10 "favorites" of yours.

Example: Meg's Faves

- Candy/Snacks:
Dark chocolate anything, Clif or Luna Bars, healthy snacks

- Magazines:
InStyle, Cooking Light, Glamour, Real Simple, Martha Stewart

- Colors:
YELLOW!, green, pink

- Hobbies:
Baking, cooking, working out, dancing, crocheting

- Girly things:
Nail polish, lip gloss, lip balm, home decor, face masks

4) I will send your buddy's e-mail address to you via your provided e-mail address. You then can exchange mailing address information once you're in contact.

5) Shop for your valentine goodies {price max: $15} and send your buddy's valentine by February 7th.

Sign-up closes on Monday, January 31st @ Noon (CST)!


.:: Pretty Please ::.

Spread the word about the [Life of Meg] Be My Valentine gift swap! We want as many people as possible to join us in spreading the love! The picture above or the button below is for your use in a post or on your sidebar. Please add a link directly to this blog post so that your friends can easily join us in the fun!


So who's totally excited?!
I know I am! I already have a vision of the super cute valentine gift that I want to buy/send to the buddy I get matched up with! Valentine's Day isn't just for significant others! My prayer is that the Be My Valentine blog gift swap helps spread love to anyone and everyone!

Lots o' Love!

I Promise This Will Make Your Day

Mornin' sleeping beauties!
I woke up to find a Facebook message from one of my closest friends that included the world's cutest YouTube video. Her message simple read:

"Without a doubt this will one day be YOUR child... enjoy! :)"

I couldn't imagine why on earth she thought of me until I clicked on the video. I almost peed my pants laughing. 100% made my morning already and I hadn't even rolled out of bed. Thank God for funny friends and awesome YouTube. May this make your day as well!

Hint: You have to watch it all the way til the end to get the full awesomeness!

Yes, that will totally be my child. So stinking cute!

As for those of you who helped me when I was in utter Valentine's idea need yesterday... a HUGE thank you! With your guidance, I think I have come up with the perfect plan!


PS- Looking for new followers or fun new blogs? Don't forget that the Mingle Monday blog hop is open until tonight (Wednesday) at midnight.
Stop by and get your blog some exposure!


January 25, 2011

Valentine's... HELP!

Ello loves! I hope your Tuesday is going super well so far. I had an extremely early oncology board meeting, so I have been up since 5 a.m. and have consumed 2.5 cups of coffee! Woo!

Okay, as most of you know February is waiting for us right around the corner. I cannot tell you how much I love this holiday {or all holidays in general?}.

BF and I have consciously chosen to show each other how much we love each other in sweet little and big ways throughout the year, so I am not in it for all the fuss and hub bub {don't get me wrong... this girl does like a surprise bouquet of fresh flowers or yummy chocolates}, it's just not our focus.

So... we would rather spend quality time together making a new and super sweet memory than get caught up in stressful expectations. At the end of the day I just want to spend the day enjoying life with him by my side. But this year, I need help!

{ Dear BF, I am beyond flattered that you read my blog every single day, however, this is where you need to please stop reading, Mmmkay? I sure love you though!}

I am seriously the luckiest gal, ya'll... *siggghhh*. Okay enough mushy gushy. So BF is an awesome planner and we are going to be spending our Valentine's Day celebration at one of my favorite upscale KC eateries, Cafe Trio.

He also knows that i have been eyeing these beauties for awhile and strongly hinted that i would be receiving these from Cupid :)

So my question is... what do I get him?? He is seriously so ridiculously good at present purchasing... and I love it, but I want to have a good, fresh idea too! Being the sappy girl I am, I've already done the cutesy/artsy memory book, framed photos, etc., so I need major help! Please send any ideas my way!

Thanks friends! You're seriously a lifesaver!


PS- Looking for new followers or fun new blogs? Don't forget that the Mingle Monday blog hop is open until Wednesday at midnight.
Stop by and get your blog some exposure!


January 24, 2011

Mingle Monday is HERE!!!

Why hello friends!
As most of your Mingle Monday veterans know, this is a little later than usual... oops! But don't worry, I have a good excuse! As most of you know I work for one of the nation's largest cancer non-profits, so I was tied up with a wig appointment for one of the world's sweetest cancer patients! She found the sassiest red wig we have, found out it was free, and is now a super happy camper! :)

{ Made my day.. life is so sweet! }

So anyway, if you are new to [Life of Meg] or Mingle Monday, may I personally say thank you for taking the time to visit! I love that you are here!

Who's excited to Mingle it up? Let's get YOUR blog growing!


Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. I can't tell you how much it MAKES MY DAY when I see posts with the Mingle Monday button in it... you guys are seriously the BEST!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...

** What was the best highlight of your weekend? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **


Have a sunshine and puppy dogs kind of day!

January 21, 2011

So Thankful... I'm a Lucky Girl

Wowzaaa my friends!
Let me just tell you that it has been a particularly rough morning for sure. As most of you have read about my recent medical issues, I was called in to the neurologist this morning to do a particularly painful EMG test. For those of you who aren't familiar with this specific kind of torture, feel free to click HERE.

Anyway, my doctor basically shocked me and stabbed my arm and leg muscles with needles for a half hour. As much as it was painful, I am glad to finally have a better view of what I am facing.

As for a possible Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, I think we've finally ruled that one out. I am being referred to a rheumatologist to continue diagnostics for Lupus or another auto-immune or blood disease. Thank you for all the messages and prayers, I love you guys so much!

Despite the rough morning, I was lucky enough to have BF by my side through the whole thing. I am not quite sure how I won the affection and love of such an amazing man, but I am so very thankful for him.

He offered a compassionate smile through the tears of the test, gave me a big hug and kiss on the forehead when it was over, and even treated me to a Starbucks {He loves me :)}.

So anyway, now I am back in the office and excited that it's finally Friday!! After having the day off to honor MLK Jr. and a snow day yesterday, I am thinking I could get use to these 3-day work weeks!

Lucky for me, Mom, Dad and Sis are driving up to visit me in good ol' KC for the weekend! Mom's birthday is on Sunday, so I can't wait for all of us + BF to go out for dinner, big girl furniture shop {wooo! More on this later...}, relax, and just have a good ol' time!

{ What fun plans do you have going on this weekend? }

From the bottom of my heart,
have a beautiful weekend!

January 19, 2011

Grab Your Needles, It's a Blizzard!

Greetings from snow laden Swtizerland Kansas City!
Yes, at this exact moment in time I am looking out my giant living room window to see fluffy, beautiful snowflakes falling. Actually I make it sound quite a bit more whimsical than needed... IT'S A BLIZZARD!!!

So naturally I am sitting here sipping my yummy green tea and dreaming about a potential snow day tomorrow. I mean with a predicted 5-9 inches here in the metro, they can't expect me to trek through all of that at -heaven help us!- 7 a.m.?!

Anyway, as I dream about my lovely *hopeful* snow day, the thought of a cozy new hobby is now stuck in my mind...

Don't snow days + hot chocolate + crocheting go hand-in-hand? I think so. Especially after viewing several gorgeous items like these babies on my beloved Etsy...

Calling all knitter/crocheters! I need your help! I would prefer to go back to crocheting, because that's what I originally learned, but I am also up for a challenge. Which one do you like better?

If I can dig myself out of my little cozy igloo of a home, I am going to raid Hobby Lobby for some pretty yarn and a needle or two! What size of needle should I get?

Clueless in Kansas City...


PS- Do you love recipes and blog hops? Head on over to visit my gal pal Trish! She is hosting her What's Cookin' Wednesday and I love it. It's totally a Meg staple!

January 17, 2011

Mingle Monday - Who Wants Followers?!

Mornin' gorgeous gals!
I am coming to you live from my snuggly bed on this snowy Monday morning. In honor of MLK Jr., our office is closed in observance of this late hero.

So anyway, I am celebrating one more "weekend" day by staying in my jammies, snuggling with my puppy, and sipping coffee while Regis and Kelly are playing in the background.

Well, I couldn't be happier that you've chosen to keep me company on my lazy Monday. Who's excited to Mingle it up? Is your blog growing?


Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. I can't tell you how much it MAKES MY DAY when I see posts with the Mingle Monday button in it... you guys are seriously the BEST!

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...

** Who wore your favortie Golden Globe outfit last night? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **

** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **



January 14, 2011

Relaxing Weekend Glimpse

Good morning, sweet friends!
Guess what today is? That's right, it's Friday with a lovely 3-day weekend holiday. Of course I am going to fill you in on all of my MEGnificent plans, but because a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought I'd share my relaxing weekend plans via photos...

{ Doesn't this look heavenly? }
I sure think so.

With more snow headed my way, I plan staying in where it's nice and cozy this weekend. I haven't been feeling well the last few days, so with no diagnosis yet from my doctors, all I can do is try to relax and de-stress a little on my new treatment.


I think these wonderful things will do the trick...

+ bubble baths
+ relaxing with my sweet puppy and BF
+ Sunday massage at the spa
{great Christmas present, hunny... I sure love you.}
+ girly tea party outing with BF's sweet sister and mom


I may have to throw in a girls' movie night or a brunch with my cousins too... it's a 3-day weekend after all! Looking forward to soaking in every blissful moment of this long relaxing weekend.

{What amazing things do you have planned, my dears?}

Wishing you a care-free weekend,

January 12, 2011

Need New Recipes?

Go visit my girlfriend Trish's What's Cookin' Good Lookin' blog hop! I go there every Wednesday and LOVE it! It's a great way to share your favorite recipes and find some awesome new ones!

Plus, every week Trish shares one of her favorite yummy recipes.

Every week she chooses one of the recipes from the hop to try out! If your recipe is chosen she will give you a big shout out to the bloggy world as she reviews your tasty treat... what could be more fun?

Go visit This Life of Ours pronto!
{xoxo, Trishy!}

Hugs n smooches!


PS- Looking for new followers or fun new blogs? Don't forget that the Mingle Monday blog hop is open until Wednesday at midnight.
Stop by and get your blog some exposure!


Meg's Skinny Crockpot Chili

It's a whopping 3 degrees here in lovely Kansas City...
which means it's perfect for some tasty chili! Whether it's frigid where you are too, this chili recipe is a keeper.

For those of you wonderful people who have tried my recipes before, you know that I love to put a healthy, yet tasty, spin on delicious classics. My Skinny Crockpot Chili is no different! What a great way to sneak lots of yummy veggies into your meal without even realizing it!

Whether you are trying to stick to your healthy new year's resolutions or just want to cook an easy and delicious meal for your family... you have to try this one! Low carb, high fiber, high protein - it will keep you full for hours!

{ Meg's Skinny Crockpot Chili }


2 pounds Jennie-O ground extra lean turkey
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large yellow onion chopped
1 green bell pepper chopped
1 red pepper chopped
2 cloves garlic minced
3 (15 ounce) cans chili beans in spicy sauce
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1/2 cup water
2 packets of spicy chili seasoning
(you can use 1 packet of regular and 1 packet of spicy if you don't want as much kick.)


1) Turn on crockpot to high.

2) Add chili beans, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce water and chili seasoning. stir well to blend all ingredients.

3) Heat skillet with 2 Tbl. olive oil on medium high.

4) Saute the chopped green pepper, red pepper, garlic and onion for approximately 5 minutes. Onion should be soft and translucent. Add to crockpot and stir.

5) Cook ground turkey until it is no longer pink. Add to crockpot.

6) Blend all ingredients well and place the lid on the crockpot. Place temperature on high to be ready in 2 hours, or low for an all day simmer.

7) Once ready to eat, garnish bowls with reduced fat cheddar cheese. ENJOY!


Well there you have it! Super easy to throw together a healthy meal before work. Nothing beats coming home to the amazing smell of a Chili dinner!

PS- Go visit Meg Cooks for more yummy recipes!

Bon Appetit!


PS- Looking for new followers or fun new blogs? Don't forget that the Mingle Monday blog hop is open until Wednesday at midnight.
Stop by and get your blog some exposure!
